it happiness bonus will soon be obsolete as you move into further ages (other buildings are much more efficient). Cleary the author farms and must have been a poor player of the game. This is presumably how Ironman got the goods to build his Dynamic Tower as well. #501. Wondering if anyone has a list of targeted levels of each great building?? Critical Hit Personally, I recommend the Lighthouse and the Hagia Sophia as two of the best GBs in the game (so far, at least). The goods production is just gravy. You will level military buildings higher eventually. NOTRE DAME Useless doesnt give you enough of either supplies or happiness and no high level players would build one now. So the best comparison would be. Zeus-63. But by establishing exchanges with your friends and guildies, you maximize the value of your fps because when you contribute to someone elses GB, you can get fps, medals and bps. Chance of getting something extra when aiding other players, rewards consist of coins, supplies, medals, goods or diamonds. ATOMIUM Bad/good Too big for the happiness it gives you, but might be compulsory for some active GvsG guilds due its guild bonus. Provides the players guild with a support boost for Guild vs. Guild (GvG). I personally prefer the FP production over happiness, which can be achieved easily w/o the GB help. Bad Useful for happiness early on, but soon becomes way too big for the benefit it gives. In part, this is because the initial resource costs of GBs go up significantly by nearly a factor of 3 for each age. +100% when maxed. Guild Goods The average quantity of GBs per person currently is around 4. Last, the author simply places too little value on the cost of space; the number one factor in deciding. Emberguard Well-Known Member Mar 20, 2022 #2 Depends, are you intending to stick to current age and below? This allows me to reap almost 3,500 more supplies from my appliance factory every night, and I had barely any issues with Colonial Age goods in the Modern Era as well. Even for a trader, build this for the Forge Points. Yes, I have a curious question about what blueprints for Great Building drop when motivating building/decorations/etc. Strictly speaking, its a lot better than the Statue of Zeus, because at low levels, there is very little benefit from the attack strength bonus (on either GB), but the Cathedral still gives you some coins. I myself have 3 entire copies of the Babel's blueprints, but I'll never ever build it. Its big. Interestingly, the Goods output of St Marks is only somewhat (15%?) With that amount, you can basically throw your troops at the enemy and still conquer an entire sector in Guild Battlegrounds. Even at Level 10, a Lamp Factory from the Progressive Era can produce more supplies in a day than this. Level 84 for my AO was done as the percentage is 25.1 to succeed. Its a bit expensive for what it does, but still worthwhile. Coin Boost Forge of Empires Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I recently built the Canaveral, and I got to be honest, I made a mistake there. Guys, this advice is from about 5 years ago, the game was radically different then. Its not as powerful as some other GBs, but this is offset by the smaller footprint. Plunder Repel Truce/Dynamic Tower (7.29%, AA: 36.4%), 29. If you love this building, 60 is the minimum. I can literally build any GB i want. ROYAL ALBERT HALL ok/Good. They represent great achievements in humanity's history and future and provide very powerful bonuses for your city! It does not take into effect the rising income of new age buildings making the costs relative. It may not display this or other websites correctly. An amount of goods from the player's current age every 24 hours, from Modern Era on will produce double the amount of goods from three ages back ("unrefined goods" from Modern Era till Virtual Future). He was probably in a guild with enough high level players to get the blueprints through aiding. I want to see the real-life Colosseum, but on Forge of Empires, ask me to build this piece of uttercrap, oh god no. FPs are the core to the game. So think about it. (Read the Castel del Monte section for another interesting comparison). The happiness production of the Frauenkirche is impressive, 4900 when maxed. I hope InnoGames can make the Colosseum give out units instead of medals, or just give them an attack bonus, because until then, literally, and I repeat it: LITERALLY. Algorithmic Core Forge of Empires is known to intentionally give you very limited space, and stuffing something this large in theEarly Middle Ages would have been paramount to suicidal. The other benefit is to boost your supply buildings (by up to 145%). Well-Known Member Nov 30, 2021 #2 The average optimal level for nearly all GBs is roughly level 80. many deviations from that. JavaScript is disabled. HAGIA SOFIA Very Good Its too big. The Arc's bonus drops off sharply after level 80, so this is a good place to stop and is the standard for calculating any GB's profit zone for donors. (You may soon run out of expansion spaces, unfortunately). B Tier are GBs that you can build depending on your opinion, and there are no issues if you build them or not. The daily goods production is a bit less than that from the Lighthouse, and the Dresden Frauenkirche. Build as soon as you can and keep levelling it. I have a 29% attack boost, yet it makes less of an adjustment to the units stats than the 24% (attacking unit) defense? NEVER. Special Goods Would