Books, magazines, newspaper, toys, games, umbrellas. 24/7 Customer Service - 855-836-3364. If this information is missing on the deposited items, the facility will return the items to the depositor. Items you may Purchase from Contact Information Wanted For: Did not appear in court and a bench warrant has been issued for her arrest. 1. Contact Info: . Go to to start a search for your inmate. For complete information on fees, products, policies, deadlines, rules, minimum and maximum purchases and all the information you need to know regarding purchasing commissary for your inmate in Ascension Parish, go to our InmateCommissaryPage for details. This is generally a signal that the inmate is doing something they shouldnt and need money to get them out of or through a situation. Ascension Parish Jail & Prison uses the services of. 225-473-8673. How to Purchase Commissary for an Inmatein Ascension Parish. Federal Prisons and some state-level prisons have centralized banking systems which means that you do not need to know where they are specifically, just that they are in the state systems of for instance the California, Texas, Florida DOC or the FBOP to name a few. Items sold are clothing, shoes, snacks and food, as well as hygienic products like soap, shampoo, and shavers. (Don't worry, registration is completely free!). For all the information regarding phone calls with Ascension Parish inmates; what phone service they use, calling cards information, the rules, policies, fees, phone calling times, limits and more visit ourInmate PhonePage. here, you can find them using a free inmate locator. To send commissary money to an inmate in Ascension Parish Jail & Prison follow these steps: For all information on how toSend Money to an inmate's account, what the fees are, how long it takes to hit their account and more, check out our full money and commissary guide forAscension Parish Jail & Prison. If an inmate is being targeted, most jails will intervene and have the victim placed in protective custody, away from the general population. Email [emailprotected] Keep in mind photos may not be sexual in nature or contain any nudity. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Address: If you missed a call from NCIC it means someone was trying to contact you from one of the facilities we serve. There are strict procedures for everything related to "sending things to an inmate" in a County - medium facility. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Why Do Inmates in Ascension Parish Jail & Prison need Commissary? Plaquemines Parish Detention Center. Stationary, envelopes, stamps, playing cards, board games, Toiletries, hygiene, reading glasses, medicated creams, aspirin. The Ascension Parish Prison is located at 2384 Lemanville Cutoff Road in Donaldsonville, LA and is a medium security county jail operated by the Ascension Parish Sheriff's Department. To send funds through the mail, contact the Ascension Parish Jail for your inmate's registered ID, name, and the facility's details. Ascension Parish Jail is located at 2384 Lemanville Cutoff Road, Donaldsonville, LA, 70390. is a privately owned informational website that is not owned or operated by any state government agency. Register with correctpay online, the money depositing service used by Ascension Parish Jail & Prison, or call Customer Service at 855-836-3364. It could be gambling, it could be extortion it could be other things you dont need to know on this forum (for now). O. You have to clearly write or type the person's name, inmate ID number, and jail address on the envelope. In order to receive phone calls from your inmate, you need to do the following: Enter the phone number your Inmate will be calling. Inmates are able to purchase items such as clothes . This can be as much as $85 for each bond and must be paid when you post bond. This includes children. The Visitation week runs from Monday through Sunday. Profits are shared so there is no incentive for their representatives to show you how to save money. You see hundreds. Copyright 2019 - Ascension Parish Sheriffs Office. $25.01 - $100 = $4.50 + 3% NCIC Inmate Phone Services. You can also send cash to the prisoner in the mail. In addition, there is a maximum amount you can send and/or spend. The inmate needs to contact the commissary manager directly. Inmates are allowed to maintain a commissary account while incarcerated. The Ascension Parish Jail is run by the Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office. Tools, fingernail clippers, hair picks, combs, brushes, lipstick, etc. Thankfully, there is an easier way, just CLICK here and browse yourself. Make sure to check if your inmate's facility is county, state, or federal. O. They are able to purchase these items at a store within the Ascension Parish Jail called commissary. Sumter Co GA - Prison. Make deposit: 1-855-836-3364. . Wanted For: Theft of a blower and gas can, Wanted For: Did not appear in court and a bench warrant has been issued for his arrest, Wanted For: Armed Robbery Ill Carrying of Weapons Aggravated Assault, Wanted For: Indecent Behavior with Juveniles and unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling. A simple search on Google will show you a variety of bondmen you can contact in Louisiana. Box 268 Donaldsonville, LA 70346. It's fast, it's reliable and it's at a discounted rate for your convenience. NCIC Customer Service If you prefer to send commissary items to your inmate in Ascension Parish Jail & Prison instead of sending money to them, go here to order the items. 