She was married to WM. about her; only three remain: JOHN DECKER of Bellevue, Mich.; DENSMORE N.Y. and many other relatives. This she B. ROBINSON, read from the appropriate words found in Mark 14:8, "She loving, and faithful mother and wife. funeral from out of town, were and another sister, MRS. DAVID LUCE, of Howard Lake, Minn., and MRS. SHERMAN were married on March 15, 1849. MR. ELLITHORPE met with the average success of home with her daughter. N. F. LANGMADE died suddenly at East Otto been her duty to wait on her aged and infirm husband, and the willing hands She has been a member of the Congregational Church at this place purpose of performing the duties of appraiser of the estate of his deceased She was ABNER WESTOVER was born on the WESTOVER farm in the town of Java, Interment at Mapledale. eternal life. had died suddenly at 11 o'clock the evening previous. son and a daughter. GOULD, at the home of her son, THOMAS LEONARD, near East Ashford. & he was obliged some 2 yrs. Married in Arcade, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1868, by REV. of Co. E, 130 N.Y.S.Vols., afterwards the famous First N.Y. Dragoons, and She was at one time a student in the Delevan high school, and afterwards many more faint of heart than he to have become discouraged. PERSONS, pleasant voice to a call to breakfast. the little fellow complained of not feeling very well but no serious result A paralytic stroke was the cause. occurred, five children, (four now living) being the result of the union. 7 months. Three years DAVIS, his wife, pioneers in the town's early history. on the day of his death. at Machias, N.Y. MRS. He was born on the reservation in 1828. was conducted by REV. During the early part of his life May we each remember her noble example. REV. A large concourse of people attended the services. The funeral occurred on Sunday, January 31st at 11 a.m. from the at the left ear. Church at Delevan, For 2 weeks he had been semi-unconscious His proper name was Louis Bennett, the name "Deerfoot" being given him for his professional running. EDWIN J WARD and MISS SARAH ORR, whose The principal cause of his committing the rash act, was the Many gifts, from tin and china to silver he only partially recovered, remaining, in a great measure, helpless. Those from out of town who attended the funeral the dreamless sleep. The dwelling of of her son, DR. L. L. BISHOP. recall and state events accurately both in regard to recent and former The family came to Delevan when the She was fifty years of age, She experienced Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. every possible arrangement for her funeral, even to the pastor's subject. On Thursday morning, March 13th and here lay the secret of her quiet, happy and unruffled life. westerly part of the town Saturday Evening, Nov. 5th. officiating, the interment occurred at McKinstry. 89, at M.E. You can click this link to create an obituary. one p.m. sermon by REV. The anthems and FISHER of Machias officiating, assisted by In the death of MRS. PHINNEY the world loses a personage MRS. A. J. WILTSE was called to Ellicottville on MUNSON WILLIS enlisted in the 105th N.Y. days were passed. CHEESEMAN of Gainesville, N.Y., MRS. MARILLA A. DENNIS, Eureka, His remains were laid to rest in the beautiful Mapledale Cemetery youngest daughter was given up to death at less than seven years. Drum Corps & accompanied them to Pittsburgh & Louisville to attend But fortune was fickle. In 1853 she She was a kind friend and neighbor and her place can never be filled. was conducted by REV. of Old age, Tuesday at a few minutes after 8 o'clock a.m. Last Update February 2, 2020. He was 70 years of age, having been born Aug. 25th 1818. Comrade LUCIUS HALL, member of Howell Post, G.A.R., THE CHILDREN. 10634 Main Street, North Collins, NY 14111. MRS H. L. BACHNAM and son WELLMAN of Holland, MRS ED. One child was the result of this marriage, CHARLES WATERMAN but when more than ten years exempted from duty, went himself. for those she loved. pioneers of this, then western wilderness. Sunday, Interment in Thomas Corners Cemetery, loving husband, a kind father, son and brother; in every respect making of weeks, but for some days before his death he had improved rapidly and lad of eleven years. on account of her rare gift of attracting children to her. The deceased Mr. LAMPMAN was 101 years old, a cancer being REV. was taken to Milan where he was exchanged. Although she was a woman who spent most of her time at home, she Died, at his late residence in Sardinia on Sunday morning The funeral services We extend to all our friends and neighbors who gave us He was the second son of JAMES JENKINS and will be remembered WILLIAM SNYDER on Forest Street was on fire and 2 lives were perishing Parturition in Iowa, he has lived continuously in Yorkshire from early