Request sanctions as reimbursement for the motion. Paragraph (d)(2) is new and corresponds to the new Rule 26(b)(5). We will continue to monitor case law arising from this developing area of the law and provide Client Alerts as these decisions unfold. Subparagraph (c)(3)(A) identifies those circumstances in which a subpoena must be quashed or modified. Procedures for issuing a subpoena, whether for a person to appear for deposition, or for a person to provide copies of documents, are clearly outlined in the jurisdictions Rules of Court. If the court orders further discovery, it is possible that retransfer may be important to enforce the order. Paragraph (b)(1) retains the text of the former subdivision (c) with minor changes. 29, 1985, eff. 0000032843 00000 n
These filings and docket sheets should not be considered findings of fact or liability, nor do they necessarily reflect the view of Justia. Northern District. WebThere is no requirement that the motion to quash a subpoena contain a meet and confer declaration. 29, 1980, eff. The prime concern should be avoiding burdens on local nonparties subject to subpoenas, and it should not be assumed that the issuing court is in a superior position to resolve subpoena-related motions. July 1, 1970; Apr. The enforcement of such subpoenas by the district courts is regulated by appropriate statutes. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed an ex parte Motion to Compel Apple to unlock Farooks encrypted iPhone. (See Pitchess, supra, 11 Cal.3d at p. 537. The rule does not limit the court's authority to order notice of receipt of produced materials or access to them. The United States Supreme Court has stated that a fundamental principle of the common law is that the public . In addition, the amendments introduce authority in new Rule 45(f) for the court where compliance is required to transfer a subpoena-related motion to the court where the action is pending on consent of the person subject to the subpoena or in exceptional circumstances. :$"wI Call Us (916) 263-0541 2485 Natomas Park Drive Suite 540 Sacramento, CA 95833. In re: Motion to Compel Compliance with a Subpoena Ad Testificandum. 213 (E.D. Often contempt proceedings will be initiated by an order to show cause, and an order to comply or be held in contempt may modify the subpoena's command. 25, 2005, eff. This subdivision is amended in seven significant respects. 120)). The statement must be certified by the server. The liability of the attorney is correlative to the expanded power of the attorney to issue subpoenas. Defendant and the District Attorney asserted that Facebooks business model placed it outside key provisions of the SCA and rendered it subject to an enforceable state subpoena. at 2025.480 (citing 2016.040).) Although the subpoena is in a sense the command of the attorney who completes the form, defiance of a subpoena is nevertheless an act in defiance of a court order and exposes the defiant witness to contempt sanctions. The objections or other responses to a business records subpoena are the deposition record for purposes of measuring the 60day period for a motion to compel. This extension is subject to the qualification provided in the next paragraph, which authorizes the court to condition enforcement of a subpoena compelling a non-party witness to bear substantial expense to attend trial. It restates the former provisions with respect to the limits of mandatory travel that are set forth in the former paragraphs (d)(2) and (e)(1), with one important change. (Code Civ. (B) Information Produced. 30b.21, Case 1, 1 F.R.D. Parties desiring access to information produced in response to the subpoena will need to follow up with the party serving it or the person served to obtain such access. But thats simply not true. Where the responding is a no-show as described above, you may file a simpler declaration stating that you contacted the witness about their nonappearance. section 2701 et seq. Defendant argued in his brief opposing the motion to quash that he had established the requisite plausible justification (see, e.g., City of Alhambra v. Superior Court (2nd Dist. WebCalifornia. The Rules of Court of each jurisdiction are very specific as to how this information can be requested, and how the other party must respond including a very tight timeline. These simplify the form of subpoena as provided in U.S.C., Title 28, [former] 655 (Witnesses; subpoena; form; attendance under); and broaden U.S.C., Title 28, [former] 636 (Production of books and writings) to include all actions, and to extend to any person. Courts have agreed that notice must be given prior to the return date, and have tended to converge on an interpretation that requires notice to the parties before the subpoena is served on the person commanded to produce or permit inspection. The Supreme Court also elaborated on the Alhambra factor concerning third-party privacy/government interest intrusions. Connor Sport Court International, Inc., v. Google Inc. ), The broad scope of discovery is equally applicable to discovery of information from a nonparty as it is to parties in the pending suit. (Dodd v. Cruz (2014) 223 Cal.App.4th 933, 939-940 (citations and quotations omitted).) It replaces and enlarges on the former subdivision (b) of this rule and tracks the provisions of Rule 26(c). Reddits rejection prompted the filmmakers to file a motion to compel. (Id. No affidavit or declaration showing good cause is required. Rule 45 (d) (2 (B) (i). (B) inspection of premises at the premises to be inspected. 0000001438 00000 n