plan to delete at some point. Goods Quite simply, the Hagia Sophia allows you to get more GBs (and allows you to get them levelled up faster too). Otherwise, it's great Great Building to dump all your Forge Points. If you have the Chateau at Level 1, you get 60 diamonds for the quest; If you have it at Level 10, you get 100 diamonds, which is quite a lot. Beyond that Arc is second best. GBs that give goods are v helpful. For the first number of battles, there is a chance of killing half the enemy units at the start of the battle, for two-wave battles, the skill applies only to the first wave. The payback time is years. Your detailed list of GB and its rating are the most accurate here. The coins are nothing to sneeze at, and you can get this benefit from the Early Middle Ages onwards. The Critical hit bonus is also great. You must log in or register to reply here. So although the space needed is really large, its worthwhile it will save you a lot of space and construction costs for other happiness buildings over time. Build it. TA-10 a good initial stopping point, and then once it gets out of auto for levels 1-2 in a 1.9 thread. Thats not all. I hate the clicking so I'll prob stay at 60 for now. The author continues to over rate lower ages GBs by stating that higher age GBs cost more in goods, like you are still producing at a lower age rate. C Tier are the GBs that I personally wouldn't really recommend, but if it fits you, then go ahead and build it. That's A LOT, to say the least. Haghia sophia . better than that of the Lighthouse, while needing twice as much space, and having a greater initial goods cost. 500FP donation to your GB of choice in your city. The above ends with Hagia Sofia. In that case most of them are bad investments. However, the high level players are unlikely to level their HS higher than lvl 10 as there are other FP GBs that give you more bang for your buck. To understand this better, let's take the quest "The Fall of the Tsar", which rewards you with 40 diamonds. By Caesar, even Notre Dame got an F ONLY. Temple of Relics: level 3-5 or so early on; just whatever's cheap. Great Building List. This is about the same happiness as the Colosseum, for a lot smaller footprint. That 4000 Happiness at Level 10 is a complete joke by the Modern Era, when Cultural Buildings provides around 3000 happiness. Coins If you cant afford enough space in your city to have two large GBs, I still slightly prefer the Notre Dame or Hagia Sophia happiness GBs over the Colosseum, but if you get a full set of Colosseum blueprints first, then build it for sure. I took my HC, BG and SC all up to 91, which really is the highest these should ever go. Cape-60.This one is hard to justify overall b/c the time it takes to make back your investment is so long, but 60 is about the break point to justify it. I think most people would rather spend around 500,000 supplies than over 2500 Forge Points for happiness. I can't believe that one-fourth of my server actually built this. An article worth referencing would have a base point rating which harnesses the 6 pillars of success into a basic formula. And 32 medals a day is NOTHING, when you need 40,000 for the next expansion upgrade (or 50 for just 1 additional attempt at GE). Build it ASAP. It is an amazingly pretty castle though. it small but even in level 10 the population that provides is less than a resident in progressive era. CDM-60, maybe 65. for sure not excellent. Ive deleted 2 of my GBs and it was a real wrench, but ultimately the space they released was worth more than the GB and what it was giving me every day. I've found a lot of various sources on the "best" levels for different GB when transitioning from early leveling to mid-range leveling (past level 10). Your email address will not be published. Firstly once youve built a GB you wont want to delete it. To put that into perspective, you can use all those Forge Points to advance from the Bronze Age all the way to the doorsteps of the Colonial Age , or you can run through half of the Arctic Future's technology tree, or 25% of the Oceanic Future's technology tree. Thats the equivalent of 12.3 Churches, or 4.3 (LMA premium) Palaces, but in much less space of course. Goods (Previous Era) This is just my personal opinion, and you can feel free to disagree. Cathedral of Aachen: Very good However, if that same space (23) were used by Clapboard houses, you would have the equivalent of 720 coins produced per day. Take down your article, you are misleading noobs. Is there a list anywhere that shows the rewards for the GBs at each level, or at least shows the optimal level for each GB? To level your Great Building, you need to contribute a specific amount of Forge Points to the building. I assume I will need to be on the buying end of that for the TE goods necessary to construct the dyna tower after I get the blueprints since it would take forever to trade up to TE goods from CA goods for them. But 91 costs too much unless you literally have FP to burn. Traz-As high as you want to take it. Theres a lot to be said for GBs where the output benefit improves as you progress through the ages. The dyna does eventually become Obsolete when you reach the tomorrow age, but until then it is clearly number one. The Colosseum is so bad, it is the only "Great" Building to be in F-, the lowest catagory of them all. Early on Statue of Zeus to ten for all players. Blueprint Boost The Statue is interesting both because it is the