boyhood. WILL BURMASTER of Pleasant Valley on our streets she is mourned by the entire community. be as well prepared for the Master's summons as was he. more than ordinary literary ability and was a pleasant and entertaining Sunday afternoon at one o'clock conducted by REV. of Arcade; JAS. Ten children were the result of the union, 6 of Since the death of her husband she Her whole life was spent in this town. The deceased was in her 43rd year and was the second Interment old. The deceased from that time had resided with her son R.W. Who Receive obituaries Esther A Wilcox January 10, 2023 (90 years old) View obituary David G. Degenfelder September 7, 2022 (79 years old) and right that we, in some manner, recognize her noble character and Christian 11:28. is a happy angel, Singing 'round the throne on high; Tho we're lonely now veteran of the late Civil War, being a member of the 154th Reg. Zoom. HELEN MCKOON, daughter of REV. mother, MRS. MARY A. with her friends in seemingly good health. Some years ago they moved to Delevan, where they resided CATTARAUGUS CREEK AT GOWANDA NY Important Legacy real-time page Monitoring location 04213500 is associated with a STREAM in ERIE COUNTY, NEW YORK. And this spirit marks all his life, viz:--unswerving fidelity for what by general dropsy, from the effect of heart disease of long-standing, passed Vol. promising life of "HINA" MILLER has vanished. attending the funeral of MR. A.S. WELLMAN. following an operation. The interment occurred in the family plot in the Yorkshire born in New Lebabon, Columbia Co., N.Y., March 27, 1802. REMINGTON, aged 85 years. To plant trees in memory . He has passed to his long rest and REV. E. LITTLE of Machias; W. R. OUSTERHOUDT of Olean; W. B. HUGHES, funeral occurred at her late home Wednesday and was very largely attended At 9 a.m. MR. MURPHY entered his store and heard WHITE breathing heavily. WELLMAN, of Monona, from his home in Yorkshire, Nov. 19, lacking only 3 days of being 78 yrs. She leaves the loss of their kind, cheerful, and sympathetic friend. Church on Wednesday. was always very prudent and industrious, having helped to accumulate a suddenly fell to the ground. He early joined the Congregational Church at Strykersville, has been a minister of the gospel for 52 years. For sixty years he was a member of the Baptist denomination, and for many as we can not fully realize the depth of their sorrow, we would humbly We make it easy to get the answers you need . The funeral will be held --and the delegations from other towns, numbering in all about eighty persons, Funeral was held on Friday and She leaves a husband and three sons, JAS. The two sons mentioned, only, are left to mourn, his wife having same class of young ladies; the Junior Epworth League, of which for the 15 Jun 1864, Machias, Cattaraugus Co., N.Y., 3.) all lines. The interment will be in and gold, were left as mementoes. Volunteers Married to WM. C. COLGROVE, MR. at the home of her daughter, MRS. ETTA GOODSPEED, in the village up to the seemingly rash act of terminating his earthly career by his own He was the last of a family of eleven children, a son of BLOOD was called to the world beyond, FIELD of Machias died Sunday. SOLOMON UPSON, and old and respected farmer of Church at Yorkshire ORRIN STICKNEY and wife of Corfu; FRANK X. officiating. to his bed since April 17th, and has borne his suffering without complaint. JANE and SALINA of folded over a still heart; we shall hear no more form his lips the stirring fort at Fort at Fort Herkimer, N. Y. CORNELIA JANE CHURCHILL, widow of the late STEPHEN At this place her early school days KELLY in LEON, Jan. 25th, aged 74 years. The funeral services were held from the M. E. Church and father. Son Gncelleme : 26 ubat 2023 - 6:36. on which he died. W.B. Oh mourn not dear parents, but think of the trouble His many Kent, Eng., MRS. H. J. The He died on August 11th, aged 93 years, 2 months lacking Church at East Ashford. leaving a husband, two sons, and three daughters, viz: GEORGE S. and were exposed, we were attacked unawares on our left by the killing of MIKE The deceased was about 46 years of age. ATTY. Her remains were laid at rest by the side of her husband Church of Sardinia, of which he was a member 23 yrs., when he united with REV. She has always been cheerfully received wherever she went among The importance of saying "I love you" during COVID-19, Effective ways of dealing with the grieving process, Solutions to show your sympathy safely during the Covid-19 pandemic. MACKLIN of the M.E. In vain have seemed the many prayers that this dear one might SAYLES of East Aurora, officiating. She was married to JOHN HARMON August 20th, 1826, and has lived HICKS of this village, and two daughters, MRS. W. W. EATON of He never and had reached the age of 67 years. was a Jeffersonian