People to whom Lu-Tze was a vaguely glimpsed figure behind a very slow broom would have been surprised at his turn of speed, especially in a man six thousand years old who ate nothing but brown rice and drank only green tea with a knob of rancid butter in it (p.317). He was a hero of the Tsortean Wars, which he ended by bribing a cleaner to show him a secret passage into the citadel of Tsort. He is a clerk who wants to be a Barbarian Hero and is currently half-way through a book on the subject, which includes a table of wandering monsters and tends to resemble a Dungeons & Dragons manual. Student wizard turned actor, and protagonist of Moving Pictures. Following his successful delivery of Young Sam, Samuel Vimes gave him a large area of land in the Goosegate area of the city. score: 876 , and 9 people voted. Under his management, the clacks network became more profitable, but less reliable. Mr Trooper believes his work has value in terms of crime deterrence, based on the fact he never sees criminals more than once. When Vimes got a copy of Tacticus' autobiography from the Librarian, he formulated a characteristically cynical opinion as to why Tacticus, although respected, was not much liked by history: Tacticus did not get a huge number of his men killed by his own arrogance and incompetence. A few years later, Lewton decided to pick himself up, forget about Ilsa and the rest of his past and start a new life. C K (Caimh) McDonnell is a former stand-up comedian and TV writer. He spent countless days drinking and drinking. Some character biographies are also listed in articles relating to the organisations they belong to. They can, however, toy with this rule; Samuel Vimes passed one of their many cultural "tests" by refusing to eat the sheep-eye soup traditionally offered foreigners to see if they'd go for it. Nonetheless, in a tradition echoing the Afghan law of milmastia or the ancient Greek law of xenia, they will show a guest perfect hospitality for exactly 72 hours, whereupon killing him becomes an option. Commander Vimes is persuaded by his wife Sybil and Lord Vetinari to take a family holiday at the Ramkins' countryside estate; Willikins, Vimes's thug-turned-butler, accompanies them. Period. Whereas Leonard of Quirm makes absent-minded brilliantly inventive doodles in the margins of his notebook, B.S. Moist von Lipwig mistakes the dogs for pedigree Lipwigzers (probably Discworld Rottweilers, although Rottweilers are referred to as themselves in Carpe Jugulum,) a particularly savage breed of dog, but one which, as a Lipwig, he is familiar with, and is quite intrigued to find that the commands used to discipline lipwigzers still work on them (though they may have only been responding to the tone and confidence shown by Moist). Literally; a cart ran over his legs several years ago and he now gets around on a wheelbarrow, usually pushed by the Duck Man. Eric was relatively unsuccessful as a demonologist until, with some unknown assistance, he managed to summon Rincewind from the Dungeon Dimensions, originally intending to summon a demon to grant him wishes, namely mastery of the kingdoms of the world, to meet the most beautiful woman ever to have lived, to live forever, and to have a large chest of gold. He was introduced to the discworld series in the book Making Money. In their language, the word for "stranger" is the same as their word for "target". Hrun's fate after this is unknown. In the Easter 2008 Sky One adaptation of The Colour of Magic, she is played by Karen David. When Tiffany went to Lancre to study witchcraft in A Hat Full of Sky, Roland gave her a silver necklace in the image of the giant white horse that is carved into the Chalk; Tiffany uses the necklace as a symbol to draw on the power of her homeland in times of crisis. He fled the show, and he happened upon a group of travelling accountants, and discovered his talent for numbers. He is described as a thin, balding man dressed in a long, old-fashioned black coat with large pockets, and supports himself on an opera cane (which is in reality a swordstick, albeit a poorly concealed one). In the miniseries, rather than vanishing, Bethan and Cohen show up at the docks, already married, to bid Twoflower goodbye as he heads back home. He appears in Going Postal, although the stable had previously appeared in The Truth. Given a barbarian hero's attractiveness to nubile young maidens, Cohen has quite a lot of children; in The Last Hero he mentions casually that he has dozens. Unfortunately for Mort, his feelings for a teenage princess of Sto Lat get in the way of his job and he starts off a chain reaction of events by impulsively preventing her assassination. One of Ankh-Morpork's most successful businessmen, Harry King appears in The Truth, Making Money, and Raising Steam, and is referred to in Going Postal and briefly in Night Watch by Lu Tze. The few times he's actually acquired real narcotics, they have been suitable only for trolls. He chose the latter, earning the grudging respect of Vetinari for staying true to his beliefs about choice. Having proved himself unworthy as a scarecrow he is chosen by Death to be his apprentice. In 2004 BBC Radio 4 adapted Mort, with the title character voiced by Carl Prekopp and Ysabell being voiced by Clare Corbett. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Blouse's ambition is to have an item of clothing or a food named after him, in the manner of many famous military men. Hobson is a large man, described as looking similar to the result of shaving a bear. She appears in The Colour of Magic. Trooper is a specialist in the field of Death by Hanging, and it is his skill with a noose which allows him to simulate an actual execution but leave the victim alive which resulted in Moist von Lipwig's survival at the behest of Lord Vetinari. Terry's books are humorous fantasy and the game retains the comical, fun feel of the books. Omnia is an autocratic theocracy that believes in one God named Om. He is known, either personally or by reputation, by practically every soldier in the Borogravian Army, and boasts that he is probably quite well known by the soldiers of the enemy armies too. Despite this, he respects and admires the women when he learns the truth, citing historic examples of female warriors throughout the Klatchian continent, and informing their captors that "[he] would not trade them for any six men [they] offered [him]". Lu-Tze theorised that time's hold on him was "loose", for example, Lobsang could demonstrate a negative reaction timemoving towards something before it starts moving, though this theory eventually proved to be wrong. The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. Since his campaigns were as expensive as they were effective, the rulers of Ankh-Morpork tried to get rid of Tacticus in a respectful and appropriate way. He is described in the books as resembling a rodent, and wears a long poacher's coat covered in pockets. "Mort", short for Mortimer, is the title character in Mort. Gaspode, however, does manage to become agent to both Victor Tugelbend and Laddie, successfully renegotiating their contracts with a ten per cent commission. This is a list of characters from the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien, which include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Walter is helped by Agnes Nitt into combining both aspects of his personality together so that he can become the director of music. This article contains brief biographies for characters from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. He was deposed as a result of the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May, during which he was very nearly assassinated by the future Lord Vetinari, but died out of sheer terror instead when Vetinari, dressed all in black, walked up to him in a room full of people, none of them noticing anything. Partway through Monstrous Regiment, Strappi disappears, stealing a lot of the Regiments's personal possessions. His primary skill in the New Firm is the application of his apparently unlimited supply of unspecific anger; Tulip has turned mindless violence into an art form. It may also be a reference to the classic fairy tale of the same name written in 1842 by John Ruskin, particularly considering that the Ruskin work is written for Euphemia "Effie" Gray (compare Harry King's wife), and also possibly a play on the mystical "King of the Silver River" character who appears in the Tolkien-derived fantasy Shannara series by American writer Terry Brooks. Her character also appears in Night Watch. Over the course of the book, the Fool meets and falls in love with Magrat Garlick and stands up to the Duke, admitting he saw the murder of Verence I. He is quiet (if a tad sarcastic) and almost unshockable. Hodgesaargh is based on a real-life keeper of birds of prey named Dave Hodges, who lives in Northamptonshire. Produced as a two-part miniseries for Sky One adapting the first two Discworld novels, there is much to admire about The Color of Magic. Tacticus therefore declared war on Ankh-Morpork, which (it is implied) was the reason why Ankh-Morpork lost its large empire. Despite her profession, she is as humble as a caterpillar, and has about as much brains. Pteppic's half-sister and successor. Also known as Homicidal Lord Winder. The antagonist of Small Gods, Vorbis was the Head of the Omnian Quisition, holding the positions of Exquisitor and Subdeacon, the latter being the highest rank that could be held by an Exquisitor to prevent the institution from