2384 Lemanville Cutoff RoadP. Ascension Parish Jail might charge an online fee for the deposit. Once registered, select Louisiana, then Ascension Parish Jail & Prison, then the inmate you want to send money to. You can transfer money through a TouchPay kiosk located in the facility lobby. Click here to purchase commissary online or send money for your inmate at Ascension Parish Jail & Prison. Next, contact the nearest MoneyGram agent and provide them your name, inmate's name, along with their correctional ID, facility code, and the amount you want to send. Phone: (225) 621-8300. We have the ability to fully customize our service based on a facilitys operational needs, wants and desires. 225-473-8673. Inmate mail cannot contain any of the following: Create an immediate threat to jail order by describing the manufacture of weapons, bombs, incendiary devices, or tools for escape that realistically are a danger to jail security; Advocate violence, racial supremacy or ethnic purity; No current inmate-to-inmate mail will be allowed and will be destroyed. Complete information is listed on this page. The first item you select will cost you a fee of $2.00-3.00, and then an additional $0.35 to $0.50 for each item you select after that. Pay close attention to the rules of the facility. Some correctional facilities have a deposit limit, like $200-300 at a time, but in federal, there is no limit. Current Inmate List . Ascension Parish Jail, LA is run and operated by the Ascension Parish County County Sherriff Office. Sometimes an inmate's commissary money is used to purchase items to pay gambling debts or purchase prescription medicine from another inmate. Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Jail, Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Prison, Jail Population Held for Federal Agencies. Short Shorts must be knee length, mini skirts, etc. Please note: deposits cannot be sent over the phone by contacting Ascension Parish Jail. When an inmate calls loved ones, the cost will be deducted from their Offender Account. Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Ascension Parish Jail & Prison, a Jail & Prison, at PO Box 268, Donaldsonville LA. Customer Support page. Create an account with the JPay and use it to deposit money to the inmates' commissary. visitation, commissary, and mail. Prisons issue inmates very few items. It takes care of inmates of all offenses from misdemeanors to capital offenses. Ordering from is a simple process: What is the Maximum Amount You Can Add to an Inmate's Account? $100.01 to $200 = $6.00 + 3% 2. Address 58050 Meriam Street, Plaquemine, Louisiana, 70764 Phone 225-687-5100 Website Phone Number: (337) 473-8674. Note: You will be charged a feeto purchase commissary for your Ascension Parish inmate. Any other mail will be returned to the sender. Items you may Purchase from Contact Information Ascension Parish County Jail is responsible for taking custody, care, and control of a person who is thought to have committed a crime. How Do Inmates in Ascension Parish Jail & Prison GetMoney to Make Phone Calls? Don't wait until the moment has passed, it's easy and convenient to let them know you're thinking of them at every moment. Soda, energy drinks, coffee, packaged meat & fish, soups, cookies, chips, pastries. Inmate Phone Deposit Your Name * First Last. Ascension Parish Jail, LA Inmate Search, Mugshots, Prison Roster Updated on: September 29, 2022 State Louisiana City Donaldsonville Postal Code 70390 County Ascension Parish County Phone Number 225-473-8674 Type County Jail Location 2384 Lemanville Cutoff Road, Donaldsonville, LA, 70390 Official Website Ascension Parish County is located in the northern part of Louisiana. This is a sign that something is not right. Sheriff, Jail, Delinquent Taxes and Sheriff Sales. Phone: Writing must be in pencil or blue or black ink. Inmates need money to access several privileges like weekly shopping at the commissary, making phone calls, using the email service where offered, using the electronic tablets where offered and paying their co-pay when needing the medical or dental services. For complete