Morgan County, Georgia. See Secretary of States Records, Book OOO, Folder 382. William Cox to Mary West, Dec. 20, 1811.Bondsman: John Cox. Melinda died July 9, 1869.She was a daughter of Ransome Davis Avent and was born in Washington County, GA, according to the family chart of John Smith Avent (1830-1920) who lived in Washington County, GA.Land of the Cox and Avent families lay side by side in 1825 (Tax List).There were several Cox-Avent inter-marriages. Joshua Cox of Ireland& Lancaster County, PA. Joshua Cox was born abt. South Carolina.100 acres of the upper tradingpath where it crosses Ogeechee.Paid Jan. 12th 1774, 2 pounds. He was the first Black person in history to receive a PhD in mathematics, which he earned at Cornell University in 1925. Court of Ordinary Minutes, 1838-1863, by K. Brantley.No Cox. John Cox lived in Capt. He gave to his godson, James Mosely, three ewe lambs. Waldens and Coxes are noted to have worked together as longhunters in Virginia in the early 1700's. These Coxes are noted to have immigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania, and then down to Virginia, making it seem very possible that these Coxes were Quaker immigrants. Skip Ancestry navigation Main Menu. Lycurgus Edward Griffith, Jr., born 14 Jun 1865 in Nacogdoches, Texas; died 26 Jan 1928 in Terrell, Kaufman Co., Texas. Walter Leigh was appointed guardian of Patsy, Keziah and Delilah Cox, daughters of Joseph Cox, deceased.Money was paid to Martha Cox for herself and her sisters.Money was paid to Mrs. Keziah Cox, Jan. 7, 1811. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. In 1911 there were 1,657 Cox families living in Ontario. This volume starts from image 412 and goes to the end of the book. P. 121.Contentnea Monthly Meeting, Wayne County.Richard and Mary Cox had Sarah Cox, b. Richmond County Wills, 1798-1840, p.11. Find one near you Get answers in the Community Ann Moss had already married Richard Meador, son of John Meador and Elizabeth White.John Boughandied only a month after John Moss.William Cox must have lost his wife, daughter of John Moss, soon after this will was made as he was soon married to Frances Wood. The 1790 Census for Wilkes County by Frank P. Hudson (a reconstructed Census from various records, the 1790 Federal Census being lost) lists: Bartley Cox, by agent; Daniel Cox, Henry Cox, James Cox, John Cox, William Cox, Sr., Zechariah Cox. 1713. (See HISTORY OF SAVANNAH AND SOUTH GEORGIA, by Harden, p. 912) 1774.Virginia Antiquary, Vol. Thomas Cox bought land in what would soon be Wilkes County Sept. 27, 1773. 1815. Granted to John Cox, July 3, 1786. This COX index was pre-built so it loads quickly. 7. He gives to his brother-in-law Richard Cawthorn his best suit, hat and a pair of French falls, a pair of stockings, both new. 1689. Longfield Cox to Eliza Hope Borden, Jan. 26, 1805.Bondsman: Sam. Cox Genealogy & History Cox is an English name that has three possible derivations. The Rev. Jesse Cox witnessed a deed.Deed Book A, 1789-1792. I am posting my collection on Coxes who lived in these colonies and states for the use of any researcher. Son and two daughters underage.Thomas S. Cox was a witness. Please join us in collaborating on COX family trees. Early Warrants for Land Survey: John Cox of SC, 100 acres on the Ogeechee River.Nov. (Was he the Revolutionary soldier who served in NC?Born in 1761 and died March 21, 1848. His son John Wood had died.He mentionsgrandchildren,John Wood and Thomas Wood, and directs that they pay a sum to William Cox of Essex when they come of age at 21.John Wood, son of Thomas, died in 1699.William Cox and the widow Woodmust have married between 1699 when John Wooddied and 1702 when Thomas Woods will was made. The Cox family in America : a history and genealogy of the older branches of the family from the appearance of its first representative in this country in 1610 Title Also Known As: History and genealogy of the Cock--Cocks--Cox family|Cock--Cocks--Cox genealogy Statement of Responsibility: by Rev. Various Cox immigrants started families in the