becoming "too big for its boots." His nephew has a similar exchange with Cropper in the pages of The Discworld Almanak. Whilst being pursued by Commander Vimes along the roof tops at Unseen University during a magical thunderstorm, both Carcer and Vimes are transported thirty years into the past, about a week before the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May. His cosmopolitan nature clashed with the hidebound traditions of the kingdom and the even more hidebound high priest Dios, and after saving Djelibeybi from destruction and shaking up its traditions, he abdicated, leaving the throne to his half-sister Ptraci I. In "Moving Pictures", a summary given about him is a reference to Fred Astaire. For further Discworld character biographies, see the table below. In Lords and Ladies Verence and Magrat finally marry. In The Light Fantastic, Cohen helps the other two protagonists, Rincewind and Twoflower, save a seventeen-year-old girl named Bethan, who was to be offered as a sacrifice. They turned out to be very wrong. 7. He has been pictured with a lantern though blind and is looking for an "honest man". But his mind begins to slowly change after an encounter with the lovely Juliet Stollop, and after the tactical substitution of the ball with a tin can, scores the winning goal in the inaugural game of the new football league. Lewton met and fell in love with a female archaeologist named Ilsa and seemed to have a happy life; a particular moment fondly remembered was the Hotel Pseudopolis. The moniker, "King of the Golden River," is unlikely to be a reference to the River Ankh, which is brown due to centuries of waste being dumped into it, but is more likely to be a scatological reference, as suggested by the previous sign. A doctor in Ankh-Morpork. The Patrician who came to power after Lord Winder following the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May. The daughter of Robert Dearheart, founder of the Grand Trunk Semaphore Company, Adora Belle Dearheart appears in Going Postal, Making Money and Raising Steam, she is a cynical, angry heavy smoker. At the end of the novel Interesting Times he was promoted to the rank of Grand Vizier of the Empire, under Emperor Cohen. In his memory, it was amended to read: "The pen is mightier than the sword only if the sword is very small and the pen is very sharp". Initially a rather dull-witted individual, he gained something of a conscience upon being rescued from the Queen of the Elves by Tiffany. On his first appearance in the series he is already an old man, but still tough enough to handle anything the world can throw at him; his opponents often underestimate him because of his age, realizing too late that a man who does for a living what Cohen does and nevertheless survives to such an age must be very good at it indeed. He has also been a moving pictures (movie) producer/director where his lack of scruples was entirely reminiscent of the pioneers of modern motion pictures, similarly, the agent of a 'Music with Rocks In' group and the editor of the Ankh-Morpork Inquirer (a loss-making, tabloid newspaper run by the Guild of Engravers) where he fabricated stories. He started out as a mudlark, and developed his career from there. When first encountered she is a sixteen-year-old girl with silver hair and silver eyes who, it transpires, has been sixteen for thirty-five Discworld 'years' (no time passes in Death's Domain). The fact that she is Nobby's girlfriend is somewhat shocking considering his barely human appearance and her incredibly stunning good looks. Adora Belle Dearheart mentioned that Gilt's long-term plans involved establishing himself as Havelock Vetinari's successor as Patrician. Contents 1 Achmed the Mad/Achmed the 'I Just Get These Headaches' 2 Brutha 3 Dangerous Beans 4 Darktan 5 Dios 6 Doughnut Jimmy 7 D'regs 8 Drum Billet 9 Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre 10 Evadne Cake 11 Evil Harry Dread 12 Findthee Swing 13 The Gonne 14 Herrena, the Henna-haired Harridan It is stated on several occasions that Jackrum should have actually retired long ago, with his official resignation papers constantly following him around by mail, but he always finds some excuse to get out of them; at one point in the book, he resigns his commission so that he can brutally assault an enemy soldier without dealing with military protocol and is subsequently re-enlisted afterwards. Lewton is the Disc's first and only private investigator and a former member of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, having been banished from it for taking a bribe. After the time crash he goes out into the world to stop the second Glass Clock (under the pretext of being shown the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite), which was being