smallest GB (23, only 6 spaces! I have looked through all my guild/friends/neighbors and have not found anyone with that GB so I cannot contribute FP to get them. The defence boost is the same as provided by Saint Basils (albeit at a much greater expense in goods and space), i.e. Nice Great Building to have, but it's really down to you. No GB can supply you with attached units. I built the Castel del Monte during the Modern Era, and hands down, this is the best Great Building in the game. Thoughts? Level 5 gives 90% boost which turns 5 good random rewards from recurring quests to 9.5 which rounds to 10. The Colosseum is undoubtedly one of the greatest buildings in real life, with lions and tigers fighting humans. etc. Replace your LoA or add and it is not bad. It doesn't go outdated easily, but overall, it might not be a good idea to build it if you don't have a lot of space left, and do not prioritize this over the Alcatraz or the Castel. Forge points are the most valuable resource in the game. So as you all know, there are over 40 Great Buildings in Forge of Empires. Oh myI thought the Space Needle had low ownership rates, but the Lotus Temple is even worse. FP per Building Either enter an average value in the input field, how many FPs a collected building produces. It's not like that I should not have built Cape Canaveral; it's that this Great Building is best for venting out all your forge points when you have too many. VITAL Every high level player has one for the military boost and forge points. The Fauenkirche is moderately sized (55=25 squares), providing happiness, and goods. Probably not worth it if youre pushed for space. Provides an amount of goods from the player's previous era every 24 hours. You would be correct if you are the only one contributing to your own GB. The other benefit of Notre Dame is to provide lots of happiness (3900 when maxed). When maxed, it gives you 1140 people, which is more than 5 LMA Apartment houses, but without the corresponding >5000 coins per day. You obviously dont play. Worse yet, the extra people require happiness, so you may lose out on the happiness productivity bonus unless you build a few Public Baths or something. Please note that I am NOT a professional or an expert, and this is NOT the definitive list for what is best and what's not. 1. Forge Points FoETipps claim that getting Level 80 of the Arc is ridiculously hardthat's not actually true. Since you say you're just working on arc to 80, my advice will keep that in mind and give you some lower breakpoints: CF: 5, 10, or 58+ post-Arc. It's a gigantic piece of garbage on Forge of Empires. 4. After I do that I then sell those goods to people dying to get alcatraz. The Castle del Monte is the greatest Great Building in the whole of Forge of Empires, and it is even better than the Alcatraz. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So the Lighthouse is better for its size but the coin boost of St Marks is so huge that it makes up for the larger size. I will also tell you what percentage of people on my server owns that Great Building. Already its common to see people with more than 100 points attack/defense boost. The unit bonus when attacking (+50% when maxed) is the same as the Statue (and stacks), so the Cathedral could be considered as being part Statue, and part (24-6=18 squares) income generator. Lighthouse of Alexandria: Excellent (for peaceful/traders). Even in my own guild, which is in the upper echelons of the server (around #25 to #50), we have over a dozen guild members with an Arc over 80 or above. Printed it. skuras101 2 yr. ago. Bottom line, a maxed Tower is bad news early on, and only really beneficial in the Late Middle Ages or later unless you have another GB or two to cover the increased need for happiness and income (e.g. All Blueprints can be viewed in the inventory menu which is located at the bottom left orange "inventory" icon of the screen. EDIT: Here's a link to a well done . This one is not opinion. The daily income provided jumps significantly after level 7, and is rather nice when maxed (12640 coins since update 0.26), but does not improve further over time. Update: Note that the original analysis was made before the 0.26 update announcement on Feb 5, 2013, and some comments have been modified or updated since then. In turn, your contributors also get the rewards as they help level up your GBs. Picking the right GBs for your style of play is very important. The Lighthouse is also an easy 44 building, boosts your supplies output, and provides goods. Details of the cost of Forge Points on levels can be found on the page of each building. This boost doesn't apply on rewards consisting of Forge Points, blueprints, or military units. And the reason why is simple: It's just a ripoff of the Space Needle. This can make up for the rapidly escalating cost of more levels. It takes a long time to start to worry about GBs over level ten. Yes, I have an arc which Im trying to get to 80. Once the Great Building's requirements have been met and the foundation laid, it will be at level 0 and must be "leveled" to level 1 before granting benefits to the player. Quite delicious already, and if you upgrade it to say Level 80 (which is where most people stop upgrading their Arcs), and then do the same thingyou get 209 Forge Points and 5189 Medals. I have to agree with Dskies about the Colosseum, I find it worthless for the space it wastes. 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