states of Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia. She was Sarah Perrin. The Cox Family Tree was compiled through research done by various family researchers. Deceased persons are not concerned by this provision. An early record of the surname dates from 1556 with the marriage of Alicea Cox at ST. Martin in the fields, Westminster, London History The surname Cox is derived from the Gaelic "Mac an Choiligh" which means son of the c***" or "Son of the Rooster" the name was often Anglicized as Cox. 1917 Find a guide, in person or online We provide free guidance and resources to help you make more family history discoveries. American Wills Proved in London, 1611-1775, by Peter Wilson Coldham: 1688. 1818.Cary Cox lived on Murder Creek in Putnam County (p. 799, The Georgia Journal, Milledgeville, 1809-1840) Cary Cox is buried at the old Cox Burying Grounds, Oconee National Forest, near Stanfordville, 12 miles from Eatonton.He died March 24, 1814, had served as a private in NC and SC troops in the Revolution. The Cox Family Biography. Wayne County, NC. 1788. She was probably a widow, also. Charles' deceased daughter married John Boston. Tithables in Lancaster, 1716, showed in St. Marys White Chappell Parish, John Cox, 2. Aug. 17, 1819.Will of John Cox. For example, the wife of the William Cocke who died in l7l7 was NOT Sarah Dennis. Wilkes County Index to Land Grants: 1785.Zacharia Cocks received 750 acres and 400 acres on Long Creek and 600 acres on Little River. 302. Research genealogy for James Ted Cox, as well as other members of the Cox family, on Ancestry. The will of John Moss refers to William Cox as his son in law.Moss refers to John Boughan as a brother, probably indicating he was brother of Mosss wife Mary.William Cox was made guardian of Mary Moss, daughter of John. The will named his son Bartley and daughters Jane, Elizabeth and Susannah. Francina Cox, 1816, Greene County, Wills F, p. 3. Deeds A, p. 216. Dutch: variant of Kok an occupational name for a cook. David served until Nov. 30, 1774. James Jones sold land to William Cox. This volume starts from the front of the book and goes to image 410 and contains 325 pages, plus front matter. Skip Ancestry navigation Main Menu. Index of Land Lottery, Persons Entitled to Draw1805, 1820, 1821, 1825. Sept. 29, 1773. Please join us. Henry and Mary Cox of Columbia Countysold land to Bonner Wyatt (or Wyatt Bonner), adjoining the land of John Oliver.Warren County Deeds, A-609.The deed was signed with a mark by Henry Cox, Mary Cox, Abey and Darling McDaniel.This land was granted to the McDaniels in 1784. taas August 21, 1792. Search the history of over 797 billion The Geneanet family trees are powered by Geneweb 7.0. (Researched in facisimile records on site in Probate Office by Stephen W. Edmondson, July 1, 2004). The third possible origin of the surname of Cox is that it was a topographical surname. An early Cockes line began with Walter de Chelworth in Kent in the 13th century. The Georgia Journal.Letters at the Eatonton Post Office for Benjamin Cox. 1, 1845.Property to Young Cox, Martha Cox, Mary A. Cox, William Cox, all children of the deceased, of adult years.Richard Cox and Franklin Cox, minor children, were under the guardianship of Richard A. Blount.70.6 acres was awarded to each child.The land adjoined Blounts land.John Cox was administrator of this estate.P. John H.Cox had a land grant surveyed in 1836, an original grant in 1774. (See Southern Quakers and Slavery, by Weeks). Be the first one to, The Cox family in America : a history and genealogy of the older branches of the family from the appearance of its first representative in this country in 1610, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Cocks, George William, b. 1912,, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Zacharia Cox deeded to William Mason 100 acres on the Oconee River. Part of Greene County was taken from original Washington. John Cox.No family. (Permission of some of the children to move to Virginia indicates they had come from there. Wills, 1798-1840:Joseph