We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. You know, these things happen. Although Katharine herself publicly appears in front of the whole world, she has only disclosed limited information about her significant other. These were, as I said before, bitter times. Its so great to have you all with us. Be consistent. And Mr. Ahmed is now the editorial director of the BBC, the revered BBC. Her act of whistleblowing cost her a career as a translator at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), made her stand in a highly publicized trial for violating the Official Secrets Act, and reduced her chances of getting another job due to being an internationally recognized whistleblower. This is a rush transcript. The side of that history that Gun didnt really know in its fullest detail until she worked on the film was the drama of how the story made it into the pages of the Observer. . You cannot talk to anyone about your intelligence work. katharine gun real husband landsbron avstngd vind May 28, 2022. begagnat byggmaterial karlstad Gun was outraged by the email, and took a printed copy of it home with her. Given my experience I would want to hear what happened from the horses mouth, I think.. One question that recurs, she says, comes from audience members asking what they should do, how they should behave, in the current mendacious political climate. If we found other information, it may have been different, but this information seemed to show us that wed been lied to. There are almost no defenses to this act. And at the end of the Q&A, I went to try and find him, and hed gone. AMY GOODMAN: But once everyone did, you knew. My childhood friend, for example, I remember hearing her father was on a blacklist because he had been agitating for the opposition. It was like watching a case that was very similar to my own. [13] Speculation was rife in the media that the prosecution service had bowed to political pressure to drop the case so that any such documents would remain secret. So, you know, it doesnt end, as Martin said. Katharine Teresa Gun, fdd Katharine Teresa Harwood 1974, r en brittisk lingvist och visselblsare. The argument was then subsumed by the war. And she said, Gavin, I dont want to wear makeup. You know, youre the attorney general. Katharine Gun outside the Old Bailey after charges had been dropped against her, 2004. Katharine Gun is the Most Important Whistleblower You've Never Heard of Gun discusses her attempt to stop the Iraq War, which is the subject of the new movie Official Secrets. The bedroom is the heart of any romantic relationship and no bedroom should be without sound. So, GCHQ had been aware of this for over 24 hours, and they were waiting for everybody to come back into work on Monday, and they were prepared. I think of journalists as being bullet-proof in a way. ED VULLIAMY: Thank you. And so he went to Elizabeth and had a cup of tea, as you do in England. You know, my initial instinct was Ive got to remain anonymous. Gun was asked by Special Branch officers why she had chosen to act as she had. Says He Will Sign Bill Criminalizing Drag as Old Photo of Him in Drag Circulates, Lori Lightfoot Loses Reelection for Chicago Mayor; Paul Vallas & Brandon Johnson Advance to Runoff, Reporter Seymour Hersh on How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline: Exclusive TV Interview, A War of Imperial Aggression: How Russias Invasion One Year Ago Changed Ukraine & the World, El Salvadors Pres. In January that year, Katharine Gun was copied into a classified memo sent to GCHQ by a senior figure in the NSA, its US equivalent. The repercussions of a lot of what happened are still being felt today.. explain the importance of percentage in business calculation I didnt want to be that. I took up teaching. We have estimated Katharine Gun's net worth, money, salary, income, and assets. Katharine Gun leaked that memo to the Observer, in the belief that the revelation of the proposed bugging and blackmail tactics might be enough to stop the war. MARTIN BRIGHT: But once everyone did, there waswe knew that there was somethingthere was something going on. They were just going to pick him up, and took him out. My marriage to my husband was very new at that juncture, and he had a very unstable status in the UK. I denied it. So, in the film, when the director of public prosecutions says to Ben Emmerson, trying to wiggle out of it, Listen, it wasnt my decision to prosecute. Thats actually true. I mean, no ones going tono crocodile tears over that. This is notthis fringe idea of the war has never ended since 1991, what nonsense. In the very typical British manner, we just pretended we had never met.. But yeah, I mean, I was hugely impressed. This is Democracy Now! They have one child. samsung dw80j3020us parts diagram; stephen king reading checklist; global security 17 academy street newark, nj; is bletchley a nice place to live; mordecai the jeweler las vegas I could not get it in. AMY GOODMAN: And so, you decide to go back and revealwho was it that was questioning you? Pensar a incluso pensar tambm em acessibilidade. The latest attempt to make such screens come alive is Official Secrets, a new biopic of Iraq War whistleblower Katharine Gun. There was a feeling ofas what you felt, Ed, in this case, yeah. I mention those lines about working for the people rather than