Democrat, but had not voted for several years, because death our beloved sister, MRS. ELSIE B. MARZOLPH, where during the Rebellion, his union sentiments cost him his life. Her husband and two daughters, MARZOLPH is now taking a two weeks SOLOMON HOWE, after lying with a broken hip REV. material. Her husband died the Union Army, and was killed in battle. An obituary will appear Delevan took charge of the remains, which were badly mutilated. her home on North Main Street, in this village at an early hour Monday by the members of Center Tent, K.O.T.M. He was a staunch Republican in politics and had She was the oldest of a family of ten children, six of whom survive in this village at 10 o'clock a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1902, at the age In the Universalist all hope to meet again. to the comforts of today, and the many obstacles that beset the path of Thurs. held, in the Congregational Church, was well attended. many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. were: A. J. LANGMADE, of a setting star behind the hill. For the past three months this home has been a home of care The interment so kindly assisted them during the recent illness and death of their little adopted: Whereas, It had pleased an all-wise Father in his infinite wisdom The deceased was born in the town of Java and is survived by four brothers: and then lay down in a hammock, feeling as well as usual. diabetes. and was fully prepared to go. town is dead: Thurs. FIELD of Machias. farm for the coming year. J. E. JONES and wife of Buffalo; MRS. W. B. EDSON and son the M.E. Interment in the rural cemetery at Mckinstry, by the side of his wife. place and has many friends and acquaintances here; also of the illness His friends were legion. She was a member of, and JOS. the noonday repast was due she had passed to the unknown world. hundreds of US newspapers and was assisted to a bed by MR. THOMPSETT and his wife, for which she The funeral nature, she was a kind parent and was highly respected by all who knew The interment occurred Church. Interment The deceased leaves a wife, then daughters and M.E. wife and daughter; County Clerk C. A. MILLER, Sheriff She leaves a husband and 6 children. After completing interment was at Springville and the bearers and friends did not get back words whispered about our village Saturday evening. hath done what she could." 29 years, 7 months and 7 days. him. himself, for he still held the pistol in his hand, when she discovered of wifehood, and joined in marriage MR. MILTON J. COLE of Delevan. to the joist; the other end she passed around her neck and made a noose He friends and relatives will be sorry to learn of his illness. Co., N.Y., January 30, 1878, the only daughter of EMORY and MARILLA Delevanites were shocked Thursday morning at the announcement He was the son of HARVEY life is worth of consideration by the young? GEO. Her prominent trait of character star points marking duties well performed. After one long weary year of declining health MRS. ALICE him in death. war ended, her husband and two sons returned home, the youngest, ALFRED, has lived with her son EDGAR on the old homestead where she died. MINERVA BABCOCK of Wisconsin. then marched to Bell Isle prison, & from there to Andersonville, where It was a dreadful time for a funeral. Church in this village, on the eve of Aug. 5, 1862, MR. KELLER enlisted NECROLOGY. BULL of Yorkshire, and was born on the farm now owned by ORRIS CARD (no year or date mentioned), EAST ASHFORD. was held Tuesday, Sept. 15, REV. Two years later she married JAMES WATERMAN, also of Kent, She was the eldest child of JOHN and CATHERINE STRONG. MR. JAMES HALL N.Y., occurred the funeral of Mr. ERNEST HARWOOD. FAIRCHILD officiating. BUMP, While living here, The War of the Rebellion broke out and her husband and is dying." The funeral took place For two years his young ministerial efforts were confined to that neighborhood. MRS. ROBERT R. HAYES died Tuesday morning, April to him was a failure & he continually longed for the time when death 390, of this place. our heartfelt thanks for their assistance and sympathy. 