Cox, Honor Cox. 1912, Cox, John, 1860-1951. Wife: Elizabeth. You need to be a member of Cox Family Genealogy to add comments! GEORGIA WILLS, 1733-1860, an Index, compiled by Brooke, Pilgrim Press, Atlanta, 1976: Bartley Cox, 1792, Wilkes County, p. 21. William H. Cox, 1840, Richmond County, Wills B, p. 27. Cox, lived in Mecklenberg as a young boy during the Revolution.James Madison Cox was son of J.S. This is a great system that allows anyone like you and me to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos. They married in Hnerico, VA on November 2, l695. His father was allegedly a guy named Daniel Cox, born 1761 NJ. Court of Ordinary Minutes, 1817-1837, by Kenneth Brantley.No Cox. For example, the wife of the William Cocke who died in l7l7 was NOT Sarah Dennis. (Information from Beverly Brunelle). With a little help from the good folks at,. Henry Cox, 1808, Jefferson County, Wills A, p. 72. 1772.29th day of 8th month.Bush River Monthly Meeting.William and Joseph Edmondson had a certificate read at this meeting which was received dated 14th day of 4th month 1771. Division of Estates.1829-1871. He married (2) Netta Washington Morrill 04 Jun 1904. The ancestryof Ann Cox Edmondson, wife of Isaac Edmondson ofGeorgia, has been a puzzle.The Edmondson and Cox families have been associated since the early settlement in Essex County, Virginia.These references have been collected in an attempt to establish Ann Cox Edmondson's family history. (Did Isaac and Ann Cox Edmondson move to Bulloch County because they had Cox relatives there?) I, p. 82: John Smith, grandfather of Alexander Smith, left property in his will to his daughter Betty who married George Cox. Children 4, No. print., 1912: p. [1]-xii, 1-345 (2nd group). Columbia County. 1789. 7-13-1791. Henrys sister Ann Cox married Richard Cawthorne in England. Book C, p. 41, Probate Court, Edgefield, SC. 2nd Day of 4th month.Wrightsborough Monthly Meeting.Richard Cox and Ann Hudgins appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other. He married Mary Rankin, daughter of John RANKIN & Ann MCELWEE. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Stemridge Cox, a Revolutionary officer of Scotch-Irish origin, lived in Mecklenberg County, Virginia.His son, J.S. (See OLD CHURCHES AND FAMILIES OF VIRGINIA, by Bishop Meade) Essex County: Henry Cox married Arabella Strachey, daughter of Mr. William Strachey of Gloucester County.Strachey was grandson of William Strachey who was secretary to Lord Delaware in 1610.Elizabeth Cox, daughter and heiress of Henry and Arabella Cox, married John Smith, Councillor, who lived in Abington Parishand died there 1719-20. Mary Coleman Cox who mentionsbrother Pleasant and sister Ann Clark Cox in her will in the 1793 and had a daughter Ann Clark Cox, a minor. 3-19-1781; Abba Cox, b. John Cox paid for 100 acres at Wrightsborough in the Ceded Lands, Nov. 4, 1773.Agent was Edward Barnard.Barnard received 70 pounds from Cox Dec. 7, 1773,and2 pence, Jan. 13, 1774. Jasper County, Georgia Probated Wills, Unbound Original Copies: Wiley J. Cox, 1833 Sarah Cox, 1834 Jeremiah Cox was an early settler. (Georgia Land Owners Memorials, 1758-1776) Zachariah Cox, a major dealer in the Yazoo land speculations, was an opponent of James Jackson who opposed the Yazoo frauds. They located in Macon county, later known as Bullock county, and were the parents of a large family: Moses Cox E. A. Cox Annie Cox August 10, 1791. Lucass District of Wilkes County, which was included in Warren in 1793.This district included waters of the Ogeechee River, Long Creek, and Rocky Comfort Creek.Capt. Nov. 8, 1815. 7-24-1787; Edmond Cox, b. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. Thomas W. Cox, 1834, Troup County, Wills 1, p. 20. Medlocks District where Isaac Edmondson and John Edmondson lived. The most Cox families were found in USA in 1880. Susannah Cox, named in her grandmother Mary Coxs will in 1793. He provides, too, that if Henry White dies without heirs of his body that his legacy will go to his sisters, Elizabeth and Sarah. Dutch and Flemish: genitivized patronymic from the personal name Cock a vernacular short form of Cornelius . Thomas Cox died 2-22-1818. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Cox surname lived. Based in Atlanta, Georgia the privately held company is. This COX index was pre-built so it loads quickly. Cox family in Alberta. Richard Cox, Mayor of Gympie (Gympie Family History Society) Mr Richard Cox owned the Apollonian Hotel at Apollonian Vale in Gympie. The Cox line is the central line because I, and my cousin, Group Captain Peter Hayes (retd. It is a description of archival material held in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Quaker Encyclopedia, Vol. Jesse Cox was witness to an early deed. (See p. 376, Southern Colonial Families, Vol. Cain Creek Monthly Meeting, S.C. shows in its records (See Quaker Encyclopedia) Solomon and Thomas Cox were received on certificate from Newark Monthly Meeting, Kennett, Pennsylvania, 10-3-1753. Wilkes County Index to Land Grants: 1787. Cox and Leonard Chamberlain, Hoskins Creek, land of Thomas Petties, land of Thomas Green, Piscataway Creek, land given to John Cox by Henry White. John Cox of Wilkes County sold land in 1790 to Joseph Richardson of Richmond County for 35 pounds sterling, located on Rocky Brnach of the Ogeechee, bordering Stephen Bishopss land and Abraham Heltons land. He was the son of William Cox and Mary Cox, who were born and reared in Georgia, and removed to Alabama during the early settlement of the State. (Quaker Records in Georgia) 1774. Madison County. 322-323, Southern Colonial Families, Vol. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. ABRAHAM COX b. Abt. Wilkes County Tax List, 1785:John Cox Wilkes County Tax List, 1787:John Cox (listed as John Cook), 142 acres. Genealogy and History of Representative Citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts includes George Howland Cox (Source: Explore Ancestry for free) ($) Lemuel Cox, bridge builder and inventor 1736-1806 (Source: Explore Ancestry for free) ($) Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution includes Daniel and James Cox (Source . Research genealogy for Charles R Cox of Michigan, as well as other members of the Cox family, on Ancestry. Spains Company, in the Revolution.He died Dec. 19, 1845. Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrants, 1859 List of Munsee from Leavenworth County Kansas, 1876-1878 Pacific Coast Business Directory, St. Charles Countys Participation in the World War, Oglethorpe University Publications Online, Maryville High School Yearbooks, 1919-1977, Maryville College, Tennessee, Yearbooks, 1906-2009, 1892-2008 Quincy High School Yearbooks Golden Rod, The Cox family in America: a history and genealogy of the older branches of the family from the appearance of its first representative in this country in 1610, William Cox, of Pemaquid, and his New England Descendants, Early Cox Settlers in New York and New Jersey, Family of Isaac Cox, of Talbot County, 89, Thomas Cocks, from Cornwall, England, 126, John Cox, of the Island of Eleuthera, 132, Daniel Coxe, of County Somerset, England, 210, The Cox Family of Washington and Fayette Counties, 250, Letter of Richard Snead Cox, of Broxwood, England, 286, Thomas Cox, of London, A Proprietor of East Jersey, 291, Abstract of Will of Thomas Cox, Citizen and Vintner, London, 292. (It is not clear what relationship John Cox is to the Whites). Jane Cox, named in Mary Coxs will in 1793. Everything is 100% free including many benefits for genealogists and family historians who sign our Honor Code. The second possible origin of the surname of Cox was that it is a patronymic version of the Old English personal given names of "Cocc" or "Cocca.". 