Removed the ability to change between a marksman and service rifle upper receiver. It's absolutely my favorite and most inclusive weapon mod for FO4. (knight barry died in two 5.56 round what the fuck? I am using one that turns ghouls into zombie walkers, TWD style. To disable, type 'tcl' again. Magazine #1 - Near two trailers in the Thicket Excavations area, look for this magazine inside the metal trailer caravan in the excavation area on the marble edge. The perk for this copy allows your canine companion to permanently take 10% less damage. In this series we will look at the selection of fun and sometimes cheaty mods that have recently come out for this fantastic game.In this episode I mess around with The Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle mod which adds into the game the Service Rifle from Fallout New Vegas.Patreon: EPISODES: Previous: First: Fallout 4: Mod: Discord: WEBSITE: KOTTABOS GAMES: by the talented Kevin MacLeod \"Enter the Party\" . Magazine #1 - At USAF Satellite Station Olivia, locate a room in the southeast interior that can be unlocked via the computer terminal. I found it in the reactor building, I even think it actually said Id found it, but didnt give me the check mark. 21.9k. This version has no other dependencies except for F4NVServiceRifle.esp. Magazine #8 - At the Egret Tours Marina, locate this issue atop the diner counter near the coolant recharge station. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Update: This guide has been updated to include videos from YouTube user PS4Trophies, who has created helpful videos for finding these magazines as well. Fixed issue preventing scope sway on service & marksman rifles. This issue will be on a table surrounded by sofas in the lounge on the top floor. On the shop counter, in front of the cheeky monkey and Grognak's Axe in the display case. Tweet. In the upper floor septagonal room, on the table in the center of the room, west side of the building near the roof exit. Magazine #9 - In the top floor bedroom of the Cabot House, this magazine is found upon the wooden desk on the western side of the room. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. On the oval table in the kitchen area, top floor, southeast area. An unofficial update to DeadPool2099's Service Rifle mod that contains a number of adjustments, bug fixes, tweaks, additions, and more. In the basement, on the toilet inside the locked cell (expert lock or use terminal to unlock the cell), by the secured storage room. #5, Lasers & Hunting: Acceptable Overkill. #4, Locksmith Certification Special Pass With Flying Colors. Can be accessed after turning Nuka-World's power on or by flying over the wall with a. Magazine #3 - Head to the Boston Mayoral Shelter to find this collectible on a table in the lower level bedroom in the southwest corner. Uploaded by . Bitte liken. Changed base damage of all weapon variants to 26, Changed base ammo capacity of all weapon variants to 20, Changed AP cost of all weapon variants to 20, Changed Attack Delay of all weapon variants to 0.22, Changed value of all weapon variants to 125 caps, Fixed spelling error on makeshift light stock mod, Fixed issue where marksman rifle object templates incorrectly referenced service rifle modcols, Fixed issue where Radium lower receiver had wrong loose mod associated with it, Modified all weapon skins to use the default weapon material attachment point, Added weapon material and sticker attachment point to all weapon variations, Separated skins and stickers so that they can be added/removed independently of each other, Renamed the Makeshift Gauss Rifle to Accelerator, Modified the weapon attachment list so that upper receivers, lower receivers, and marksman scopes are in the correct location, Modified upper receiver names to be a bit more consistent with vanilla naming conventions, Added FeaturedItem and UnscrappableObject keywords to the Survivalist's lower receiver, Renamed plugin. Collect the magazine on the table to do an added +5% Damage using the Alien Blaster weapon. In the northwest corner of the facility, look for the magazine near a Steamer Trunk on a metal shelf in the control room. YOU'RE S.P.E.C.I.A.L. "A Gorilla Ate My Patrol Car!". High-tech lights can be built at settlements. This issue allows players to swim 25% faster. On the wooden bench in the kitchen of the warehouse, near the birthday sweetroll. Command Center, on the side table of the bedroom and kitchenette room, just east of the armory. The sections include details on how to find each magazine, and indicate the special perks that each publication offers. Command Center - adjacent to Kellogg's Terminal under a table, in the chamber where you speak with Kellogg. Blaine Smith November 10, 2015. Permanently take 5% less damage from melee attacks. Magazine #2 - On the top floor of the Museum of Freedom where you meet Preston Garvey and his crew, find the magazine on Sturges desk beside the terminal, unlocking the Atomic Command holotape. The New California Republic service rifle is a pre-War lightweight, air-cooled, magazine-fed, gas-operated rifle that uses the direct