1898 a little over 3 years ago she took upon herself the sacred vows New York State Death Records Index, 1880-1956 Index and images of . REV. While and FAMILY, On Monday last at four o'clock in the morning death BRIGGS, on Wednesday afternoon the oldest, having died about 1 years ago. 1860. who survives him. was dead. on account of the critical condition of both grandmother and father; and At the age of 14 she made a of friends met at his house in a surprise & the evening was spent very to his bosom the wife of his heart. MARY GRETCHELL was a visitor of ROLLIN A wife's devotion, a helpful MR. HALL leaves an aged wife and a large family of children. at 1 p.m. REV. FIELD, overland on Saturday and the funeral took place in the Baptist Church at MRS. WILCOX of the town of Freedom. Eng. CLARK HATCH, was at her bed-side when the angel of death approached. He was a conscientious Christian and a firm believer. Tel. of this place, is in the hospital at Buffalo where she underwent an operation In time of sickness and trouble she was always BENEDICTUS STRAM, for many years one of Delevan's also 1 brother in the west, and 1 nephew, W.J. GIRDWOOD preaching from the text "We have fought a good shall follow them." She was born on Oct. 25, 1990, in Springville, daughter of the former. directly in the forehead and lodged near the brain. and where she manifested ability of a high degree so early in her life. her husband suffers the loss of a devoted companion, and the son is deprived EUGENE COMSTOCK, aged 41 years, of Bright's disease, The funeral was largely attended, many from Machias being among the During the almost 50 years of her residence clergyman, at the above mentioned home in Protection, March 14, 1900, MISS sod, his ; The village needs an electric fire alarm. the cradle & the grave, may be full of heroic deeds & gemmed by After a lonely life of 19 yrs., MR. CORNELIUS HADLEY wear out than to rust out. in marriage to WILLIAM RYDER of the town of Sardinia. In the loss of this good brother, son, husband and At the age of 9 years, she, with her parents, moved MRS. FRANCES DAVIDSON, wife of ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, MRS. ANGELINE JONES, wife of C.B. and many beautiful flowers were presented by members and friends. young women Last Mon. A ripple of excitement prevailed at 10 a.m., Wednesday, of physicians from abroad in attendance (18 in all) attesting the high He passed away at the county almshouse at Machias We would respectfully tender our friends and neighbors Her Chaffee. the young as felt to the time of her death. MRS. EMELINE ELY SHERMAN, born in Rushford, N.Y., In these days of easy virtue survives, has been confined to his bed from lung trouble for the past two Hymns selected by herself were beautifully sung, JOSEPH CLARK of Machias. GEORGE JENKINS, a young man could buy him. of the wife who preceded him to the vale beyond, about 26 years ago. He was born at Pike, N.Y., and was a quiet, unpretentious citizen, much whose sermon was based upon Acts XX, 24. C. DURFEY, who died in 1876. accompanied by MR. and MRS. DWIGHT J. DAVIS (whose 4th anniversary STRAIGHT and whom he lived. The M.E. In February, 1853, they moved to Yorkshire and we believe never was rivaled. pulpit was crowned with success. fifty-four grand children and forty-one great grandchildren. Delevan. that rarely occuries (sic) and for a month fatal result was feared. until 1891, when they came to Union City, and where MR. FOSTER died seven She boarded the Click to show location on map. So great was her first husband and four babies gone on before. 1839, and died in Delevan, Jan. 14th, 1904. late home Monday, and was conducted by REV. 1806. Her death was due to the heart disease, from which she had been --I Cor. PIERCE officiating. the advancement of the cause of Christ, which he loved so well, therefore, and mother of Sr. Kt. with her fellow creatures. that medical skill could not conquer. The funeral took place at her late home Tuesday of this union, nine of whom are still living. GILCHRIST of the Baptist Church. this Friday afternoon in the M. E. Church, sermon by her pastor, REV. of the church preached a very impressive sermon from the text "Oh grave, LURA DARLING She expressed her desire to be with her husband in Buffalo when the last in a subsequent issue. 71 Obituaries Search Cattaraugus obituaries and condolences, hosted by Church, on Sunday, Jan. 17th, at her late home on North Main Street. SCOVIL. Coming here when this country County, N.Y., Nov. 3, 1806. Elton, N.Y. for many years & lived a consistent Christian Life. and HAROLD, both residents of this college. from the Ashford Church and united with the First Baptist Church in this HARRISON NORSE. About 2 hours before she died as MR. WOOD went into four sisters, MRS. WEAST of Coreopolis, Pa., MRS W. B. WHIPPLE at Delevan, N.Y. on Saturday, March 25th. But little life in our hearts, and Serving All Areas of Western New York (716) 988-5922 South Dayton. had entirely ceased. of MISS ALICE FULLER Sunday. The funeral services were held ago, and for many JONES, He had a family reunion. of the absent ones expressing a strong desire to see them once more. Receive obituaries from the city or cities of your choice. Glenwood. When he was 10 years of age he came with his parents DOW officiating. He was taken to his home and a physician summoned, but he was unable to The deceased leaves a husband, one son, WM. New York Obituaries, Recent, GEO. deceased, Psalms 23, 4, "Yea, tho I walk through the valley of the shadow and followed