(Id. Oct. 20, 1949; Mar. WebCalifornia Department of Justice; or the California Electronic Intercept Court Order System, regarding wiretap interception orders for the Gonzalez, and Armando Acosta, filed the instant motion to compel compliance with the subpoena. A motion to compel is a written motion in which you ask the court to force the other side in a lawsuit to do something. Note to Subdivision (d). The rule provides that if these attorneys are authorized to practice in the court where the motion is made, they may file papers and appear in the court in which the action is pending in relation to the motion as officers of that court. Plaintiffs have subsequently filed a cross-motion to compel the deposition of Dr. Terrebonne. The Fourth District directed the trial court to vacate its order denying Facebooks motion to quash, and to enter a new order granting the motion. ), The Court explained that although no substantial showing was required to issue a criminal subpoena duces tecum, in order to defend such a subpoena against a motion to quash, the subpoenaing party must at that point establish good cause to acquire the subpoenaed records. Clause (c)(3)(A)(iv) requires the court to protect all persons from undue burden imposed by the use of the subpoena power. 02-11-040. All that seems required is a simple certification on a copy of the notice to take a deposition that the notice has been served on every other party to the action. Defendant Lance Touchstone[5] was charged with shooting and attempting to murder Jeffrey Renteria. Notably, nonparty businesses may cite their own privacy as basis for not complying with your subpoena. WebMotion to Compel Further Response 45 days CCP 2033.290(c) Reasonable Time DEPOSITIONS Notice of Deposition Notice period 10 days prior CCP 2025.270(a) Reasonable Time Date of Deposition (non-consumer) Objections 3 days prior by personal service CCP 2025.410(a),(b) Reasonable Time SUBPOENAS Non-Consumer Subpoena Motions for such orders and responses to motions are subject to the sanctions provisions of Rules 7 and 11. See Note to Rule 1, supra. A subpoena may command: (A) production of documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things at a place within 100 miles of where the person resides, is employed, or regularly transacts business in person; and. The fact that a person or entity is a nonparty to an action does not permit them to refuse to comply with the California discovery statutes. Paragraph (d)(1) extends to non-parties the duty imposed on parties by the last paragraph of Rule 34(b), which was added in 1980. ), In responding to a subpoena for business records, the nonparty business must deliver the records within twenty days of issuance, or fifteen days after the service, of the deposition subpoena, whichever date is earlier. (Code Civ. 15 for discussion of Facebook v. Superior Court (Hunter). Specifically, Defendant contended that he had a viable claim of self-defense against Renteria, and that he required the communications to investigate and present that affirmative defense. Such a person is entitled to protection that may be secured through an objection made pursuant to paragraph (c)(2). If an objection is made, the following rules apply: (i) At any time, on notice to the commanded person, the serving party may move the court for the district where compliance is required for an order compelling production or inspection. Note to Subdivision (e). Subpoenas were long issued by specific order of the court. App.3d 1309, 1313] Move to Compel Additional Answers 45 days. The subpoena should describe the records sought with reasonable particularity. Subdivision (c). A party receiving a discovery request who asserts a privilege or protection but fails to disclose that claim is at risk of waiving the privilege or protection. In this example, the Motion to Compel Discovery is not likely to be well received by the court, as Mary prevented her attorney from granting a reasonable extension of time, and no good faith attempt to resolve the issue was made. Defendants have filed a Motion to Compel Production by Berkadia of Rule 30(b)(6) See California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1985. ( Code of Civ. ), In moving to compel the nonparty, you may decide to seek sanctions. Unfortunately, the authorities were unable to break into the encrypted information on the phone, so they sought the help of Apple in unlocking the information. The non-party witness is subject to the same scope of discovery under this rule as that person would be as a party to whom a request is addressed pursuant to Rule 34. The latter development is reflected in the provisions of subdivision (c) of this rule, and also in the requirement imposed by paragraph (3) of this subdivision that the attorney issuing a subpoena must sign it. To protect a person subject to or affected by a subpoena, the court for the district where compliance is required may, on motion, quash or modify the subpoena if it requires: (i) disclosing a trade secret or other confidential research, development, or commercial information; or. Rule 45(c)(1)(A) does not authorize a subpoena for trial to require a party or party officer to travel more than 100 miles unless the party or party officer resides, is employed, or regularly transacts business in person in the state. The traveling non-party witness may be entitled to reasonable compensation for the time and effort entailed. 0000013172 00000 n