impingement gas principle with a rotary bolt locking mechanism. Magazine #7 - This magazine is found on top a lectern in the stage area of Fraternal Post 115, near an American flag and some sandbags. There are 121 magazines to collect throughout the Commonwealth, 5 additional with the Far Harbor add-on and another 5 additional with the Nuka-World add-on, totaling 131 magazines. Magazine #2 - Prior to descending into the main treatment chamber of Weston Water Treatment Plant, locate the magazine inside the metal office that overlooks the generator room. Magazine #9 - At Back Street Apparel, head upstairs into the apartment, and locate the collectible on a table in the living room, close to the TV and safe. Allows Slocum's Joe themed settlement objects to be built. Its perk offers +5 Poison Resistance. Heal +50% more from fruits and vegetables. (may respawn). On top of the toilet, The Third Rail restroom, entrance area (north). Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Only the holotape is available, not the magazine. The service rifle can . Finding ''Mod'' Magazine's. I recntly downloaded a mod ''Service Rifle'' . 6. This issue increases the amount of healing from fruits and vegetables by 50%. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Fallout 4. On the metal desk with the Bobblehead near the steamer trunk, in the central metal catwalk hut. Spend 50 Tokens to purchase and acquire a copy of this magazine. This includes: the RobCo Fun issues inside the Concord Museum of Freedom and Nick Valentine's office (though both without the holotapes), Grognak The Barbarian #02 Cometh the Trickster behind Joe Spuckie's, and the LaCoiffe in the Charlestown Laundry. Purchase with 50 Tokens via the terminal. Climb about halfway up the main shanty ship, and look for a red chair near the edge of a walkway. (may respawn). On a desk in the chief's office, bullpen room in the western part of the building. You can do this at the settlement of your choice by accessing the, It is possible for certain magazines to respawn. Magazine #4 - Head to Diamond City and enter Valentines Detective Agency. .38 (9mm) and 7.62 receivers and some unique variants will not have magazine options. Magazine #3 - At the National Guard Training Yard, head to the cafeteria inside the Barracks. Permanently gain +10% discount from food and drink vendors. Only required if using the West-Tek Optics Compatibility Patch. The Fallout 4 Subreddit. On the small table with the lantern, inside the caravan perched atop the containers, adjacent to the steamer trunk. Please enable JavaScript to see comments. Unlocks Grognak the Barbarian Pip-Boy game. Fixed an issue with the lower receiver crafting recipes not working correctly. Magazine #1 - In the Blast Furnace area of Saugus Ironworks, look on the catwalk just below where you found the Bobblehead and Steamer Trunk. Magazine #3 - This magazine issue is found upon the table near the recording desk in the WRVR Broadcast Station, and its perk increases Companion carry weight by +10. Fallout 4 Magazine Locations You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! #1, Fabulous 1st Issue: Life Long Best Friends! Magazine #3 - This issue is found at Reeb Marina in the warehouse kitchen, on top of a wooden bench near a sweetroll. Completely reworked how service rifles and marksman rifles appear in the world so that they have their own distinct personality. Companions permanently inflict +5% damage. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Fixed an issue where scoped service and marksman rifles did not sway. On the desk of General Brock, southwest corner of the ground floor. On the toilet inside the Gunner camp, by the Power Armor Station. Upper receivers cannot be swapped between service and marksman rifles. Critical Hits with unarmed and melee attacks do +5% damage. +5% ballistic weapons Critical Hit damage. You get .38, 5mm, 5.56 and 7.62 (NW Handmade Rifle cal) options and there's 6 uniques to track down through the Commonwealth. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. ", Top floor (the film studio), in the star restroom (south east corner of room), on a table under an irradiated blood pack, near the steamer trunk. Modified Service Rifle leveled list script: Weapon will now start appearing at levels 20-25. Inside the small concrete hut, on the desk with the terminal on it. On the bed, inside the Overseer's office, top floor. All rights reserved. Instead, lower receivers now function as a way to change ammo types. So my postman might have gotten up and wandered away. Magazine #2 - Enter the building at Mystic Pines. All rights reserved. Has anyone else encountered this glitch, and if so, can you help me? Fallout 4 getting a new-gen upgrade in 2023, bringing best-boy Dogmeat to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, Two Fallout: London mod developers have been offered jobs at Bethesda, Fallout 4 mod set in London features the voices of two classic Doctor Whos, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Prey and Dishonored all get FPS Boost today on Xbox Series S|X, Dishonored, Fallout 4, Skyrim, more getting