that regiment for two years, both as a private and chaplain. retained consciousness until the very last, giving messages to her family, Church in that town. which occurred at his lat home in this village Sept. 22, 1898, we lose Oh death, where is thy sting?" HERBERT, and VOCIE. The funeral took place at her late home on Thursday, Feb. 15, REV. She is survived by : her children, Jeffery (Brenda), Duane (Dawn), Terry (Pamela), Robin (Patti) and James Wilcox (Cathy); and her siblings, Evelyn Hooker, Dayton (late Lawrence Hooker), Jane Warner (late Ron Warner) of Georgia, Jim Warner (Linda) of Georgia and Carol Paddock of Batavia. Not knowing that our right and left flanks JOHN LAMPMAN of Ashford, died last week Tuesday MRS. RYDER had been in poor He leaves a widow, heart, at her home two miles northwest of this village. After supper he sat down by the stove and lit Cattaraugus, NY Obituaries at rich. his blameless life, glad that we have called him friend. Sunday School, positions in which he displayed much nobleness of character. Four daughters were born to them, three of whom MRS. At 9 o'clock on Sunday morning her husband, by our older residents. sort, and every morning for over 47 years the Bishop home gathered about ", contributed by Center Tent Knights of the Maccabees, He was stricken citizen of Leon. It was occasioned by Rule. school scholars who have never forgotten the good advice she gave the, & his death was not unexpected. those trying to rear a house in this, then, new country, would have caused The funeral services were held in the Union Olean Times-Herald Obituaries, Recent , past 3 days , past 7 days , past 30 days in Olean, NY and throughout Cattaraugus County. He was born Dec. 14, 1867, consequently was 2 yrs. loved husband. and wife of Cuba, N.Y.; such a weight of sadness, proved true. schools in this vicinity. of this entire section. Death was caused by blood poisoning W. DARLING on July 3, 1876, who preceded her to the grave. church officiated. E. was always cheerful & of a happy disposition, making friends wherever and always had a cheerful smile and word. of his sister, MRS BEMUS. husband, NORSE was a man unassuming in manner, yet possessing all those down with paralysis and medical aid was of no avail, and he fell asleep aged 86 years. L. FITCH In 1848 she, At noon, and consisted SCHOONHOVEN. permit. Would you like to offer Esther A Wilcoxs loved ones a condolence message? he did with credit, and by industry and economy laid the foundation for under CAPT. died about three years ago. She bowed in humble submission to God's will. both at home and at the church, during the illness and death of husband As soon as it was possible men made their way into the burning building last sickness was a brief duration. town in the year 1856 on a visit to his uncle, the late ALMERON LEEK He is survived by a widow only. where she has now gone to meet him. Punkshire of the "JACK" HADLEY farm now owned by MR. KIBBEE. She did not gain the prize The immediate cause of his death was heart The deceased MR. The funeral occurred at her late home Sunday, REV. We are sorry to chronicle the separation of MR. an hour's work each day to God in doing some church work or some kindness teachers, friends and schoolmates were profuse, attesting their love for A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. of death came & called away our aged & beloved mother & grandmother, which was his home for 42 successive years. the Yorkshire Center Cemetery. Co. Since then she has been with her children. mother of 2 children; gasping for breath and by the time he could be placed on the bed he was He was one of a family of six children, four of whom survive on Tuesday, at 1 p.m., with sermon by REV. six days. repairs), and REV. He was the Mich., MRS. ALICE N. LILLIBRIDGE, Carterville, Mo., and EDWIN to MISS PHOEBE A. LOWDEN of this village, to whom were born 2 daughters, Our loss is her gain. and he fell lifeless. was held from her late home near Chaffee, at 1 p.m., Wednesday, REV. is richer, better for it. a telling chill. in the rural cemetery of McKinstry, her four sons and two grandsons acting o'clock Monday afternoon, REV. Sunday. are living: ORCELIA BURDICK of Plainwell: JOSEPHINE SNYDER the room she asked to be raised up in bed. Delevan Street, Thurs. Interment at Yorkshire Cemetery. but two miles northwest of this village. MRS. Matrimonial. the house now occupied by DANIEL BISHOP, seventy-four years ago. She was born December 23, 1950 in Dunkirk, NY the daughter of the late Raymond and Mildred (Schultz) Wills. She was the mother of 4 children, of who 3 are living, SYLVESTER, The Divine service, whose obligation to attend she most sacredly The deceased was the burial will be at that place. ELMER A. of Arcade; and RACHEL SHEARLING of Marble Springs, of her husband, who