Clark (dislikes sex acts and might/will talk) Clark and his sister Lindsey Fitzpatrick Vanessa Fitzpatrick George Fitzpatrick 128 Fordwych Rd NW2 3PB 020 8450 2383 07956 095 224 I was breastfeeding then and have been very careful with my diet to not upset her tummy but she kept crying and crying as if something disturbed her deeply. Q: And they do sex to be in a building. The cut off the head. I: And do they charge for it as well. So he might come and kill us. Q: Yeah, yeah, its like in Hampstead. Q: We cut the babys head off, then we kill the meat from the skulls and then we put all the meat and cook it. - she got a big birth mark with a big [???] And after get this assistant. WVA Deputy Sheriffs badge design based on FBI pedocriminal Boy Lover symbol, Was Trump High? P: Christchurch Primary School, thats what our church is. Benji (works for Brent cross cafe, which sales pancakes, also shoe shop in Finchley Road underground, Iggy Henries hair cutters, Hampstead Starbucks, fairy shop on Flask Walk, does the filming, helps in the kitchen) P: She spied on us and after I was like close to alerting her that I told. Teaching Team. I: Right. A: Who kills the babies? Apparently, Minia was looking after 2 two babies: Rebecca and William, (around 1-3 years old) and also brought them to abuse. P: Maybe, like, nearly 2,000. Has secret rooms (where he keeps skills, bones, props, fridges with dead baby bodies) and secret escapes in his house. Nichola volunteer in New End School (daughter Chloe in Y1 New End School) as you go towards the end of Resington Gardens, NW3 (continuation of Heath Drive; as you reach the end of the road there is gates straight up through, top flat, top floor corner flat), all her children abused. After Alisa came back from Russia, James has already begun the counseling seesions in the Tavistock Centre after witnessing the violence towards me and been hit my Mr Dearman. Mias, Mia cause errrm, Mia. A: He knows your father. P: If his hand on it, if he touches it, he wipes some of his fingerprints. . P: Yes, but(? Its a lot. A Hampstead school that found itself at the centre of completely false allegations about a satanic paedophile cult has welcomed a High Court judge's ruling that the accusations were "entirely. What about the one where you wriggle your arse? You know you went to Cafcass, yes? Number of pupils eligible for free school meals Help with number of pupils eligible . Q: They stick their willies in my bottom. A: Right. They told us hold the knife. Hampstead Case TranscriptTranscripts from the Hampstead Abuse Case. P: Q took the police to a place where we regularly go to do sex. And also errrm theres a , Q: Yeah Belsize Park no no, no, no . A: Is the baby alive when they cook the baby. video titled "09 Sep cutting heads off" = Mr Morris. I: Right this moment, right. P: Then the blood drips in. Apart from her being hairy. They now revealed that it was their farther who was teaching them to do this. A: So not all not all McDonalds are involved and not all Starbucks? P: Maybe about, maybe about 20. A: Anything else there? Mr Hollings (current teacher of Y5) - next in charge. Children are telling me that around this time he started to fully abuse them inserting his front private into their bottoms and making them to perform oral sex too. Sebastian (dislikes sex acts and might/will talk) Sebastian Bains Sunita Tom. Establishment Christ Church Primary School, Hampstead URN: 100028. Not strong. Q: Mmmm yeah, yes a tiny, errrm. Cause we are gonna make sure theres no rocks for them to hide under. P: Theyve got a special tool and they put it in the skin, like, in the babys skin and then they take it off. Q: You know that school where Mias house is? Show me the little dot. I: Well, listen, everything is going to be all right. And when I eat , P: The first time that we ever ever done it, with papa, the first time when we done it, we had feared so much, P: When we killed a baby, the first time . I told the school staff to remind Gabriel to drink. And also they have on their pussies, their privates. P: And then you take a card out. The one with the words? A: They cook the baby there; they have secrets rooms and secret kitchen. Provides empty properties for ritual and sexual abuse of the children. P: He tells us to hold the hand with a knife, and then he holds his hand on our hand. Anybody else youd like to tell us about. He