A person served a subpoena that is too broad may be faced with a burdensome task to provide full information regarding all that person's claims to privilege or work product protection. The procedure is thus analogous to that provided in Rule 34. In December, 2015, a man went into a center for people with developmental disabilities, and opened fire, killing 14 people. (2) Is the sought material adequately described and not overly broad? Your motion should include a meet-and-confer declaration. (2) Service in the United States. This seven-factor test was based on a list discussed in the Alhambra opinion[7] and on text from a leading criminal discovery treatise. The Supreme Court stressed that especially at the time when ruling on a motion to squash a subpoena, the judicial officer must assess and balance such factors. 30, 2007, eff. The Court declared that an appropriate assessment of a social media users rights implicated by such a subpoena would take into account the likelihood that the asserted connection between an underlying crime and any sought private communications actually exists. Refusal to grant a reasonable extension of time when requested would not be looked upon favorably should the requesting party file a Motion to Compel Discovery. The first sentence is directed to depositions taken in the judicial district in which the deponent resides; the second sentence addresses situations in which the deponent is not a resident of the district in which the deposition is to take place. A subpoena commanding attendance at a deposition must state the method for recording the testimony. (vkdlc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/28/2023) (1) Resolving any discovery disputes and setting a discovery schedule; (2) Identifying and, if possible, informally resolving any anticipated motions; (3) Identifying the facts and issues in the case that are uncontested and may be the subject of stipulation; (4) Identifying the facts and issues in the case that are in dispute; There are cases in which a party provides incomplete answers to interrogatories (written questions), skips questions, or flatly refuses to answer some questions. The serving party must file its motion to compel in the court where compliance is required. Judge Cantil-Sakauye, who wrote the Courts opinion, also wrote a concurring opinion elaborating on the business model theory, deeming it an issue that deserves additional and focused attention, perhaps on remand in this case or at least in other similar future litigation. Judge Cuellar wrote a separate concurring opinion stating: The companies storing ever-expanding troves of data about our lives would surely benefit from greater clarity about the full extent of their responsibility to honor a valid subpoena.. If that showing is made, the court may nonetheless order discovery from such sources if the requesting party shows good cause, considering the limitations of Rule 26(b)(2)(C). Subpoenas are essential to obtain discovery from nonparties. There is no satisfactory reason for a differentiation between a subpoena for the production of documentary evidence by a witness at a trial (Rule 45(a)) and for the production of the same evidence at the taking of a deposition. Most often, motions to compel are used in discovery disputes when one party doesnt want to answer questions or sit for a deposition. For the instant case, the Court elaborated on two of the seven factors. The subpoena process is available to compel the attendance of a witness who may This amendment completes the notice provisions to ensure that a nonparty deponent has notice of the recording method when the recording method is described only in the deposition notice. WebPending before this Court is the Motion to Compel Production of Documents in Response to Subpoena Duces Tecum served by defendant Philip Morris Incorporated on third party respondent University of Southern California (USC). [3] See Client Alert Vol. If the party claimed he didnt have the information or items requested, the moving party will want him to state on the record that he doesnt have them. Serving a subpoena requires delivering a copy to the named person and, if the subpoena requires that person's attendance, tendering the fees for 1 day's attendance and the mileage allowed by law. (iv) set out the text of Rule 45(d) and (e). Facebook suggested that the Supreme Courts opinion in Facebook (Hunter) supra, 4 Cal.5th 1245 had already determined that Facebook operated as a provider of either ECS or RCS, and hence was covered by the SCA. Code, 1560(b)(2) (requiring nonparty business to respond within 15 days of service).) As this became a burden to the court, general orders were made authorizing clerks to issue subpoenas on request. Sanctions are mandatory against any party, person, or attorney who unsuccessfully makes or opposes a motion to compel a motion for production. (Code Civ. As in Rule 34, this change recognizes that on occasion the opportunity to perform testing or sampling may be important, both for documents and for electronically stored information. The rule is also amended to clarify that contempt sanctions may be applied to a person who disobeys a subpoena-related order, as well as one who fails entirely to obey a subpoena. In Rule 45(a)(1)(D), "person" is substituted for "party" because the subpoena may be directed to a nonparty. Dec. 1, 1991; Apr. Former Rule 45(b)(1) required prior notice to each party of any commanded production of documents and things or inspection of premises. 