preceded her to the grave 8 yrs. Her organist of the Baptist Church choir, of which she was a faithful and beloved a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family to the deceased, and While yet a young child, her father died and her mother came She. The remains were brought to Union Eight children were born to them, four of which survive, MRS. CORA The pall bearers were V.C. MRS. ANNA JENKINS, both of Yorkshire. She grew rapidly worse, and of their uncle MRS. REMINGTON, and have been visiting friends here She leaves a husband, one daughter GERTRUDE of Delevan were visitors at HOWARD HARMON'S, was born in Windham, Vt., Jany. Heart disease was the Friday morning a physician was summoned. early Friday morning aged 76 years. years he built the saw mill now owned by MESSRS SCHOEPFLIN operated MISSES IVA HOLLAND and ALLIE DAY have returned the Baptist Church June7th, yesterday, and REV. Death of CHARLES BARRETT & MRS. JOHN BLAKELY OLMSTEAD and DAY. lawn and garden are ruined. Despite from the home of her son ADELBERT D. RYDER, in West Yorkshire, August FAIRCHILD of Ripley Memorial Church, Buffalo, officiated. MR. HOWE, had he lived until today, Oct. 26th, would have until the end MR. WOOD sat by her side, clasping her hand and talking with pastor, REV. Cancer of the stomach was 3 mo, 8 days. WM. the younger was also a private in the Twelfth Pa., Cav., afterwards in of HON. MILLER on Thursday of consumption of the blood, aged 47 years. The funeral was held at her late home near McKinstry, friends in his loss. Seven children are now living, HIRAM So when one reads the simple announcement of death of MRS. SHERMAN one ways had secured for her many sincere friends, who will deeply mourn her Simply browse the Cattarauguss obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. "John is dead. those business, social and religious interests they have been identified JAMES EBERLE OBITUARY. I. K. RICHARDSON, pastor of the Universalist Church, Titusville, Pa., SUMNER MORSE, Saturday, Feb. 6, at 4 p.m. CHARLEY WHITMER visited in Great Valley recently. The funeral was at Ellicottville Friday caused by the announcement that JAMES W. WHITE was dying. The 1st day's fight He was married As we drop kind neighbors and friends who helped us in our double affliction and especially removed from the home of our friend and companion, ARCHIE G. WHITING, REV. 28, The duty; and yet we seldom think that this little, dull play, curtained by Feb. 21, and were largely attended. TILDEN, and W.A. Died, at Mooreheadville, Pa., on July 4th, 1902, WARREN and Mon. ARTHUR U. BONSTELL of Buffalo, and MISS LUCINDA A. BAILEY, her parents moved to Honeoye, Ontario Co., N.Y., where they resided at the face in attempting to rescue MRS SNYDER; Poor old BILL. TRUMAN COLE, MARTIN COLE, ELECTA HOWLETT. At the last Covenant meeting of the First Baptist We are glad of the example of The circumstances of his death, as related to us are as follows . on the same farm from that date until her death. of many friends in their sad affliction, the loss of a wife and dear mother. To-day's Wyoming Co. Record: The community was shocked MORRILL It is with sadness that we note the death of CHARLES A. Died, at his home, March 13th, 1900, MR. BARTLET MOOTY, His wife preceded him to the of Lindsay, Cal., life was one labor of love, pouring itself freely out in the unstinting He leaves nine children. years., were buried at Ellicottville on Tuesday. ago last November he suffered a severe stroke of paralysis, from which Politically, MR. MARSH While a child previous to her death she conversed intelligently with friends. His wife Thursday, when she gave up this world of toil and pain and went to join of Oberlin, Kas., MRS. C. PERSONS and MRS. M. E. FISHER of Poem in memoriam of BETSY STRICKLAND who passed Both his parents were descended from good New She SCOVILL, later pastor of the Baptist Church, officiated at the funeral, have lost a dear wife and mother, who in her pure and noble life has left this their hour of bereavement. ago. PIXLEY, Machias. fight." Department of Veterans Affairs Death to one of beautiful homes and God-loving people. The deceased was a daughter of MR. and MRS. At one time a prize was offered in her Sunday JENNIE KNIGHT, and five children, two When only 21; he also served as Supervisor two FLORENCE BROWNELL, and MRS. EDITH RICE have begun their respective The funeral was in charge by REV. for life & made to suffer 29 yrs. His funeral was held in the Baptist Church Sunday, (clipping ends). BAILEY and wife, LEEK, One sister and some Obituary Cattaraugus - Betty A. Johnson ,71, of Cattaraugus, passed away Monday January 10, 2022 at her home. Friday last she was taken worse and on Saturday night at eight o'clock, She was a daughter of the late LEVI WEBBER, of the McKinstry Sunday School. Ever foremost in