Moments later, Alaric confronts the Necromancer about Hope's situation, and it becomes clear that Hope has not awoken because of Landon, who is stuck between life and death, reluctant to move on or come back to reality. Meredith reveals him that she hates her patients dying so every time when she has the occasion to heal them, she will do it, as she heals Bill Forbes from a werewolf attack with Damon's vampire blood. At first, Caroline refuted this to be impossible being she took and failed pregnancy tests, including a failed ultrasound, but Alaric remained optimistic being he was hopeful his twins were still alive. While Landon attempts to promote teamwork to figure out the riddle, the Necromancer is too angry with Alaric and decides to take a nap. How does Alaric reclaim his life? Alaric says it's okay because he gave up on Damon too, and explains how much he hates being a vampire and his constant hunger, noting how ironic it was that he had become the very thing he used to hunt. Alaric, MG, Kaleb, Lizzie and Josie, arrive at the packing plant too late. He smiles and says "fine" to her. Stefan then, with vamp speed, grabs the knife and throws it in the direction of the house, unveiling the house once again. Though he had left, Ben returned to the school with an unconscious Jed mumbling about Trey and his father. Alaric comes to the conclusion that the monster is a Night Hag, and Alaric pleads with Landon to evacuate the school to avoid injury. He later returns and finds Damon on the phone with Elena saying their goodbyes as they assume they will soon die with Klaus dead. Leaving Jo in his office, Alaric conferred with Dorian and Emma about the situation and the possibility that Jo was unknowingly being used as an infiltration weapon by a powerful enemy. Caroline is then heard grunting and groaning miserably and he leaves her to watch duty. Hope believes otherwise. Stefan then grabs the bear form Damon's hands and kicks it as hard as he could, unveiling a cloaking spell on a house. Had she quit on him during their training sessions, he would've gotten a quote from "The Art of War". Kaleb's memory comes back to him and realizes he went on a bender and killed several students. He tells her he will move into her home. At the Town Square, Alaric arrives to greet Hope. He then asks her to marry him and he takes out a box with a ring in it. He later lied to Bonnie, telling her it was destroyed and then went to the morgue again and set the Phoenix Stone on a dead man's chest. Jed lays dead with an arrow in his heart. Alaric becomes alarmed that she has been thinking of baby names and Jo asks if he hasn't been. He's giving her books on magic to research a way to reverse the Traveler's spell over Mystic Falls. Landon believes her point. Hope is now ready. Telling her that she doesn't want to kiss him, however, to his astonishment, Jo kisses him, revealing that she's impervious to compulsion. Rebekah then runs and Alaric pursues her. Upset Lizzie goes to her room and meets a jinni. He has a contract for the three of them to sign to get their three wishes, one wish for each of them. The two talk about the situation and Alaric tells Caroline that he doesn't plan to raise his children anywhere near Mystic Falls or Whitmore College. In It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough, Alaric receives information from Dorian about unusual results on Vardemus' DNA. Dorian reveals that he hasn't been able to get any information from the dryad. However, the Necromancer believes one thing that Limbo has taught them. Should they fail, they'll have a fallback. Hope decides to give it to Alaric, just in case there's a little voice inside of his head trying to break through the fear. After many unsuccessful attempts, Oscar awakened from the dead but with no apparent memory of what had happened to him, and desperately craving blood. Alaric gently questions the wisdom of him drinking given his anger issues and the risk of re triggering his werewolf curse. He and the sheriff went back to pick up the girl's body but were shocked to discover that it had disappeared. He leaves the other two fronts to MG to lead. That is until a conscripted Egyptian witch cast a spell bringing the effigy to life to punish the villagers for taking her away from her home. Professor Vardemus also thinks that in doing so, it would kill him because it's the same magic that allows him to die and resurrect. She tells him about what happened to Virginia St. John. Ben questions how one kills a clown. Diego is killed by Kai, however, and Alaric shoots Kai, killing him. In All My Children, Alaric is seen at the grill with Meredith, when Damon calls him asking if he is with his sexy psycho doctor. She tells him she has nowhere to go. Arriving at the Salvatore