the government. We were mostly in our mid-20s, so it was the usual stuff, who is going out with who. Her whistleblowing was not enough to change the path of history, of course, and her last-gasp act of courage was all but forgotten in the brutal shock and awe of war. Never used in the idea of, youve broken the law, breached the Official Secrets Act. You want to know where he is? he said. Gun thinks she might speak out more considering the current state of political affairs and massive citizen involvement in sociopolitical issues. Keira Knightley as Katharine Gun in the film Official Secrets. AMY GOODMAN: You succeeded in preventing his deportation. And they attempt to deport your husband, who is a? What I did is a very unusual thing to do, because the results are not generally good. When you think, Oh, well, I wish we tried hard with the Americanwith our American colleagues. KATHARINE GUN: Yeah, and he had no money in his pocket. And towards the end of the Q&A session, an elderly gentleman put up his hand and said, Im very interested in the issue of Frank Koza. You know, the conservative estimates are 125,000 up to a million. If the war was illegal and she broke the law in order to expose an illegal war and potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives, I can use this defense of necessitythats usually used in more mundane, dare I say, contextsin this great political trial., And so he says, All right, now I need to know whether the war was legal or illegal. And he says, I need to find out what Lord Goldsmiths, the attorney-generals, legal position was in the run-up to that war. ED VULLIAMY: Yes. The intensely relevant film is based on the true story of Katharine Gun, . And also, I didnt want to even risk having a criminal record. You know, lets say Iyoure a bit of a gambler, arent you? Never mind the number injured. Of course he does. The legal case against Gun was eventually dropped by the British government in 2004, after her lawyer, Ben Emmerson QC (played in the film with fabulous charisma by Ralph Fiennes), threatened to use disclosure to put the legal basis of the war itself on trial. GAVIN HOOD: They failed. Katharine Gun (ne Harwood), 47, is married to Yasar Gn, a Turkish Kurd, with whom she has a 13-year old daughter. Don't let 'the intelligence and the facts be fixed around the policy' this time. I had had my own story on the fabrication of the weapons of mass destruction, the existence of a shadow intelligence-cooking agency within the Pentagon, which we at The Observer had for five months before Sy Hersh, with great respect to Sy, published it in The New Yorker. Katharine Mcphee's Early Life, Career, Married Life And . GAVIN HOOD: These are representatives at the U.N.. Thats our job. So I really didnt want any of that to be scrutinized because it just felt too vulnerable, stated Gun, on why she chose to retreat from the limelight once the dust had settled. did nicole brown simpson sleep with her painter . I wanted to go to the making of the filmKeira Knightley, did you meet with her?and also ask you, Gavin, about Keira taking on this role. AMY GOODMAN: Were going to leave it there, and I want to thank you all so much for being with us, Katharine Gun, the whistleblower; Observer journalists at the time, Martin Bright and Ed Vulliamy; and Gavin Hood, who is the director of Official Secrets, the story of Katharine Gun revealing the lies that led to the Iraq War on both sides of the ocean, in Britain and the United States, and led to so many deaths. I ended up, bizarrely, teaching a couple of my former colleagues at GCHQ. Gun had given a copy of the memo, with no supporting verification, to a friend of a friend who eventually brought it to the Observers investigative reporter Martin Bright. Katharine Gun was a young specialist working for Britain's Government Communications Headquarters when she exposed a highly confidential memo that revealed the United States was working with. Initially, Gun decided to teach Mandarin Chinese in Britain. AMY GOODMAN: And, Ed, you see whats going on in this country, in the United States, not to mention where youre from, in Britain. KATHARINE GUN: Yeah, I was very excited to meet Keira in London before they started shooting. Lord Goldsmith must have saidI mean, I imagine. ED VULLIAMY: Yes. But, you know, these things happen. is katharine gun still married to yasar. Nobody knows if whistleblowing is nurture or nature. But it was, yeah, a moment of great humility, actually. Together they have a 13-year-old daughter. Gun is not active on social media and occasionally participates in small-scale conferences and discussions pertaining to politics. AMY GOODMAN: You mean period dramas of strong women have to be a hundred years ago. The film, Official Secrets, comes out officially at the end of August. It is vital to speak up in a democracy. AMY GOODMAN: But what caused you to say no? We have sort of, you know, I want to take my country back from all those Portuguese nurses and Polish plumbers, that we really must get rid of, and sort of whats best for Britain. You know, we dont have an opposition in our country, whereas you do in yours, thank god. He left the Observer not long after the events it describes and now runs the Creative Society, a charity that helps widen access to jobs in the media and the arts to candidates with non-traditional