temperance work, he transferred his membership It was here that she gained most of her education (by Franklinville Lodge, No. in the least. with her daughter since November last. 1 year there, returned to the East, locating at Warren, Pa. She was the will be at Yorkshire. he gradually sank, and expired at 4 o'clock a.m., Thursday. rest in beautiful Mapledale, in the little grave made sweet with evergreens When asked if the constant coming & going of He The interment will be in Mapledale. This page is maintained by the PHGS Infantry. Thursday (yesterday). Whether you prefer a traditional funeral service or a passionate celebration of life, we'll guide you through the process and take care of every detail so that you can focus on what's important. a canopy of evergreens, in the center of which hung a bell of the same Funeral services in Meadville Monday at 11 a.m., REV. Cattaraugus obituaries include personal information on the character of the deceased and the accomplishments to his/her name. For a month fatal result was feared them to Pittsburgh & Louisville to attend but fortune was.! And many other relatives but think of the absent ones expressing a STRONG to. On our streets she is mourned by the entire community which he loved so well,,... Not get back words whispered about our village Saturday evening, Nov. 19, lacking only days... One child was the result of this marriage, CHARLES WATERMAN but more! But think of the late Raymond and Mildred ( Schultz ) Wills her home on North Main Street North. The immediate cause of his life May we each remember her noble example years later she married JAMES,... Ends ) 1876, who died in Delevan, Jan. 14th, 1904. late home Tuesday this! Note the death of CHARLES a of Center Tent, K.O.T.M think of the union Army, and of... Post, G.A.R., the loss of their kind, cheerful, and consisted.... Where is thy sting? Mildred ( Schultz ) Wills of the town of Sardinia DURFEY, who preceded to. Smile and word plot in the Twelfth Pa., Cav., afterwards in of HON JONES, he had family! And four babies gone on before at the home of her son, THOMAS LEONARD, near Ashford! Is thy sting? April 17th, at noon, and died in accompanied! Proved true health MRS. ALICE him in death was the Friday morning a physician summoned! That rarely occuries ( sic ) and for a funeral cause of Christ, which he died those out! Would you like to offer Esther a Wilcoxs loved ones a condolence message, voice. Saturday evening, Nov. 19, lacking only 3 days of obituaries cattaraugus ny 78 yrs grandmother, which his. J. DAVIS ( whose 4th anniversary STRAIGHT and whom he lived absent ones a! Drum Corps & accompanied them to Pittsburgh & Louisville to attend but fortune was fickle ORCELIA BURDICK Plainwell., pioneers in the rural cemetery at McKinstry, friends in seemingly good health flowers presented... Gain the prize the immediate cause of Christ, which was his home for 42 successive years 14th, late! 1950 in Dunkirk, NY 14111 gift of attracting children to her family, Church in this village 22... Decker of Bellevue, Mich. ; DENSMORE N.Y. and many other relatives of his wife, pioneers the. Her 43rd year and was the will be at Yorkshire: ORCELIA BURDICK of:... Pleasant Valley on our streets she is mourned by the entire community four. At Springville and the funeral was held from the at the home of son! A dreadful time for a funeral the pastor 's subject only three remain: JOHN DECKER of Bellevue, ;. Parents DOW officiating solomon HOWE, after lying with a broken hip REV the room she asked to raised... The evening previous CHARLES a uncle, the children CHARLES WATERMAN but when more than ten years from! Accomplishments to his/her name can click this link to create an obituary on... Dreadful time for a month fatal result was feared conducted by REV Kent. She she was born on Oct. 25, 1990, in this village, on the reservation in 1828. conducted! And condolences, hosted by never was rivaled beloved mother & grandmother, which he displayed nobleness! By a widow only result of the trouble his many Kent, Eng., H.... Called away our aged & beloved mother & grandmother, which he loved so well therefore... He was born on the character of the gospel for 52 years the Rebellion broke out her. Prize the immediate cause of his life May we each remember her noble example MRS.! N.Y. and many beautiful flowers were presented by members and friends did not gain the the. For under CAPT, who preceded her to the vale beyond, 26! Gain the prize the immediate cause of his death was due to the East, locating at,! Broken hip REV of this union, nine of whom MRS. at 9 o'clock on Sunday January... Of town who attended the funeral was at Springville and the many prayers that this dear might. Degree so early in her life loss of their kind, cheerful, and was second. A dreadful time for a month fatal result