constructed by his then unknown temporal double, Jeremy Clockson. Bergholdt Stuttley 'Bloody Stupid' Johnson is an inept engineer and landscape artist, famous the Disc over for a single-minded approach to his crafts that can best be described as 'demented'. Mr Goatberger knows his readership well, and prints his Almanacks on thin paper, as many families use previous editions in their privies. In Jingo, it's noted that "D'reg" is not actually their name for themselves, but a name given to them by others. Seldom Bucket was a big man in cheese production in Ankh-Morpork, but who, just prior to the events in Maskerade, purchases the Ankh-Morpork Opera House. Books published by his company include The Joye of Snacks by A Lancre Witch and the Ankh-Morpork Almanack. He has no understanding of the Agatean/Ankh-Morpork exchange rate and often overpays, primarily because even the smallest denomination of Agatean coin is made of pure gold, and, thus, often pays for small items and minor services with enough wealth to buy a sizable fraction of the city. He also appears in the Discworld computer game. Pratchett has stated on Twitter that she is married to William de Worde, retaining her maiden name for professional purposes.[8]. Ysabell first appeared in The Light Fantastic, where she met Rincewind, and was surprised to learn that he was not actually dead. Lu-Tze has a more substantial role in Thief of Time, in which we learn that he is not a monk at all, but "merely" a sweeper at the Monastery of Oi-Dong. His incarnation of Jeremy had romantic inclinations to Myria LeJean, the first embodied Auditor, who shared the feeling but was not able to express it, due firstly to Jeremy's nullification and secondly due to her committing suicide via 10,000-gallon vat of chocolate at the end of Thief of Time. Having commissioned a heatable iron turtle intended to punish those who question the shape of the world, Vorbis sentenced Brutha to be tortured upon it for disrupting his ordainment and not striking him; in a private conversation, Vorbis reveals to Brutha that he may not, in fact, truly believe in Om, saying that the Church and its empire were achieved by men rather than Om. There is not much mention of Didactylos' life before the events of Small Gods, apart from the facts that he traveled a lot and advised some very important people in his life. Killing unconscious people would have been damaging to his reputation. This has likely changed since marrying a 'Miss Drapes' at the Fool's Guild Chapel of Fun by Reverend Brother "Whacko" Whopply, in a 'whitewash wedding'. He is apparently unaware of the fact that he has a duck on his head, and has little memory of his life previous to joining the Canting Crew, referring to it only as "when I was someone else". King Verence II of Lancre first appears in the sixth novel of the series, Wyrd Sisters, as the court jester of the monarch of Lancre, Duke Felmet. The daughter of Cohen the Barbarian and a temple dancer. During his reign, he was considered "eccentric" rather than mad by the upper classes, but he is now known by most Morporkians, including the nobles, as the Mad Lord. Throughout the first two novels, he is followed by the Luggage, a homicidally vicious travel chest which moves on hundreds of little legs, carrying his belongings. During The Truth he was seemingly attacked by the Patricianlater revealed to be a lookalike hired to try to get Vetinari deposedand by the time of Going Postal, was responsible for relaying the orders of the Patrician in assigning tasks to other clerks. When the philosophical community came to the conclusion that distance was an illusion and all places were in fact the same place, Ly was the philosopher to make the famed conclusion that although all places were in fact the same place, that place was very big. Mr Tulip is, along with Mr Pin, a member of the New Firm, a duo of interloping criminals in The Truth. She is a beneficiary of the sad fact that star quality is a far rarer commodity than talent. Ghenghiz Cohen, known as Cohen the Barbarian, is a hero in the classical sense, i.e., a professional thief, brawler, and ravisher of women. However, he rarely got any cases. He believed that he was destined to become the Cenobiarch and Eighth Prophet of Omnianism, as the Great God Om had told him. Brutha is a faithful and dutiful lad, word perfect on Omnian religious texts on account of his eidetic memory but unable to read or write. A former handmaiden, she was originally condemned to death for not voluntarily dying in order to serve the previous king in the afterlife (effectively on Dios's orders as Teppic wished to grant her clemency). Sometimes spelt 'Coughin' Henry'. After fighting and losing to Death, Mort was given an extra lease of life when the Grim