information on fees, products, policies, deadlines, rules, minimum and maximum deposits and all the information you need to know regarding depositing money for your inmate in Ascension Parish, go to ourSend MoneyPage for details. Ascension Parish County LA Sheriff's Office. It is advised not to discuss their pending case. The Ascension Parish County Sheriff, Robert Paul Webre, is the head law enforcement officer in the county. All Jails have limits on how much money an inmate can have on the books at any one time. You should note that Ascension Parish Jail has one main goal when it [] To deposit money in an Ascension Parish Jail & Prisoninmate's commissary account follow these instructions: Note: You will be charged a feeto send money to your Ascension Parish inmate. There is an orange bar at the top of the page where you can do this. Ascension Parish Jail allows the funds to be deposited and transferred through TouchPay. Find your inmate and select from the list of services designed to help you keep in touch. For complete information on fees, products, policies, deadlines, rules, minimum and maximum purchases and all the information you need to know regarding purchasing commissary for your inmate in Ascension Parish, go to our InmateCommissaryPage for details. Never send cash. We have an automated system for sending your loved one that special message or picture. The jail's phone number is 225-473-8674. To receive phone calls from an inmate in Ascension Parish follow these instructions: Ascension Parish Jail & Prison uses the services of NCIC for inmate phone calling. These trusted providers are approved and share revenue with the prisons from the sales to the inmates. Anybody can contribute to an inmate's books or commissary fund as long as there isn't a no-contact order in place. Friends and family can put money on this account. The food may not be of the highest quality, but the commissary food is generally much less nutritious. If you cannot visit Ascension Parish Jail, you can also transfer funds by calling our executives or visiting our website. To purchase commissary online for anAscension Parish Jail & Prisoninmate, follow these instructions: Note: You will be charged a feeto purchase commissary for your Ascension Parish inmate. Depositors sending cash and items must include the jail number with their details (name and address). Donaldsonville, LA You neednt put them in a more difficult position if they are. Wanted For: Subject stole a Android tablet on 12/04/2013 at Galvez Hardware. You got lucky! Choose your items. 225.621.8300, Donaldsonville Location: To deposit money in an Ascension Parish Jail & Prisoninmate's commissary account follow these instructions: Note: You will be charged a feeto send money to your Ascension Parish inmate. **Call 225-473-8673 first to ask Ascension Parish Jail & Prison if this option is still available. It takes literally 45 seconds and it's very affordable for what you're getting (and what they are getting, too!). In order to receive phone calls from your inmate, you need to do the following: NOTE: The Ascension Parish Jail is nestled in Donaldsonville, Louisiana. An inmate with fines or restitution will be subject to commissary/trust account garnishment. Wanted For: The victim was wearing a blue polo style shirt, and blue jeans. Ascension Parish Jail & Prison Contact Information. Ascension Parish Jail is a County Jail facility located at 2384 Lemanville Cutoff Rd, Donaldsonville, Louisiana 70390 Phone 225-473-8674 Choice 2- Mail the Inmate Deposit to the Jail. It is advised not to discuss their pending case. For complete information on fees, products, policies, deadlines, rules, minimum and maximum purchases and all the information you need to know regarding purchasing commissary for your inmate in Ascension Parish, go to our Inmate, How to Send Money to an Inmate in Ascension Parish. In federal prison, the answer is simply that a new local number will change your inmate's call rate from $.21 per minute to only $.06 per minute. For instance, supplies such as supplementary food, female hygiene products, books, writing utensils and a plethora of other things are examples of things that can be purchased as part of an inmate commissary packages for goods. We believe in serving our customers to the best, if you prefer to speak to one of our executives for any clarification, you can reach us at: You may not use our service or the information it provides to make decisions about consumer credit, employment, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purpose that would require FCRA compliance. You can find this information on our site by navigating to the facilities page click on the Money Transfer button under the address and phone number. The mission of Ascension Parish Jail is to keep the community safe by providing a safe, secure place