School, the would-be surprise party is crashed by Hope Mikaelson. In This Woman's Work, Alaric is worried when he talks with Valerie and Stefan; Caroline is in urgent need of a C-section in order to save hers, and the twins' life. He questions who built the tunnels, and why, but Dorian is unable to give and thoughts on the matter. When the Romans plundered Egypt, they brought back more than obelisks and Cleopatra and the book he's reading from had recorded the history of a Roman village. Hope arrives just in time to use her artificial light bomb, stunning the creature and allowing Alaric to throw an arrow to her, which she uses to impale the creature. Alaric is concerned and asks Damon if he told Stefan he was going to take the cure. Lizzie asks about Sebastian, and Alaric tells him that Sebastian chose to leave the school. Otherwise, no number of . He's been pondering the same thing while he's been failing. Dorian tells him to chill, and hands him a cup of hot chocolate, which makes him merry too. In As I Lay Dying, he is seen first drinking in a bar obviously still grieving Jenna. She says its okay because she had the chance to get her memories back. Wade tells her that her blows do damage, but she's too weak to block his attacks, dropping her down to 30%. Do hope and Landon get back together? She explains that she did it the moment she stabbed Landon, and admits that it's really working for her. Caroline asks him if he will move back to town. Hope believes she's doing the opposite, but Alaric explains that she's not. Before he ends the conversation, he asks about Ben's plan and what it would mean for him. While Alaric might trust himself to lead them, he's never stopped trusting him. Alaric continues to put his trust into Kaleb and reassures him that he believes in him. He's not ready to let her go. Alaric uses the therapy box for Hope and the others to prepare for the spell, though they've failed again, adding to the other ten failed simulations. Listening, actually, to the little voice in his head, while showing her the pendant. They'll know the outcome when she wakes up. After asking for help from Tyler, Elena convinces Alaric to help her find the pack in the Smoky Mountains even though it will be a full moon that night. She then feeds Alaric her blood which completes his transition into an Original Vampire, his dark side now in full control with the indestructible White Oak Stake. He also had a relationship with. It's been the honor of her life to fight by their side. Whatever Alaric decides, Kaleb will be right there backing his play. Alone with Landon, he confronts him about the secrets he's keeping. The Merman spits out water at him and walks off, annoyed. They can't have her going off the rails and messing things up. She explained that the coven wasn't trying to send Kai away but instead was protecting the unborn twins inside of Jo, as the Gemini Coven depended on them. district judge qualifications; labor market articles; haunted farm hendersonville nc video Alaric questions why Oliver does not remember the dryad given they have clearly met before as she knows his name and he is a vampire however, Oliver simply cannot remember the dryad and this seems to sadden Alaric himself. Wade tells her that she has to get out of there, but Hope refuses to run. Alaric then goes to Caroline's home. Hope steps up to face Ken, though when pressed about the outcome, Rupert states that the manticulum calculates that she will still lose. Hope doesn't have another choice and eventually accepts. Alaric believes that he shouldn't have involved his students, but Hope now needs an army to face the gods and these students are the only ones with the skill set. Rafael brings Alaric to an undisclosed location close to the river where he shows Alaric Landon's lifeless body. When he wakes up, he still has his his wounds and internal bleeding, damage so severe the ring could not fully repair. She figured she'd give him one last chance to save the world, now that his "Jiminy Cricket" is gone. The stone fell out of Oscar's pocket and Bonnie returned it to Ric, telling him to never lie to her again. The sphinx steps out from behind him. She tells them she's there to relieve them of their shift. Alaric decapitates Kai shortly after, killing him for good. He's happy and it proves that the school wasn't such a failure after all. However, they were then met by Damon, who hadn't seen Ric in some time. In 500 Years of Solitude, Alaric appeared at the Boarding House where he was seen by Bonnie and Jeremy. In Break On Through, Alaric is subjected to tests at the hospital by Meredith to determine if his psyche has been damaged in some way. The wedding begins, and Alaric delivers his vows to Jo. Hope decides to hand over the spell to Josie, though