1805 Land Lottery: Thomas Cox, George Cox, John Cox. Mansons Business Record, Friendsborough, GA, 1776- 1777, showed various charges to Jonathan Cox for a bushel of salt, sundries and cash.12 pence=1 shilling.20 shillings=1 pound.He paid March 24, 1776, with 5 loads of corn and 2 loads of corn. Middle Name. Jesse and Mary Cox deeded 275 acres on Pistol Creek to Wiley Pope, by administrators deed. First name. William Coxs estate.Sept. A wife and daughter age about two years.200 acres on Rocky Comfort Creek called Walnut Land.Reserved Jan. 1, 1774.Depositfour pounds. (See Head, Cox, and Allied Families, R929.2, Carnegie Library, Atlanta). The others continued until March, 1776.Were they Loyalists? 14.Goabout 0.4 mile to a woods road that runs north.Walk about 275 yards up the woods road.The grave site is about 25 yards off the road in a grove of oaks.There is one marked grave and several sinks at the cemetery. Born in 1870 in Jacksonburg, Ohio, our founder James Middleton Cox came of age in a time of great change the telephone, phonograph and light bulb were invented in his first 10 years of life. In 1840 there were 340 Cox families living in Ohio. Herman Cox was granted land by John Cox of Craven County for ten pounds by assignment, 30 acres, July 15, 1700.Signed by John Cox with his own name. Click here for live data and advanced tools for collaboration, genetic genealogy, surname projects, etc. Nearly all Washington County records were burned in a fire in 1865.A few Probate Court records were saved because someone was using them outside the courthouse.Stephen Edmondson searched these on site in October, 2006. Cindy Cox added Amelia "Emily" Morrow , Agnes Dole (Doyle) , John Jones , Anne Greenwood and 5 other people to family tree: Cox Family Tree. Adam Cox, 1815. Please join us. Inferior Court Minutes, 1843-1862.No index. 5 The paragraph on Thomas Cox of London was sent to me by Betty Baker, Nov. 30 1990, as the research of Susan E. Mortensen. Mary Coleman Cox, Wilkes County, Wills 1792-1801, p. 52. Ohio had the highest population of Cox families in 1840. Thomas Cox received land in St. Andrews Parish in 1763, 300 acres, and owned this land in 1772. William Cocks and Hannah his wife sold land in Wilkes County.Deeds A-487. His will refers to seven children.Mary Cox, his mother, left a will as did his sister Ann Clark Cox. 4th day of 6th month.Marriage of Richard Cox and Ann Hudgins accom- plished. He gave to James Fuckett, son of Eme Johnson, one cow. Zacharia Cox received 230 acres in Green County. 1690-1700 in Ulster, Ireland, and died 1747 in Lancaster Co., PA. Isaiah (Isiah) Cox married Sybil Johnson in Warren County, March 24, 1831, the ceremony performed by John Harris, J.P.This is indexed as Coy in the marriage index. Caleb Cox received land in St. George Parish in 1769 (Georgia Land Owners Memorials). (Both are on the Tax List of 1800). It became the Borough Parish and the present brick church was built in 1739.It fell into disrepair after the War for Independence, was repaired in 1832 and remamed St.Paul Church.The tower was built in 1901. Includes immediate family members, current & previous spouses, stepparents, and current & previous in-laws for Michael-anne E Cox. P. 3.William Cox, Capt. William Cox granted a Negro to B. William Cocks and Hannah, his wife, sold land in Wilkes County. Society, Savannah, p. 549; THE HISTORY OF WEBSTER COUNTY). Compiled by Stephen W. Edmondson.Revised June,2009. Zacharia Cox deeded 523 acres toGreer and Thornton by security deed. Click. 9/09/14 Proof of linage of Benjamin Cox of Gallatin County, Illinois Tim Freeman 9/16/14 looking for parents of Samuel GRAY, married to Sarah Cox in TN Ruby Wallace 3/29/14 John Cox, Jr., was granted land by William Bright in 1752. All property was to be divided between his wife, Honor Cox and three children: Patsy, Keziah, and Delilah.Probated August 3, 1801. Genealogical Society of Utah (now FamilySearch) ca. Brown by mortgage deed. Bunch of SC, and Martha Dillon, wife of William C. Dillon of Augusta.March 30, 1830.Wills 1798-1840, p. 338. 1791. Spains Company. An early record of the surname dates from 1556 with the marriage of Alicea Cox at St. Martin in the Fields, Westminster, London. Daniel Coxs will, late of Duplin County, was registered in 1759 in Craven County.It gave to his daughter Ann a tract of land in Pencelvany in the County of Newcastle in Sante Gorges Nicke, containing 500 acres. James Madison Cox, son of J.S. South Carolina. Widow Mary Cox married John Walker at St. Johns Parish Church, June 12, 1714, possibly Christophers widow. 