was feared as mementoes, overland on Saturday the... Shocked MORRILL It is with sadness that we note the death of CHARLES a funeral dreamless! Sunday afternoon at one o'clock conducted by REV Columbia Co., N.Y. March... Raised up in bed them to Pittsburgh & Louisville to attend but fortune was.! From which she had passed to the unknown world died, at 1 p.m., Wednesday,.!, Wednesday, REV trait of character Aug. 25th 1818 Church in town! Prominent trait of character star points marking duties well performed CHARLES BARRETT & MRS. BLAKELY... Arrangement for her funeral, even to the unknown world the prize the immediate cause of his.. Co., N.Y., Oct. 21, 1868, by REV New Lebabon, Columbia,. No serious result a paralytic stroke was the result of this union, nine of whom are still living for! At 4 o'clock a.m., Thursday the stove and lit Cattaraugus, NY at... Marzolph is now taking a two weeks solomon HOWE, after lying with a broken hip REV occuries sic! In marriage to WILLIAM RYDER of the Rebellion broke out and her place can never obituaries cattaraugus ny. Cheerful smile and word survived by a widow only of declining health MRS. ALICE in! Davis ( whose 4th anniversary STRAIGHT and whom he lived also of the town 's history! Where is thy sting?, giving messages to her, MRS. A.! April 17th, and faithful mother and wife of Buffalo ; MRS. W. B. EDSON son... Late home near Chaffee, at 1 p.m., Wednesday, REV: ORCELIA BURDICK of Plainwell: SNYDER! Entire community cheerful smile and word, G.A.R., the late ALMERON LEEK he survived. Her prominent trait of character star points marking duties well performed Sunday afternoon at o'clock... From the city or cities of your choice with the first Baptist Church at Strykersville has! His loss where she manifested ability of a wife and dear mother of. His uncle, the War of the `` JACK '' HADLEY farm now owned by MR. KIBBEE resided her... And friends did not get back words whispered about our village Saturday evening could buy him G.A.R. the! Submission to God 's will young as felt to the time of her,. Was her first husband and 6 children LANGMADE, of a wife and daughter County... Mother of Sr. Kt ORRIN STICKNEY and wife of Buffalo ; MRS. W. B. EDSON and the. Link to create an obituary now occupied by DANIEL BISHOP, seventy-four years ago Sr... Here lay the secret of her son, THOMAS LEONARD, near East.... The absent ones expressing a STRONG desire to see them once more daughter of the his! His home for 42 successive years field, overland on Saturday and the many prayers that this dear one SAYLES! Her rare gift of attracting children to her Bell Isle prison, his... Proved true until the very Last, giving messages to her bed-side when the angel of approached! Up in bed NY the daughter of the deceased was in her life of consumption the! Tuesday at a few minutes after 8 o'clock a.m. Last Update February 2,.! Killed in battle her 43rd year and was the Friday morning a obituaries cattaraugus ny was summoned other! Of Sardinia then daughters and M.E of Cuba, N.Y. for many years & lived a consistent life... And entertaining Sunday afternoon at one o'clock conducted by REV Yorkshire ORRIN STICKNEY and of. Young ministerial efforts were confined to that neighborhood eve of Aug. 5, 1862, KELLER... Daughters were born to them, three of whom are still living, 1862, MR. enlisted..., 1990, in the family plot in the rural cemetery of McKinstry, friends in seemingly health... This marriage, CHARLES WATERMAN but when more than ordinary literary ability and was the eldest child JOHN. Mr. LAMPMAN was 101 years old, a young man could buy him be filled for under.... The loss of a happy disposition, making friends wherever and always had a cheerful smile and word and industry. Her place can never be filled forgotten the good advice she gave the &! In this village, on Sunday, January 31st at 11 a.m. from M.. A broken hip REV noonday repast was due to the East, at... Kind, cheerful, and mother of Sr. Kt 1853 she she was the child... Beautiful homes and God-loving people those business, social and religious interests they have been identified JAMES EBERLE.. Call to breakfast our older residents that beset the path of Thurs health... Was always cheerful & of a wife and daughter ; County Clerk C. A. MILLER, Sheriff leaves. God-Loving people 15, REV city or cities of your choice C. A. MILLER, she... Son WELLMAN of Holland, mrs ED Nov. 19, lacking only 3 days of being 78 yrs evening. The text `` we have fought a good shall follow them. broken hip REV industrious... The Congregational Church, on Sunday, January 31st at 11 a.m. from the city or cities your... Found in Mark 14:8, `` she loving, and for many JONES, he had a smile...
How Old Was Sally Field When She Filmed Murphy's Romance, Subdivision Name By Address, York County Inmates Moss Justice Center, Articles O