7th Circuit To explore this concept, consider the following Motion to Compel definition. (ii) disclosing an unretained expert's opinion or information that does not describe specific occurrences in dispute and results from the expert's study that was not requested by a party. (3) Service in a Foreign Country. [Omitted], The changes from the published proposed amendment are shown below. (2) Issuing Court. Section 2025.440 states that if a deponent fails to attend a deposition, the Court may hold that witness in contempt. It is not intended to diminish rights conferred by Rules 2637 or any other authority. It corresponds to Rule 26(c)(7). Subdivision (e)(1). Failing to provide full responses to discovery requests, or to respond on time, is the topic of most motions to compel. As described in the Report, the published preliminary draft was modified in several ways after the public comment period. Reddits rejection prompted the filmmakers to file a motion to compel. In addition, as under Rule 34(b), Rule 45(d)(1)(B) is amended to provide that if the subpoena does not specify the form or forms for electronically stored information, the person served with the subpoena must produce electronically stored information in a form or forms in which it is usually maintained or in a form or forms that are reasonably usable. Requests for Admissions. 17 [discovery context]. << / No. [13] Alhambra, supra, 205 Cal.App.3d at p. 1134 [discovery context]. (Remington, 1932) 1218. 12, 2006, eff. Arrange Travel and Lodging for the Witness. The couple is embroiled in a hotly disputed divorce, so Mary is pleased by the idea of taking her ex to court. (A) Appearance Not Required. Rule 45(c)(1) addresses a subpoena to testify at a trial, hearing, or deposition. The letter made it clear to the DOJ that Apple had no intention of complying with the courts order. Code, 1060]). (b) This motion shall be made no later than 60 days after the completion of the record of the deposition, and shall be accompanied by a meet and confer declaration Like Rule 34(b), Rule 45(a)(1) is amended to provide that the subpoena can designate a form or forms for production of electronic data. 4 0 obj 445 [now 1984] (Actions on claims; jurisdiction; parties; procedure; limitation; witnesses; definitions) (Veterans; insurance contracts). For examples of statutes which allow the court, upon proper application and cause shown, to authorize the clerk of the court to issue a subpoena for a witness who lives in another district and at a greater distance than 100 miles from the place of the hearing or trial, see: 23 (Suits by United States; subpoenas for witnesses) (under antitrust laws). ), Inadequate responses = 60 days. See generally Maurer, Compelling the Expert Witness: Fairness and Utility Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure , 19 GA.L.REV. Under Rules 45(d)(2)(b), 45(d)(3), and 45(e)(2)(B), subpoena-related motions and applications are to be made to the court where compliance is required under Rule 45(c). The provision requires the court to condition a subpoena requiring travel of more than 100 miles on reasonable compensation. The trial court found that Defendant established good cause to acquire the communications requested from Facebook and denied Facebooks motion to quash. Practice in some states has long authorized such use of a subpoena for this purpose without apparent adverse consequence. (1) Producing Documents or Electronically Stored Information. Proc., at 2023.030. The Committee has been informed that parties serving subpoenas frequently fail to give the required notice to the other parties. But when production or inspection is sought independently of a deposition, other parties may need notice in order to monitor the discovery and in order to pursue access to any information that may or should be produced. As stated in Kaufman v. Edelstein, 539 F.2d 811, 822 (2d Cir. Rule 45(d)(1)(D) is added to provide that the responding person need not provide discovery of electronically stored information from sources the party identifies as not reasonably accessible, unless the court orders such discovery for good cause, considering the limitations of Rule 26(b)(2)(C), on terms that protect a nonparty against significant expense. Subpoena. 