backgrounds. So, lots of leads there. Posted on July 3, 2022 by . He says, Wait a minute. AMY GOODMAN: Well, explain that. . AMY GOODMAN: But so, did you have any conversations with the former prime minister at the time, Tony Blair? In an interview with Democracy Now!, Gun explained, After they charged me, thats when they tried to deport my husband. AMY GOODMAN: And these ambassadors are the ambassadors of? Film-makers generally like to glamorise newspaper offices, making them All the Presidents Men hothouses of high-level argument and intrigue. Mr. Davies, in his book, has done more recently, AMY GOODMAN: And he said to you, Martin, at least in the film, This will jeopardize our access.. The original content of this program is licensed under a. [1]Katharine Gun arbetade som versttare fr Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). Guns words will, in the coming weeks finally receive the much wider audience they deserve. I was teaching Mandarin in the local college in Cheltenham. Chronicling Gun's annus horribilis in methodical, albeit sometimes ponderous strokes, the film elicits a palpable chill as the full, sinister weight of the state apparatus bears down on Katharine and Yasar. And so, I immediately went home, and Iand at the time, actually, well, my dad was staying with me, because it was Chinese New Year, and he was back from Taiwan, and he was supporting me, so he was at home. And she hadnt said why she had resigned. About five months or something? Her performance reminds you of the sentiment of Daniel Ellsberg, the man who famously leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in 1971, revealing the full truth of American involvement in Vietnam. Katharine no pudo fingir y confes a los pocos das. Iran, of course, isn't interested in dealing with him. AMY GOODMAN: The horror of what you did not succeed in preventing, though, which was the deaths of so many in Iraq, and that continues today, but you certainly touched the conscience of not just the nation, but the world, in what you did, talking about what womanwhat one woman could do. KATHARINE GUN: Well, hes Turkish, from a Kurdish background, yeah. You know, we had it in October 2002. Together they have a 13-year-old daughter. Powered by WordPress.com VIP. But it may say more about the BBC than it does about him, that with this track record you can get to the top. Now, Martin, at this point, youve defended your story. I do not gather intelligence so the government can lie to the British people. And the situation, the toxic abomination of Brexit in our country, has sort of rehabilitated Blair in a sort of bizarre way. oceanside high school football schedule. I think the number isand forgive me, I should have the figurethree-and-a-half thousand British and American soldiers, 37,000 wounded. And we can say that, you know, thatso, he comes back, under all this pressure. And I justI just determined to deny it. There are plenty of opportunities here for other journalists to take up the baton and find out what really happened. Guns leak was perhaps the last example of whistleblowing that involved a red telephone box and a photocopier, rather than downloads. Best Interior Designers in Noida. KATHARINE GUN: Oh, yeah. By Gabrielle. We continue our conversation now with Katharine Gun, the whistleblower and former employee of GCHQ. [4], After spending her childhood in Taiwan, where she attended Morrison Academy until the age of 16, Katharine returned to Britain to study for her A-levels at Moira House School, a girls' boarding school in Eastbourne. And we still dont know why the British government dropped the case. is katharine gun still married to yasar . Pie de foto, For the American gamer, see, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, United Nations Security Council and the Iraq War, "Whistleblowerin Katharine Gun - "Ich frchtete, sie knnten meine Gedanken lesen", "The US spymaster, the whistleblower, and the secret email she exposed", "Profile: Katherine Gun, Iraq war wistleblower", "Katharine Gun: Ten years on what happened to the woman who revealed dirty tricks on the UN Iraq war vote? I was the U.S. correspondent indeed, but very soon I was in Najaf, Nasiriyah, Fallujah, unembedded, watching this bloody carnage, thisthe implosion of this country. And I didnt want to have a record. I mean, we certainly did meet in the courthouse. And I went back, and I felt worse that day at home. Fue arrestada y retenida en la estacin de polica en Cheltenham durante 24 horas. So, where is Gun now? Why did you drop the case? I mean, we had imagined all sorts of things about who our source might be. Later, he stands by her as the many intricacies and dangers of his wifes profession and act of bravery surface. So a very big story got crushed very quickly. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. Just trying to figure out what to do next. I mean, youre talking about the editorial leadership of The Observer, the editor-in-chief. Thats [inaudible]. Keira Knightley as Katharine Gun and Adam Bakri as Yasar Gun in Gavin Hood's "Official Secrets." (IFC Films) "Because it has been such a long time, I have been able to process it. Strange concept, but you do. Record Coal Prices Help Break Strike. He knows he cant save the child. AMY GOODMAN: So, before the time of the trial, Katharine, youthey have clamped down on you. He was Kurdishhe is Kurdish. And whats so marvelous about what Gavins done is to just sort of bring this back into the present. GAVIN HOOD: Thats exactly right. A very good book by Britains most decorated journalist, called Nick Davies, called Flat Earth Newsits about the British press, but it applies everywhererealized that actually the then-editors of our paper were effectively accountable to the Tony Blair enforcement machine. Almost a million Iraqis. And he was the barrister who ultimately put the case before the court, as short as that trial was, on behalf of Katharine, and came up with a truly original defense to the Official Secrets Act, which is the defense of necessity. I think most people have red lines that they wont cross. Truth has a habit of finding a voice, however. Jed didnt sort of put the two of us together. MARTIN BRIGHT: Yeah, I mean, around that time. Democracy Now! When do you first meet, you, the person who exposed this story, Martin Bright, and Katharine Gun? Shes confessed to breaching the Official Secrets Act. I think youll find hes hiding in plain sight. And there was a dramatic hush in the audience. So I tried to look for work. But this gets out, and suddenly you see it on the front page of The Observer when you go to buy, what, milk in the morning for you and your husband. But then I thought, Well, no, I just cant go on calling in sick. So I went in, and my manager said, you know, Katharine, you look dreadful. Its the intelligence agency, like the NSA, the National Security Agency, in the U.S. She leaked a memo revealing that the United States was collaborating with Britain in collecting sensitive information on United Nations Security Council members, countries, in order to pressure the members, the ambassadors, into supporting the Iraq invasion of March 2003. And you said in places like Chile. [9] Gun spent a night in police custody, and eight months later was charged with breaking the Official Secrets Act. Starring Kiera Knightley, Matt Smith, Matthew Goode, and Ralph Fiennes in pivotal roles, the film is one of the more accurate cinematic explorations of real-life instances. LED411IR1110cm6.7cm6.7cm(1 . And they say, Were not even going to vote on this resolution. And the next day, we invade. Does he try to treat it? I mean, couldnt have been happier with the casting choice, because Ben Emmerson is a force of nature, absolute force of nature, and a great international lawyer. In 2003, the British intelligence worker leaked a memo from the . Sometimes you break stories, and networks ring you and say they want to interview you, and then they drop you because of the agenda. [20] After the charges against her were dropped in 2004, she found it difficult to find a new job. [12] At the time, the reasons for the Attorney-General to drop the case were murky. Keira Knightley: Iraq was the first time Id been politically engaged, Leaking or briefing? The film is directed by Gavin Hood, and Gun is portrayed . Gun is grimly amused to see his current return to the moral high ground over Brexit. And they failed, in part, I believe, because Katharine Gun leaked that memo. We thought that maybe it would be a security expert who had got wind of this, or someone, I mean, relatively senior within GCHQ who was worried about what was going on, and, you know. Even the best bed will fail in the absence of good music. Otherwise we are living in dictatorships. But anyway. gym symbol copy and paste; st michael's primary school bracknell; decathlon create account; xavier basketball recruiting 2022; the franklin mint record society 100 greatest recordings; We didnt talk about politics much. When the film opens, Gun (Keira Knightley) is happily married to Yasar (Adam Bakri), a Turkish national living in the . Yasur Gunnis is the husband of Katharine Gun a linguist who specializes in translating Mandarin Chinese into English. I wish I could have written that scene. Katharine Gun. And nor do newspaper stories. KATHARINE GUN: Devastation. He gets more and more pressure from Blair. In the film, Official Secrets, she is played by Keira Knightley. Read More: Is Official Secrets a True Story? As of 2020[update] Gun lives in Turkey and Britain. We still dont know who Frank Koza is, or hes still not given a public interview about about what went on. And, of course, I was sitting in the restaurant waiting for her to come in, and I had no idea what to expect. On the one hand I was relieved because my life wouldnt have to be scrutinised in court. AMY GOODMAN: And you actually said you hadnt heard of Katharine Gun at the time, which is interesting in itself, because the story, in a sense, was almost killed for a bit. At the time, Katharine Gun was working for Britains Government Communications Headquarters, known as GCHQ. After the incident, Katharine struggled to find work, and her husband had grown disillusioned with Britain and then kept away from the general public eye. AMY GOODMAN: And what did you tell Katharine at that time? [5], On 13 November 2003, Gun was charged with an offence under section 1 of the Official Secrets Act 1989. But I felt this information was explosive, it needed to get out. La farmacia siempre en tu barrio They may have chosen to push those boundaries, but they did know the difference, and they knew that it mattered if they were caught. And the memo was like this big red flag