suspects that something is going on. Can you draw a picture of the star for me. I: So, Q was tellin me that the whole schools in on it. Yes. Fly to Maroc, then Casablanca, to Russia, where my Grandparents are. That if we, if my mum says, if she does says, yes you can, that means when we go to his house on Saturday the police can go with us. Alisa would throw the tantrums at home, also without apparent valid reason. Thats true. A: What did they do to you? Amlie Wessel. The abuse was going on the regular basis, almost as part of the school time schedule. I: Yeah, it was the police. Dont rush!!!! There were periods of the relative peacefulness in the family, for example, the time when Mr Dearman was out of the UK from the end of 2011 until summer of 2012. Thats what A says. And do sex too. P: Weve got black circles around their eyes. P: ..and the man, not SO bad, and my father, as I said, P: no, no, he told the solicitor are suggesting, well, not suggesting, but theyre tellingthat my father, or RD, Ricky Dearman, I: yeah, yeah, yeah do call him your father, yeah. E = Mother. In 2010 Alisa started to attend the Christchurch school in Hampstead, Gabriel year later. Mother: ParentsQ: My dads family. Thats why theyre not helping. Tell me, mamma. Alleged Abusers Named: Mr. Hollings, Laura Hurlicot, Sophie Dix, Jacqui Cabal (Kabal? P: Yes. Sophie Nevil. A: Can you tell me what they do these fellows. Many other children have been abused too. A: Can you give me the names of some of these parents and teachers please? We know who does it. A: OK. Thats the lady you call Sherpherds Bush? A: And theres another lady apparently who has a big wart. She flicks it. Can you tell me any of the other fathers that kill babies please? Was it Social Services as well? Jack (RDs friend, solicitor, perhaps works in Hampstead) Tell me more stuff. A: Are there any other schools or churches involved. Piter Piper nursery at St Lukes church. Christchurch Hill After making the allegations they were treated at the Tavistock clinic in London and have since retracted their claims and . I then were suspicious about this activity continuing but haven never caught the children red handed. He would punish them for not doing it and was questioning them on how many times a day they did it, and still would hurt them even if they obeyed. Mrs Shail (?). Luca (dislikes sex acts and might/will talk) Luca Lamanov Nimet Golmen Artyom Lamanov 7 Cayford House, Lawn Road NW3 2XG 07737 674 144 07887 677 970 Q: Yes. I: yeah. Andrew Harrison. Christ Church school, Hampstead NW3 1JH UK who's who ===== Katy Forsdyke Headteacher Lewis Hollings Y4 class teacher (Senior leadership team) . Voluntary aided school. When we was with papa they met and then they got better friends, and better friends and better friends and better friends. Children in year 3,4,5,6 are doing sex to each other in the quite area. Q: and also, she has a birthmark all around. Todays the 9th September 2014. Miss Unwin. Hannah Hannah Sassower Tracy Sassower Ethan Sassower 5 Mount Vernon NW3 6QS 0207 435 9567 07740 589 834 7.73E+09 Anything else shes got anything else you can remember? 020 8450 6451, 07973 771687, 07739 821109. P: And they dont show it. The adults were doing similar things with rocks, glue, twigs and grass, which were inserted into the childrens bottoms. Which means, touch. Aggressiveness, violence towards each other was always present in my children, to more or less degree. Pause in Iran Hostilities Address Slurred by Evident Covert Drugging, War Crimes in Exopolitics: Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre Cites Gaia TV Execs, Dr. Michael Salla, Corey Goode and Randy Cramer, Decrypt the Matrix like an Expert with Cyberpunk 101: The Series, Pipe Bomb PSYOP Suspect Cesar Sayoc Advertised POTUS Hero Worship According to Secret Messages, Was YouTube Shooting a Terrorist Attack? She rubs it really nice. And today its Wednesday and if I was right now on Wednesday in School, they would have done lots and lots of sex to me. I: You do realize that this is called generational? Lives in Highgate. A: Youre going to face your fear, because fear is what? E: They asked you many times, didnt they? P: The babies, we send the Social Services to do it, unfortunately. Fiona James. Q: On Wednesday, its the day of money and they [inaudible] sex cause its the most, busiest day. Q: Yes. I: So, theres certain times that they do it? Sssh ssssh . They touch my privates, sexually. The Eucharist is at the heart of the Sunday worship. Who have distinguishing marks? 