1997) (allowing enforcement of deposition subpoena notwithstanding 24 month delay given absence of prejudice). Further decisional and statutory authority on this topic is abundant, and is not the focus of this article. Sometimes a party refuses to hand over copies of requested documents, or claims to not have any pertinent documents, when the requesting party is sure that is not true. In a California proceeding, a Subpoenas may be used to compel a California nonpartys production of documents. The government suggests this tool could only be used once, on one phone. WebMV&P makes its motion pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure 2025.450. On motion to compel discovery or for a protective order, the person responding must show that the information is not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost. The day the discovery was due, Neals attorney called Marys attorney to say that it was taking longer than expected to get the documents together, and to ask for an extension of time. Format of discovery motions (a) Separate statement required Any motion involving the content of a discovery request or the Rule 45(f) provides authority for that court to transfer the motion to the court where the action is pending. (See e.g., Santa Clara General Rule 6 (mandating electronic service except when personal service is required by statute or rule).). Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules1980 Amendment. 0000032298 00000 n
(D) Inaccessible Electronically Stored Information. The amendment makes the reach of a subpoena of a district court at least as extensive as that of the state courts of general jurisdiction in the state in which the district court is held. Production of Business Records including attorney's fees. WebAnd, unless prejudice is shown, "a motion to compel filed during the discovery period would rarely be considered untimely." (Pitchess v. Superior Court (1974) 11 Cal.3d 531, 535; City of Woodlake v. Tulare County Grand Jury (5th Dist. (B) Objections. Defendant supported his demands for Renterias Facebook communications by offering a sealed declaration describing and quoting certain public Facebook posts made by Renteria after the shooting that, Defendant asserted, revealed Renterias violent general thoughts. (h) (Board of Arbitration under Railway Labor Act), U.S.C., Title 45, 222(b) (Investigation Commission under Railroad Retirement Act of 1935), U.S.C., Title 46 [App. In some circumstances, however, transfer may be warranted in order to avoid disrupting the issuing court's management of the underlying litigation, as when that court has already ruled on issues presented by the motion or the same issues are likely to arise in discovery in many districts. La. The court is not required to fix the costs in advance of production, although this will often be the most satisfactory accommodation to protect the party seeking discovery from excessive costs. 0000012093 00000 n
Compare U.S.C., Title 11, [former] 69 (Referees in bankruptcy; contempts before) (production of books and writings) which is not affected by this rule. If the court rules that discovery is not justified, that should end the matter. Ass'n, 38 N.Y.2d 397, 380 N.Y.S.2d 635, 343 N.E.2d 278 (1975), and the duty of the attorney to the non-party is also embodied in Model Rule of Professional Conduct 4.4. 1976), the district court's discretion in these matters should be informed by the degree to which the expert is being called because of his knowledge of facts relevant to the case rather than in order to give opinion testimony; the difference between testifying to a previously formed or expressed opinion and forming a new one; the possibility that, for other reasons, the witness is a unique expert; the extent to which the calling party is able to show the unlikelihood that any comparable witness will willingly testify; and the degree to which the witness is able to show that he has been oppressed by having continually to testify. 16, 2013, eff. The giving of the notice shall have the same effect as service of a subpoena on the witness, and the parties shall have those rights and the court may make those orders, including the imposition of sanctions, as in the case of WebCalifornias Form Interrogatories- General (DISC-001) are designed to help attorneys ascertain basic information from defendants, including insurance coverage information, with minimal controversy or work involved. A person responding to a subpoena to produce documents must produce them as they are kept in the ordinary course of business or must organize and label them to correspond to the categories in the demand. Inspection or testing of certain types of electronically stored information or of a person's electronic information system may raise issues of confidentiality or privacy. (2) For Other Discovery. (f) Transferring a Subpoena-Related Motion. 28 U.S.C. 20 29
18 CFR 385.410 - Objections to discovery, motions to quash or to compel, and protective orders (Rule 410). Necessarily accompanying the evolution of this power of the lawyer as officer of the court is the development of increased responsibility and liability for the misuse of this power. Clifton Smoot is an attorney on the Leary Trial Team at The Veen Firm, PC, San Francisco. WebMotion to Quash Subpoena Duces Tecum must be served on defense counsel at least five days before date for production of documents [CCP 1985.3(g), 1985.6(f)(2)] Note: Court may still grant a motion to quash after this time. 0000024650 00000 n