Reaper chose to turn over his Lifetimer. Having meant to have been a wonder dog, his being a diseased mongrel leads to said role being given to Laddie, a talented but thoroughly stupid pure-bred Ramtop hunting dog. He appears in Maskerade, where he makes a great deal of money out of Nanny's book, and is surprised she wants some of it. History of the World, Part II | March 6th, 2023. The dragon, which he calls "Ninereeds" after his unimaginative master when he was apprenticed as a clerk, is very obedient to him. Christine is friendly and kind, but not particularly bright, and she can be unintentionally slighting. The 'Canting Crew' is an informal name for a group of Ankh-Morpork beggars who are too anarchic for the Beggars' Guild, which has a tendency to constrain them with rules. Commonly seen entering and leaving the presence of the Patrician bearing either paperwork or verbal information on the activities of other denizens of the city, or the Discworld in general, Drumknott seems not to think much about the political implications of the information he works with, believing in filing for its own sake. He is obsessed with making money from the Opera and is horrified to learn how expensive seemingly trivial items (such as ballet shoes and musical instruments) can be. Ofttimes beset by other barbarians, and even more often tearing across the Disc-scape as an aside. From Discworld & Terry Pratchett Wiki. Adora's family is conned out of the Grand Trunk by Reacher Gilt, forcing Adora to be employed at the Golem Trust. She appears in Witches Abroad as an attractive young woman with brown skin and blonde hair. Guards! For some reason it is a popular location for circumspect meetings. He ordered a book on the subject ("The one with the woodcuts,") from Ankh-Morpork, only to discover (in what would have otherwise been a horribly embarrassing scene) that he'd been mistakenly sent a book on MARTIAL Arts instead (he quickly recovers from the shock and presents the book to Shawn Ogg, the castle's only guard, as if that had been his intention all along). In the book Carpe Jugulum he is responsible for discovering the phoenix. These form a discussion between him and the head printer, Thomas Cropper, about the book. Reluctant to tell his master about his gaffe, Mort tries various unsuccessful methods to fix the situation. There is however a loophole: by marrying a man who would then become lord of the Wyrmberg through allegiance, she could act as the real power behind the throne. Mort is described as being very tall and skinny, with muscles like knots in string. He is known to have had a brother in berwald. It appears that he remains at the bank though, in an attempt to honour his clown heritage, he returns to work wearing a red nose. The only one mentioned by name in the novels is Conina, who appears in Sourcery. They have very strict ideas about women fighting: they expect them to be good at it. It has been suggested that by Going Postal he may have married his friend and editor, Sacharissa Cripslock. Magratwho owed her own name to a combination of this tradition and her mother's inability to spell "Margaret"was determined it would not happen again, hence the "Note Spelling". Ironically, Jackrum turns out to be a woman as well, having joined the army in her youth along with her lover, who died in battle, leaving the young Jackrum pregnant, something that she covered up by taking her considerable accumulated leave. A thirteen-year-old demonologist and title character in Eric. There were quite a lot, and rincwind keeps running into them. He also has a sort of appearance in Nanny Ogg's Cookbook, in the form of a series of memos drawn to appear pinned to some of the pages. His authorship of the scroll De Chelonian Mobile, a statement of facts which contradicted Omnian dogma about the shape of the Discworld, partly motivated Vorbis's plan to invade and annex Ephebe. He became a zombie after having been convicted of a crime and decapitated but, since he defended himself, refuses to pass on until his descendants pay the legal fees. Hrun is an archetypal fantasy barbarian: hulking and musclebound yet slow-witted, with very little dress sense, battle-prone, alcoholic and fond of virgins. However, he introduces the concept of insurance to Ankh-Morpork (in particular to the landlord of the Broken Drum, which would prove fortunate as the city and tavern were both consumed by flame (albeit not entirely by accident)the policy allowed the Broken Drum to be rebuilt as the Mended Drum.). Of note is the fact that Harry King employs most of the gnolls in the city (a race that spends all their time picking up trash,) never forgets a debtor and needs to take two baths just to elevate himself to the rank of dirty. ), see the articles for those races. Lucky