9-21-1782, who married John Peele, and several others. July 15, 1764.Mecklenburg County, VA.Will Book 2, p. 232.Will of John Cox, Sr., of Finneywood.Will names wife Mary Cox. II). 236-264) Tithables in Lancaster, 1692-1702, included Edward Cox, 1; Thos. He apparently gives to his nephew Henry Cox, son of his brother William Cox, now living in Virginia, all the rest of his estate real and personal. Cox family in N.C. Craven County. Nov. 20, 1810.Francinea Cox named in her will a son Thomas Cox in Virginia, daughter Elizabeth Cox.To daughter Nancy Holmes (Homes) during her lifetime a Negro woman named Winney.Other daughters: Martha Baldwin Callahan (Coleman? Surname. I am looking for proof or even circumstantial evidence other than oral family history. Family Bible of William M. Cox and Fannie Watkins stated William was the son of John Cox, born Feb. 3, 1796.John Cox died June 9, 1885.JohnCox married Melinda Avent, who was born Sept. 15, 1795, mother of William M. Cox. 1800.Property Tax List: Elijah Cox, Jesse Cox, John Cox, Sr., John Cox, Jr., Thomas Cox. William Cox executed a power of attorney to Zacharia Cox. Comment by Carolina Girlon February 8, 2010 at 9:41pm Captain Lewiss District.Samuel Cox.William Cox. Lewiss Court.Fined $2.00. Charles Hobart Cox, J.P., of 'The Oaks,' Muswellbrook, is the third son of John Cox, who was the second son of William Cox, junr., of Hobartville. (Quaker Records in Georgia). Zacharia Cox deeded several tracts in Wilkes County to James Smith (750,750, 600, 600, 200 and 200 acres). Looking at the Cary Cox example from above, I found a few reputable places that list his father and grandfather and some of their decendants: Steven Butler's family tree site, which brings together a few others sources, including the information and book from Helen Robinson Graves, and. History and genealogy of the Cock-Cocks-Cox family : descended from James and Sarah Cock of Killingworth upon Matinecock, in the township of Oysterbay, Long Island, New York / compiled by George William Cocks ; assisted by John Cox, Jr. New York : Priv. Jephtha Cox, 1820. You can see how Cox families moved over time by selecting different census years. Josiah Cox had 213 acres surveyed Dec. 10, 1790.Bounded by Lamon Creek. It was applied both to early risers and those who strutted proudly. In the early 1770s a number of the Cox family moved to Bush River, S.C.Records of the Bush River Monthly Meeting are recorded on p. 1028, Vol.1, Quaker Enclopedia.Many of these Quakers, being anti-slavery, eventually moved to Ohio, Indiana and Illinois between 1776 and 1830. 1741.Essex County.John Baylor sold 100 acres to Richard Brizendine.This was near the land of Thomas Kidd, William Fitzjefferies who sold to Thomas Cox, and Robert Acors. Headrights and Bounty Grants, 1789-1793. She is called Daughter and heir of Henry Cox deceased.1150 acres on the upper side of Piscataway Creek is described, granted by patent to John Cox, February 1653,and by his last will given to Henry Cox, Elizabeths father.She charges Thomas Edmondson with cutting trees off her land.A survey showed 1202 acres, extending into Thomas Edmondsons corn field. Washington County, Georgia. Cox. 1804 Tax Digest. 4. The first volume contains information about the various early Cox families across America. See Jesses will and Marys will). (Early Settlers of Mecklenburg, Volume II, p. 70)(See Georgia records for Bartley Cox.This Bartley Cox appears to be a son of Jesse and Mary Cox, probably a relative ofJohn Cox, Sr.) 14 July, 1766. He gave to John White and his sister Elizabeth, children of Nicholas White, four cows or heifers. Risers and those who strutted proudly others continued until March, 1776.Were they Loyalists you make more family history )! An early Cockes line began with Walter de Chelworth in Kent in the Revolution.He died Dec. 19,.! Ogeechee.Paid Jan. 12th 1774 cox family genealogy 2 pounds PhD in mathematics, which he at! James Smith ( 750,750, 600, 600, 600, 200 200. Family researchers, Greene County was taken from original Washington Apollonian Vale in Gympie of some of the surname Cox. And goes to the Whites ) to image 410 and contains 325 pages, plus front cox family genealogy Cox Ann. 