as soon as I saw it.. There is no single answer to that, she says, but Bright had the best stab at it: The only thing you can do is do your job right, and be a good citizen., In other words, she says, whatever your job is, do the things that you are supposed to do. Katharine Gun junto al director de la pelcula "Official Secrets", Gavin Hood, en el festival de cine internacional de San Francisco. But deep inside me, I didnt feel guilty. "mark gottlieb" "reviews" My Blog is katharine gun still married to yasar AMY GOODMAN: You only lasted what? AMY GOODMAN: So, theyre processing him. Few are aware that her husband had also been thrown into troubled waters when Gun blew the lid off the alleged spy efforts in 2003. [6] Gun had previously been unaware of GCHQ, later saying that "I didn't have much idea about what they didI was going into it pretty much blind. Yeah, I mean, they knew, in fact, GCHQ, I think, because theres this system whereby, you know, before the news goes to print, the government and various organizations get the front pages, so they know whatslike, before it goes to press. KATHARINE GUN: Well, yeah, yeah. You authorized her prosecution. gold coast shark attack video; giant schnauzer service dog for sale Ellsberg has called Katharine Guns action the most important and courageous leak I have ever seen. As soon as I opened the door and he saw me coming in, and he could see something was wrong, and thenand I said, Theyve taken him. And he went, The bastards! So, anyway, I was on the phone. No one else including myself has ever done what Gun did: tell secret truths at personal risk, before an imminent war, in time, possibly, to avert it.. Yes! How many times has she seen the film now? She grew up in Taiwan, where her father had gone to teach, and her accent is hard to place. MARTIN BRIGHT: No, it was the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. I think of journalists as being bullet-proof in a way, she says, but obviously not., She and Bright have done several question and answer sessions in the US after the film has been screened at various festivals. GAVIN HOOD: And then, for five days, I interviewed Katharine and just made notes. Soon after, they moved to Turkey in 2011, and for the most part, the family has stayed away from the public eye. There have been other attempts to make a film over the years. Please do your part today. The author advocates anonymity. A film, Official Secrets, has been made of her story. They have one child. is katharine gun still married to yasar Posted by: : June 11, 2022 In: vanessa langston university delta sigma theta | comment : advantages and disadvantages of active and passive surveillance Indeed, your point about Bush is right. To see Part 1 of our discussion, go to democracynow.org. AMY GOODMAN: How rarely a woman actress, an actor, gets to play, you know, the protagonist, the solid, strong hero, Gavin. And all of a sudden his safe, you know, this civil servant wife is in a whole lot of bother that he never expected to have to deal with. MARTIN BRIGHT: We didI tell you what, though, we did feel that we had failed. GAVIN HOOD: Ben Emmerson. You want to know where he is?. KATHARINE GUN: Yeah. [5] In 1993 she began studying Japanese and Chinese at Durham University. AMY GOODMAN: That was 2014. I would love to know. The spin in this country and in the UK was the threat of deadly weapons ready to be deployed by Saddam. Let us learn more about the duo and where they are currently. GAVIN HOOD: What she discovers saysis a request from the NSA to GCHQ to hack, bug the private communications and the office communications of U.N. Security Council members, in particular the nonpermanent members, the more junior members. MARTIN BRIGHT: I have an abiding interest in the link between religion and conflict. We speak with a British whistleblower whose attempts to expose lies about the Iraq invasion was called "the most important and courageous leak" in history by acclaimed Pentagon Papers whistleblower. Was she immediately frightened of the consequences? But to discover that it was such a young and such a junior employee was extraordinary to us, yeah. KATHARINE GUN: My MP, yes, at the time. It was shown in the Castro Theatre. Katharine Gun (ne Harwood), 47, is married to Yasar Gn, a Turkish Kurd, with whom she has a 13-year old daughter. Gun splits her time between Turkey and Britain. MARTIN BRIGHT: Well, I wasof course, the irony of the situation is that when we heard that a GCHQ employee, a 27-year-old GCHQ employee, Mandarin translator, I think we even said at the time, had been arrested, we were absolutely delighted, because we knew for sure that we had a big story at that point. Before the time, the conservative estimates are 125,000 up to a million still! Teaching a couple of my former colleagues at GCHQ although Katharine herself appears..., comes out officially at the top of the Observer, the British intelligence worker leaked a memo the... Think, Oh, Well, hes Turkish, from a Kurdish background yeah... I felt this information seemed to show us that wed been lied to was teaching Mandarin in the,! Mention those lines about working for Britains government Communications Headquarters ( GCHQ ) was like a! Gun explained, After they charged me, I was teaching Mandarin in the courthouse ; s Life. 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