for offenders. Families and friends can deposit money in their inmate's account, but first, they need to create an account through the Ascension Parish Jail website to deposit money on the inmate's behalf. Register with correctpay online, the money depositing service used by Ascension Parish Jail & Prison,or call Customer Service at855-836-3364. Enter the state or country where the jail is located, or enter your phone number (Searches for . Fees. It may be a percentage or the entire amount depending on the situation. The facilities usually have a weekly limit of about $100 per inmate, plus processing and tax. and other services. Box 67. Box 268Donaldsonville, LA 70346. Commissary day is usually held once a week and can only be used if the inmate has funds in their commissary account, like a bank account within the institution. The APSO Jail provides the basic human needs of the inmate population. How to send money to Ascension Parish Jail is subject to Jail Info. Your credit card will show a charge from Cashless Systems. Or, contact Pigeonly to learn about other ways you can send money to an inmate! Inside they place a little card that if you fill it out and send it in with your inmate's name, ID number and facility address - you drop it in the mail and in 8-12 weeks your inmate gets an issue every month for a whole year. Ascension Parish Jail, LA allows both virtual and physical visits for their inmates. Information on the website is updated twice per hour. Please contact Ascension Parish Jail before sending commissary funds to check if your inmate has physically arrived . NCIC Customer Service Find latests mugshots and bookings from Donaldsonville and other local cities. To send a secure email message and digital photos to an inmate in Ascension Parish Jail & Prison follow these steps: For all information on how toText/Email an Inmatein Ascension Parish Jail & Prison and send them photos, check out ourSecure Messaging GuideforAscension Parish. Also, NEVER send money to the account of another inmate on your inmates instruction. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Wanted For: Maximum Speed Limit Flight from an Officer Expired License Plate Driving under suspension No Proof of Insurance No Seat Belt, Wanted For: Simple Burglary and theft (Felony), Wanted For: Aggravated Battery and aggravated kidnapping, Hurricane Preparedness Emergency Response, When it comes to clothing, you get three outfits to wear (for example, khaki or orange tops and bottoms), pajamas, a . The total bond amount will be at the bottom of the inmate's detailed information. The link below has all the information you need to know. Contact Pigeonly for more information on inmate money accounts at Ascension Parish Jail. It is called a friends & family account. Wanted For: One count first degree murder. It is called a friends & family account. Orders are processed through our regional distribution center where they are fulfilled, packaged and shipped. Louisiana to Louisiana) phone call NOT Prepaid -, Cost if you set up your account (or fund it) by phone using a live agent, you will be charged a one-time fee of. INMATES Name / Inmate PPSO number / Dorm. Customer Support Hours - Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM EST. The facility can accommodate a maximum of 572 inmates. If you do not already have the subject number or booking number, you will want to write that down along with the amount of the bond and other pertinent information such as their housing unit (needed for visitation schedules). Name Ascension Parish Jail & Prison Address PO Box 268 Donaldsonville, Louisiana, 70346 Phone 225-473-8673 Fax 225-473-9349 Send the best magazines and books to your Inmate in jail or prison, it's the gift that keeps on giving all year round, There is nothing more exciting to an inmate (besides their release date) than getting their favorite magazine every month at mail call. Funds can be deposited into their account via mail, kiosk, online, or by calling our executives. Prisoners in Ascension Parish Jail are able to have 1 visit per week with a maximum of 3 people per visit. In the rare occasion when the users card is charged but the credit is not able to be posted to the inmates trust account, then the user will be notified by an immediate error message. Choose the amount of money you want to send, and input your payment method. Gonzales, LA Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The first thing you need to do before anything else is ensure the person you are looking for is in fact at the Ascension Parish Jail in Louisiana. Soda, energy drinks, coffee, packaged meats & fish, soups, cookies, chips, pastries. Safe, secure place for offenders owned informational ascension parish jail inmate commissary that is not owned or by... 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