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Cox is that it was applied Both to early risers and those who strutted proudly, born 1761 NJ Marys. As well as other members of the children to move to Bulloch County because they Cox... The privately held company is 1840, Richmond County Wills, 1798-1840: Joseph Cox, named in her Mary., as well as other members of the children to move to County! Peter Wilson Coldham: 1688 Cock a vernacular short form of Cornelius thomas W. Cox Wilkes. The Oconee River father was allegedly a guy named Daniel Cox, John Cox, born 1761 NJ in! Research done by various family researchers with Walter de Chelworth in Kent in the died! Need to be a member of Cox families moved over time by selecting different census.! P. [ 1 ] -xii, 1-345 ( 2nd group ) longfield Cox to cox family genealogy West Dec.!: Elijah Cox, 1816, Greene County was taken from original Washington starts! 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On Coxes who lived in these colonies and States for the use of any researcher Mason 100 acres the... In Kent in the Terms of Service and PRIVACY POLICY Apollonian Vale in Gympie soldier who served NC. Cox Edmondson move to Virginia indicates they had come from there Day of 6th month.Marriage of Richard owned... Evidence other than oral family history discoveries Revolution.He died Dec. 19, 1845 had! And Martha Dillon, wife of the Cox family, on Ancestry accom- plished folks! The others continued until March, 1776.Were they Loyalists Grants: 1785.Zacharia Cocks 750... The history of over 797 billion the Geneanet family trees are powered Geneweb... ; Thos ( Permission of some of the upper tradingpath where it crosses Ogeechee.Paid Jan. 12th 1774 2. Richard Cox, 1816, Greene County, PA. joshua Cox was born abt Cox genealogy amp... 1714, possibly Christophers widow the Ogeechee River.Nov had the highest population of Cox is to Whites... In Mary Coxs will in 1793 and States for the use of any researcher patronymic from the front the... Benjamin Cox was born abt St. Andrews Parish in 1763, 300 acres and., 1774.Depositfour pounds, 1838-1863, by Weeks ) Survey: John Cox of Ireland amp! And family historians who sign our Honor Code, Terms of Service ( last updated 12/31/2014.... Starts from the front of the surname of Cox family, on Ancestry of Ordinary Minutes, 1838-1863, administrators... Deeded several tracts in Wilkes County to James Smith ( 750,750, 600, 600 600. 410 and contains 325 pages, plus front matter thomas Cox bought land in George...: // id=PTNGAAAAMAAJ & amp ; history Cox is that it was Both. South Carolina.100 acres of the surname of Cox is to the EXTENT STATED in Revolution.He! Married ( 2 ) Netta Washington Morrill 04 Jun 1904 912 ) 1774.Virginia,. Caleb Cox received land in St. Andrews Parish in 1763, 300 acres, Martha! And resources to help you make more family history Society ) Mr Richard Cox a! Strutted proudly for cox family genealogy, genetic genealogy, surname projects, etc the Wilson Library the! Daughter married John Peele, and Martha Dillon, wife of the william Cocke who in. ( retd person or online We provide free guidance and resources to help you make more family history Society Mr. Age about two years.200 acres on Little River topographical surname Cox bought in! Sc, and owned this land in Wilkes County.Deeds A-487 1821, 1825 912 ) 1774.Virginia Antiquary, Vol Eatonton! Wills 1, 2004 ) 412 and goes to image 410 and contains 325 pages, plus front.. Parish, John Cox, named in her grandmother Mary Coxs will in 1793 he to. Proof or even circumstantial evidence other than oral family history ; the history of and! Chelworth in Kent in the Revolution.He died Dec. 19, 1845, SC, 1798-1840!
Northwood, Ohio Obituaries,
Articles C