30A Townshend Ct Shannon Place, NW8 7DP. A: What about this fellow, Ritchie, from Social Service? A: Who? Errrm Maxs father kills baby. The adults were bringing other children to the properties where the abuse and violence was going on: Lisas children Katie (6 years old), Max (8 years old); Wayne and Marys children: Amelia (5 years old), Alex (7 years old). I have learnt that Gabriel was filming Alisa. Q: Yes. Shes only 8 years old. Mr Oliver . A lot of the recording was inaudible], Transcripts from the Hampstead Abuse Case. Benji (tennis coach, works for Chandos club, touches) 020 7435 6610. Daniel, Felix and Max. Show map. I was constantly seeking the answers to the situation, asked the school twice for the referral to the Tavistock Center (after we have attended previously), had a private consultation with the child psychologist, signed up and attended six weeks course on positive parenting and prepaid and was going to attend another advanced course on the siblings parenting (this supposed to start on 9 September 2014 but I never went because of the children disclosure, reporting to the police, children have been retained, courts, etc). (Talking to the dog) Oy, shut up! They my sisters P she is in Year 4 and errrm theres a man, a teacher of her, called Mr Hollings, and they were learning about sweets and then P talks to Sophie, her best friend, and then errrm she speaks to errrrm she speaks to all her friends and then, all her best friends, about her favourite sweeties and then Mr Hollings .. errm goes near them and peeks what they love. Ms Wilmer (infant teacher) prefers babies and was the longest friends with Ricky Dearman. I: ok. Hampstead Parochial, the one with the tree sign. E: Wait, wait, wait. But its gonna make you a better person. She rubs until the white things come out. And normal animal flesh like chicken and beef. Mr. Hollings, 10 Highgate Road. Thank you very much. A lot of priests. P: But, because we cant, we are not so strong, cause the spine is there. A: Wheres the birthmark of Mrs Forsdyke? A: What is Cafcass? One of the main abusers. James (will talk) James Upson Galyna Upson 232 Finchley Road NW3 6DJ 0779646 8776 Supplies the babies. I:No, no, no. Minia, 20 Primrose Hill Road, nw3. Herby (works in Heathrow, at the check in and arranges tickets for RD and others). And they smack us, smack us and hurt us until we cut off the head. P & Q: No. Brownies club at St Lukes church. P: And then theres Social Services. Th..Th..Theyre not human. 0779646 8776 P: First EVER, we saw Papa kill a baby, and me and Q done & when they done sex to me and Q.. when we first.. A: Who did sex to you? Betty (drama class, not Ace, also works for Costa coffee on Finchley road between Waitrose and Swiss cottage, does filming and sex, long blond hair, blue eyes, usually wears rainbow dress) P: My mother. Helena, husband, got sausage dog, 4 children, mid of Pattison rd, red car, dog is with one blue eye. A: Can you tell me if any other person has any distinguishing marks please. Alleged Abusers Mentioned: Social Services: Spike, Richie; Cafcass: Holly, Ella. As a reward and bribe for not talking, the children were given their favorite sweets. Q: all over her privates. Son Clark (Y5), Lindsey (Y6) still attend the Christchurch school, 2 older daughters used to go to the Christchurch primary and are now at the other Christian church schools for secondary education: one in Finchley, another in Central London. P: They hang it upside down and theres this big white bowl under. Teachers who have left school to other schools to spread the cult but still come to the parties: Ms Reece (lives with Ms Clay), Ms Surgent (moved to Brighton), Ms Clay works for new French school in London and France. Mr Hollings . Q: Yeah, and they have a secret kitchen. A: Lovely. And theres a sweet shop in there . Lives in Highgate. I: naah.. neither is, neither is the rest of it. Like putting brooms sticks in the childrens bottoms and then fishing the pieces out while it caused bleeding. Has huge pink birth mark around shaved front private with the devils tattoo. No tattoos, nothing? P: Well, they would have been in jail by now, cause they said on Monday or Saturday, or Sunday or Monday they will get arrested. I: So its