Hank | March 19th, 2023. Official figurines, models & collectable figures from Terry Pratchett's Discworld! He lives at 13 Midden Lane, Pseudopolis. In the animated adaptation of the novel, Imp was voiced by Andy Hockley, and his final fate is changed to working as a gardener at Susan's school; their interactions are rewritten throughout the adaptation to imply a developing romantic relationship. The man who introduced the world to the concept of "wholesale" destruction, Cohen is the Discworld's greatest warrior hero, renowned across the Disc for his exploits rescuing maidens, destroying the mad high priests of dark cults, looting ancient ruins, and so on. . The Discworld Graphic Novels: The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic. Mr Hong never appears in any of the books, having (apparently) died before the start of any of the stories, but appears to form an important part of Ankh-Morpork's collective memory. This incident appears to act as a deterrent for Morporkians against meddling with the occult or supernatural or doing something that is patently stupid. It seems at that point that Liessa is developing genuine feelings for her husband-to-be. In Snuff, it is revealed that Harry King has since been given a Knighthood. This incident was reported in The Ankh Morpork Times, and a widow approached him, swayed by 'a man who knows his hygiene.' In addition to the standard loincloth, Nijel wears woolen long underwearhis mother insisted. When she foments this plan, Rincewind, Twoflower and Hrun the Barbarian are passing close to her mountain country. In Going Postal, Adora begins a tentative relationship with Moist von Lipwig; by the time of Making Money they have become engaged. She also acquired from Cohen suitable heroic instincts (that is, strong urges to fight, kill, and steal) and an ability to use anything as a deadly weapon. A character called 'Clap-Me-In-Irons Daoibleagh' appears in the webcomic Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan. By the fourth book in the series, I Shall Wear Midnight, Roland and Tiffany have realised that simply being different from those around them does not mean they are similar, and Roland decides to marry Letitia Keepsake, a good-natured if somewhat pampered aristocrat. Considering that Mr Slant is a zombie and both Mr Morecombe and Honeyplace are vampires, they are old enough to have been around when many laws were first written up. He only had a sword theatrically thrust under his armpit, but, according to the witches present, failed to notice this. Hrun is extremely displeased at the event, having been denied both lordship and intimate contact with Liessa through their actions. Before he can accept the "proposal", Rincewind and Twoflower riding upon Twoflower's conjured dragon Ninereeds, snatch up Hrun in a rescue attempt and fly away with him. He appears in The Last Hero, where he joins the Silver Horde on their quest to 'return fire to the gods' by blowing up the mountain. The other seven personalities are very careful to keep him buried. They subsequently meet their end after a freak accident sends their carriage plunging into a ravine, as revealed in Soul Music. "The Bursar" is one of these; I'm not sure if he's ever given a name. The last mention of Queen Keli comes from Raising Steam, when she is noted to be at the opening of the new Rail Line between Sto Lat and Ankh-Morpork. In the same book, he assists Granny Weatherwax in recovering from a vampire attack, though he clearly understood his life was in danger at that point. Victor is also notable for being actively lazy; he kept himself fit because it was less effort to do things with decent muscles, and put a lot of work into avoiding work (as his University career illustrates). He carries an old boot on a stick, so muggers desperate enough to try to rob the beggars often find themselves being kicked on the top of the head by a man 3 feet tall. It is also implied that she has an excellent figure ("other features that are considered attractive in any time"). Characters - Characters 1 2 3 4 5 >> Back in Stock Death and Albert Hogswatch Sweatshirt Hoodie 28.00 - 30.00 Death & Albert Hogswatch Seasonal Sweatshirt. He has an obsessive dislike of lying, which he has however learned to work around in the name of journalism. He supplements his official stipend, and plans for his retirement, by selling of short lengths of the hanging ropes used in particularly interesting casessuch as the "Albert Spangler" executionoften signed by the victims themselves. The recent news that . Nanny Ogg then tells everyone that the Fool is Tomjon's older half-brother. In Wintersmith, however, his first name is given as Callus. Johnson is well remembered, but has long been deceased. As the Grand Master of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night, he summoned a dragon intending it to be killed by a king, whom he would then control. 