This change is intended to ease the administrative burdens of inter-district law practice. The place of compliance in new Rule 45(c)(2)(A) was changed to a place "within 100 miles of where the person resides, is employed or regularly conducts business." Purposes of Revision. Rule 30(b)(3) permits another party to designate an additional method of recording with prior notice to the deponent and the other parties. Rule 45(c) provides protection against undue impositions on nonparties. To protect local nonparties, local resolution of disputes about subpoenas is assured by the limitations of Rule 45(c) and the requirements in Rules 45(d) and (e) that motions be made in the court in which compliance is required under Rule 45(c). The Rule, as currently constituted, creates anomalous situations that often cause logistical problems in conducting litigation. When the nonparty fails to cooperate with your subpoena, the Code provides that you may move for an order compelling production. The FBI tracked the purchase of the gun used in the shooting to Syed Farook, then surrounded his home in a standoff. WebSection 2025.450 - Motion to compel deponent testimony and production (a) If, after service of a deposition notice, a party to the action or an officer, director, managing agent, or See also Wright v. Jeep Corporation, 547 F. Supp. Rule 46. The Court further agrees that WebThe motion to compel must set forth specific facts showing good cause justifying the discovery sought by the demand. (Code Civ. 0000024153 00000 n
Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules1946 Amendment. WebA subpoena duces tecum is an Order that requires a witness to bring documents, books or other items under his, her or their control, that he she or they is bound by law to produce into evidence. Disclaimer: Justia Dockets & Filings provides public litigation records from the federal appellate and district courts. As Motions to Compel Discovery are the most common type of motion to compel, the filing party will need to explain to the judge why the information sought from the opposing party is important to his case. If the judge concludes that the prosecutor has met this burden, the judge will issue a subpoena, with a copy of the certificate described in Step 2 attached, directing W to testify in State A. A command to produce documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things or to permit the inspection of premises may be included in a subpoena commanding attendance at a deposition, hearing, or trial, or may be set out in a separate subpoena. WebFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, v. JOSEPH ORTIZ, et al., Defendants. He is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University and UC Hastings College of the Law, where he received recognition for his Outstanding Pro Bono Service and was awarded the Pfaff Trial Lawyer Scholarship. Accordingly, the Supreme Court directed the Court of Appeal to vacate the trial courts denial of the motion to quash and instructed the trial court to reconsider that motion consistent with the Courts guidance in this case. The deponent is afforded full protection since he can object, thereby forcing the party serving the subpoena to obtain a court order if he wishes to inspect and copy. That interpretation is adopted in amended Rule 45(b)(1) to give clear notice of general present practice. Depositions of parties, and officers, directors, and managing agents of parties need not involve use of a subpoena. State statutes and rules of court are quite likely to reflect the varying degrees of difficulty and expense attendant upon local travel. Constituted, creates anomalous situations that often cause logistical problems in conducting litigation or opposes a motion to compel used... Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 19 GA.L.REV provides that you may decide to sanctions. Of such subpoenas by the demand opened fire, killing 14 people 45 ( d ) ( )! Basis for not complying with the courts order method for recording the testimony Inaccessible Electronically Stored Information within..., CA 95833 this became a burden to the DOJ that Apple had intention. For people with developmental disabilities, and managing agents of parties, and opened fire killing... 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Rules 2637 or any other authority Justice ( DOJ ) filed an ex parte motion to quash the witness. Give clear notice of general present practice to California Code of Civil Procedure 2025.450 used,... Regulated by appropriate statutes v. JOSEPH ORTIZ, et al., Defendants and expense attendant upon local travel fail... Dodd v. Cruz ( 2014 ) 223 Cal.App.4th 933, 939-940 ( citations and omitted... Department of Justice ( DOJ ) filed an ex parte motion to compel must set specific... Given absence of prejudice ). shooting to Syed Farook, then surrounded his home a! One party doesnt want to answer questions or sit for a motion to compel subpoena california, the Code provides you... N Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules1946 amendment described and not overly broad, person or... Defendant established good cause is required compel must set forth specific facts showing good cause to acquire communications... 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