Tuesday, 9th or 8th. P: She is the nurse for our school. The children were terrorized by the abusers and have never told me until August this year (2014) while on holidays. Why did they cut the heads off the babies? Youre with humans. P & Q: Papa, Mr HollingsP: The school. This incident was reported to the bank. Alisa and Gabriel said that their dad was putting it on Internet since they saw it there too. Remy Weinbrecht, Rebecca Denton, Adrian Weinbrecht. Absolutely unbelievable. I have never been exposed or came across the sexual abuse and only briefly knew about the existence of the pedophile phenomena so did not recognize the signs. They have special days of money. 07971 902784. I: Thats good. Me and Papa Hemp are the panic alarms. A: Do you think your father knows these people? I was really close, I was like that. E: Yeah, yeah, yes. Where is papa? P: Mrs Forsdyke is the headteacher. Because of the sugar. P: Yes. About half year ago Ive noticed Gabriel was touching our puppy Crystals intimate parts. P: He wants to go, he wants to take me and Q (1:45) this Saturday, overnight to Sunday, to Sheffield. Her partner, Sara, shes a bad lady thats got really red cheeks, shes one of them. He was touching his front private while doing this. Mrs Forsdyke (headmistress) her husband is involved and also supplies babies. Cartney (dislikes sex acts and might/will talk) Cartney Duke Lidia Noronha. A: And theres who did you mention. Keys are held by Frank, Max (black skinned from Sportec shop on Finchley road, German), The leader, Ricky Dearman, Mrs Forsdyke (headmistress), Mr Hollings (current year 4 teacher), Daniel and Felix (German brothers from Belgium, owners of the shoe repair shop in Finchley road underground station), Ms Marden (school nurse), Ms Stokes (school receptionist), Ganti-Gil (man & wife from Germany, Vish (Indian from London, now in Berlin), Buster (German), Joseph (English), Vanessa, Galyna, Maxs mum-Josie (parents, the three are friends), Fiona Theos mum, Laura Sophies mum (friends), Y4 Jakes mum (she is usually filming), Y3 Eleannas mum, Daniel & Rafael Yilmazs mother Maria Soner, Spikes mum, Remys mum Rebecca. I: Thats right. Well done. P: They like. A: What happens in the church? A: In the tube station where? Both bring babies from Russia, Ukraine. I dont know how , Q = 8 yr old boy Alleged Abusers Named: Father Paul, Mr Hollins, Mrs Forsdyke, Sara who works at Cleos, Mr Morris. A: And what - he gets you to help him? [coughs]. But its part of the standard procedure we have to tell the police what is happening. Other fathers. A: When he shaved himself, what can you see when hes shaved. I: Father Paul. Everybody does it. So when you come in theres this shop . Teachers from other schools: Richie (St Margaret), Mr Hint (Hampstead Perrochio), movies, good at filming) Mr Phonix (head teacher at New End school) Mrs Fritz (head of Fitzjohns school) Mr Fenoni (New End school). I: You dont need a panic alarm. She has, like, errm. (Not confirmed). Members of the cult film, edit, translate and sell the movies around Europe, Russia, Ukraine, America. You know. A: Is that true Q? P & Q: No. Its not his real name, its what the children call him. I dont know. All wear shoes made of baby skin by Felix, Daniel (owners of the shoe repair shop in Finchley Road underground station), Max (Sportec shop on Finchley road). I: Sick people. New End does it errrm . 30 Ravenshaw St, NW6 1NN. Is it the 9th of September? Katie, Anna (black), John, Freddie Dinner ladies and men in school kitchen The relationship between Mr Dearman and I was on and off since 2004 until 2007. 66 Ellesmere Rd, NW10 1JS. Well, shes got kinda dark, dark blue costume. Q: Everybody. Eating babies. Its hanging on. They do it to each other. Sophie Alan. Everybody has skulls worn around the neck (4), on breast, front private, belly, knees, arms. In 20xx, two children would make a series of claims about Satanic Ritual Abuse. Q: Shed stick a willy in my bottom and also sometimes people, errm, stick, errm, balls too, of the willy in my bottom and then when they take it out it bleeds more than when they stick a willy in. Lady thats got really red cheeks, shes a bad lady thats got red... Basis, almost as part of the recording was inaudible ], Transcripts from the abuse... 6451, 07973 771687, 07739 821109 our hand Russia, Ukraine,.. 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