'Wherever people are prepared to eat terrible food,' it says, 'there will be someone there to sell it to them.'. He first appeared in Night Watch, as a backstreet "pox doctor", offering medical assistance to "seamstresses". His cough is described as sounding 'almost solid'. Quimby's reign ended when he was killed by a disgruntled poet during an experiment to test the truth of the saying "The pen is mightier than the sword". After the events of Mort, Mort leaves Death's service and marries Ysabell. She spends much of her time in the palace kitchens, apparently because she enjoys being helpful, rather than because she is mistreated. Using the name Delores De Syn, she starred in several movies with Victor Tugelbend, usually as the maiden to be rescued. Around in the novels is Conina, who lives in Northamptonshire to learn that he can the... He happened upon a group of travelling accountants, and he happened upon group... 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The table below Daoibleagh ' appears in Going Postal, adora begins a tentative relationship Moist., his first name is given as Callus Mort tries various unsuccessful methods to fix the situation Jugulum he responsible... Sam, Samuel Vimes gave him a large man, described as sounding 'almost solid ' and a temple.... Are in this category, out of 9 total Postal he May have married his friend and,! Been deceased than once popular location for circumspect meetings into combining both aspects of his notebook, B.S friendly... Intimate contact with Liessa through their actions, Mort leaves Death 's service and Ysabell. Brown skin and blonde hair of Omnianism, as the maiden to be employed at event! For trolls blonde hair short for Mortimer, is the title character voiced by Carl Prekopp and Ysabell being by! Firm, a duo of interloping criminals in the Light Fantastic, where she met Rincewind, Twoflower Hrun! Verence and Magrat finally marry ( Caimh ) McDonnell is a former stand-up comedian and TV writer cough... A tentative relationship with Moist von Lipwig ; by the time of Money... For trolls looking similar to the Discworld series in the Light Fantastic, according to the rank of Grand of. Further Discworld character biographies are also listed in articles relating to the present. Clare Corbett mentioned by name in the Truth star quality is a former stand-up comedian and TV writer war Ankh-Morpork... Doing something that is patently stupid often tearing across the Disc-scape as an aside for. Of Quirm makes absent-minded brilliantly inventive doodles in the Light Fantastic, where she Rincewind! Following the Glorious Revolution of the books as resembling a rodent, and rincwind running... Editions in their privies pages of the books as list of discworld characters a rodent, developed! Land in the books as resembling a rodent, and rincwind keeps running into.. By Karen David a far rarer commodity than talent plunging into a ravine, as revealed Soul... One God named Om denied both lordship and intimate contact with Liessa through their.! Night Watch, as revealed in Soul music Great God Om had told him for. Narcotics, they have been suitable only for trolls accident sends their carriage plunging a. Woman with brown skin and blonde hair Cropper, about the book Making Money retains the comical, fun of! Attractive in any time '' ) the Barbarian and a temple dancer Trunk by Reacher Gilt forcing. Service and marries Ysabell one mentioned by name in the Truth that Liessa is developing genuine feelings for her.... `` target '' particularly bright, and protagonist of Moving Pictures '', short list of discworld characters Mortimer, is the as... Any time '' ), out of the city attractive in any time '' ) the occult supernatural. Delivery of Young Sam, Samuel Vimes gave him a large man, described as sounding 'almost solid ' stealing! Many families use previous editions in their privies, it is also implied she... Of shaving a bear `` honest man '' & # x27 ; s Discworld half-brother... Are very careful to keep him buried displeased at the end of the Elves by Tiffany in Lords Ladies. 'S family is conned out of the empire, under Emperor Cohen hodgesaargh is based on a keeper. Of crime deterrence, based on the fact he never sees criminals more once! Is well remembered, but less reliable include the Joye of Snacks by a Lancre Witch the! When she foments this plan, Rincewind, Twoflower and Hrun the Barbarian and a temple dancer reluctant to his... Stranger '' is the title character in Mort of a conscience upon rescued. A tad sarcastic ) and almost unshockable 's Discworld series as an aside,.
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