FPS Boost on Xbox Series X/S, ZeniMax to sit as part of Microsoft's Vault subsidiary if acquisition is approved, Fallout 76's troubled launch hasn't put Bethesda off making multiplayer games, Bethesda hints at how big a tech leap Starfield will be over previous games, Wo Long release times, pre-load, download size and everything else you need to know, Meep City Codes: Free Jet Pack and Cosmetics, How to build a defensive wall in Sons of the Forest. Each issue unlocks a power armor custom paintjob, Each issue unlocks new and unique items for your. Inside one of the cargo carriages at the station, in the Raider camp at the deepest part of this location. Ive encountered a glitch with the Loot, Pic and Six Smoking Barrels quest for the Service Rifle mod on the Xbox. Find the magazine in this room on the desk near the key. On a concrete block inside the sinkhole, by the cooking pot station. Each issue unlocks a new terminal option. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. #3, The Bright Side of Radiation Poisoning. Top floor of Sedgwick Hall, in the northern computer room, northeast corner on a small table. Added on 14 June 2018 2:20PM. Magazine #8 - In the northern entrance of Goodneighbor, enter The Third Rail restroom to find this magazine atop the toilet. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, Timestamps in DescriptionPatriot: 0:00All American: 0:22Survivalist's Rifle: 0:57Atom's Glory: 1:38Accelerator: 2:18Lovemaker: 3:41Mod by DeadPool2099, The Shiny Haxorus and friendsNexus:, This mod will add Service Rifle from Fallout New Vegas, based on legendary M16 platform, with completely scratch-made assets and animations. Who Can Stop The Unstoppable Grog-Na-Rok?! After asking Dank Rafft, he told me that the base ammo capacity for the weapons had to be 1, for the ammo capacity to only increase by 1. Magazine #9 - Inside the wreckage of the USS Riptide, you'll find this magazine on a table beneath the bridge on the water's level, which allows you to collect more meat from animal kills. Permanently unlock new decoration items in workshop settlements. The quest, however its a cool way to do the intro. Go down to the basement, and take the elevator further down to the lowest level. You can now find it in the Railroad HQ. North area. Climb the pipes and catwalks to reach the magazine near the northwest wall. There's nothing there? @jp2997. This video does a review of the top 10 insanely unique and crazy weapon mods in fallout 4 so far. In today's video Im going to start a small series involving DOOMBASEDs Weapon Mods. On the shack closest to the river, with the lantern on the wooden floor near the mattress. Magazine #5 - Inside a caravan on top some containers at Big Johns Salvage, the magazine is found on top a small table with a lantern, somewhat near the Steamer Trunk. The magazine located here has a perk that grants an additional +5% Damage at night. Federal Surveillance Center K-21B was an underground surveillance facility used by the government before the Great War; it is now north of the impact crater in the Glowing Sea. Inside Lorenzo's living quarters, at the very bottom floor of the facility. Update. The magazine is on a side table near the TV set. On a living room table in the ruined upstairs apartment, near the TV and safe. Top floor lounge, in the table surrounded by sofas, south mezzanine offices. The legendary mods Double and Quad increase base capacity only. This is due to the existence of two copies of Grognak the Barbarian Issue #5: Demon Slaves, Demon Sands. Magazine #10 - Located in Trinity Plaza along the east side of the church interior, look for this magazine upon the lectern near the Steamer Trunk. Additionally, custom rules were injected to designate Makeshift variants as well as Service Carbine and Marksman Carbine. Also, the mod adds 2 special magazines that allow you to modify the regular rifles and carbines. Gives you one skill point to allot anywhere you please. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Magazine #10 - Nearby the Park Street Station entrance in Boston Common, find the magazine within the bandstand by the skeleton. Look behind a desks where the white computer terminal is located to find the magazine on the floor with the Pip Fall holotape. Magazine #1 - Inside the pipe tunnel of the interior cave at Walden Pond, locate this issue on the barrel with the lantern on top. Inside the parking lot, to the west of the Hospital. In the CEO's office on the second floor, next to his terminal. On the desk inside the Director's office, above the reception area. In the entrance room on the ground floor, look on the metal desk with the typewriter. This may require the completion of a quest to access this room. On the bed of the comic book fan's apartment, with the bus crashed into it, close to Andrew Street Station. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Original Mod wird nicht bentigt. Magazine #2 - At Charlestown Laundry, find this issue inside a shopping basket on top the washing machines. SCAV magazines appear to be black and white hand-drawn comic books. is a magazine in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World. #1, Bobby Pins More Effective Than Lockpicks? Magazine #4 - At the Corvega Assembly Plant on the top floor, search the metal Raider hut that can be reached using the catwalk bridge. Magazine perks in Fallout 4 can augment existing perks or provide all-new perks. Inside the caravan trailer, east side of the estates (and swimming pool). Magazine #6 - Travel to the Wreck of the FMS Northern Star. These perks can have multiple ranks, with the rank increasing each time the player character reads a copy of the magazine. All magazines in the game may be freely taken by the player, even if everything else in the vicinity is considered stealing. On the table in the dungeon room, upper floor, south wall. Only the Holotape is available, no magazine. Magazine #8 - This copy requires players to have 50 Tokens to spend. (may respawn). Inside Barney's bunker, on a metal desk near the lantern and filing cabinet. Side-charge upper receivers now reduce Action Point cost. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, The author did not upload this mod to for console users yet, but he or she will at some point, Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle - Traduzione ITA, Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle Traduction Francaise. Magazine #3 - On the southwest side of the racetrack at Easy City Downs, find this issue on a chest near the black sofa in the commentators area. This book instantly grants one free skill point to upgrade one of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. The issue is found in the upper floor library room, near a Holotape and steamer trunk. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. On the counter of a blown out building where. Magazine #5 - Find this magazine copy at the very top of the monument at Bunker Hill. Removed the ability to craft multiple levels of upper and lower receivers. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Gather overdue books to trade for tokens, then locate the overdue book vending machine in the southeast section of Boston Public Library. Magazine #3 - Enter the South Boston Military Checkpoint. ), Increased base damage of all service rifles, marksman rifles, and uniques from. Magazine #9 - At the BADTFL Regional Office, find the Chiefs office in the bullpen room on the western side of the building. (may respawn), #9 When Apes Go Bananas!!! Makes you more difficult to detect while sneaking. So glad there's a walkthrough for this because I would have no idea where to find these things otherwise! Lower level bedroom, Southwest corner, on a small table. On the radio operator's desk, in the middle of the Castle grounds, outside. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Inside the metal catwalk hut, northwest upper area of the main cannery room, with the Bobblehead. Inside the cafeteria terminal, northeast area. In the metal control room, northwest corner of the facility, by the steamer trunk, on a metal shelf. Service Rifle - All Unique Weapon Locations; Service Rifle - All Unique Weapon Locations. You can download it here: while looking for DOOMBASED's LK-05 I ended up picking up TrainsCDG's Service Rifle. Locate the magazine on the broken fridge to the left of Virgils terminal. On the triangular table of the outside balcony, accessed via Holdren's quarters, North of atrium. Climb the pipes and catwalks to reach the office. These are no longer tied to the upper/lower receiver. On the small table, attic level, just after climbing the main staircase. Edit: Answering myself: I looked through the mod w/FO4Edit and found the following: There is one issue in a house near the Cambridge Crater, under a bunch of burnt books on a bookshelf. Head through the hallways until you reach the executive office, at the top of the double stairwells. Magazine #3 - At the Shamrock Taphouse, a female mannequin standing atop the table in the so called game room will be holding this magazine. In the scavenger's sleeping area, close to the steamer trunk, western area near exit stairs. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Some of which are pretty good! In the shanty hut atop the central satellite support (without the dish). And Deacons affinity perk and the Ace Operator perk from the Nuka-World DLC work on the weapon to bring the suppressed damage up a fair amount. Fallout 4 Mods Weapons Service Rifle Service Rifle Endorsements 23,928 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version 0.96 Download: Manual 24 items Last updated 03 July 2018 8:50PM Original upload 13 June 2018 11:21PM Created by DeadPool2099 - The Shiny Haxorus and friends Uploaded by DeadPool2099 Virus scan Some files not scanned The chamber where you speak with Kellogg allows your canine companion to permanently take 5 % less damage 7.62 and. Even if everything else in the chamber where you speak with Kellogg considered stealing the comic book 's... Now start appearing at levels 20-25 the Raider camp at the very bottom of... +10 % discount from food and drink vendors books to trade for Tokens, locate. 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