Ryan is immediately concerned. . Josie and Lizzie are able to convince him that the talent show should still go ahead, and he agrees reluctantly. After Landon makes the first wish, Alaric isn't sent back with Landon and the Necromancer to the real world. Now it's time for them to go to war. The woman attacked again, forcing the group back inside where they found a barrel filled with phones and other valuables. Eventually, they came to find out that they were expecting twins. She gave him back his ring and left. He explained that got it the night they were in New York when he pretended to pass out, but had actually sneaked into the Maritime Museum because the Phoenix Stone was on display there and he stole it. That is why he changed his mind about Hope, though he came to realize that if they could have turned out so well, so could she. Hope doesn't want a new path, considering she just got back on this one. In We're Planning a June Wedding, Alaric surprises Caroline with the twins while she's getting prepared for her wedding. As he went to intercept it, he came across Hope who had snuck back to the school with Josie to help. Fully resolved, Alaric addressed the students and staff, informing them about the knife, the new brand of supernatural creatures that were appearing, and the danger they now faced and warned them that as of that moment, they were more than just a school, they were family. He tells Jenna to get Stefan some blood bags down from the cellar. Hope also admits that she may have accidentally started a chain of events that has led to the gods returning to our world and she's pretty sure those gods want her dead. At the bar they met a blue-faced man, a jinni. Realizing that she was practicing witchcraft, Alaric told her the good things about being a witch and there were plenty of things to study that didn't hurt. At that moment, it seems like Damon is thinking of and thanking Alaric. It's happening whether or not he's ready. "Ric" Saltzman is a main character of The Vampire Diaries. Elena tells him not to give up, but he tells her he has nothing left to fight for. Alaric dug out a stake shotgun from the cabinet and cautiously checked on his daughters, finding Damon standing outside the door. Elena tells Alaric how she's one of Klaus' assets now because of her blood and Stefan is sort of her bodyguard. In The Murder of One, Alaric considers turning himself in upon discovering that he is the Mystic Falls Serial Killer though he is dissuaded by Stefan and Damon who insist that he help them with their latest plan to kill Klaus and the Originals through the use of the last white oak stakes. Tripp loses control of the van, making it swerve and tip over. A nobleman by birth, Alaric served for a time as commander of Gothic troops in the Roman army, but shortly after the death of the emperor . If they continue doing what they have been doing, the pain will only get worse. Does Alaric Saltzman become headmaster again? However, this is a trap set up by Jeremy. In This is the Part Where You Run, ten years following Hope's arrival at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted, the year 2028, Alaric had settled into his new, stable life for himself as the firm but fair Headmaster of the school, dividing his time between raising his daughters, running the school and training Hope. Landon questions if something is wrong, if Hope is okay. There he meets doctor Meredith Fell, who is amazed by his incredible fast recovery. Examining it for a moment, he went to stab it with the knife but the monster stopped him and took the knife from him. Alaric said he would call him back when he wasn't in such a public place. They fought their fate for so long and they fulfilled it. Attempting to join hands, the Necromancer is struck with inspiration. Hope is awake and stops him, but she hesitates. He refuses, saying that it's his responsibility and he can't compel and it's not that easy. Exhausted with arguing over the issue, Alaric reluctantly agreed to revisit the possibility. Alaric doesn't understand why he's here, though Wade explains that Kaleb was his emergency contact and the hospital called the school. She attacks Ken alone. Alaric approaches them when they've completed the spell. Alaric is forced to do as Malivore asks and releases him and he kidnaps Ethan in the process. She tells him that she's finished and can talk, but not before informing him that he won't be changing her mind about this. He explains that the first clowns originated from Egypt and were essentially priests that had the ears of the kings, metaphorically. Though Alaric was sympathetic to Landon's situation, he reminded the troubled teen that the Salvatore School was too dangerous for a human and turned down his request. Stefan Salvatore, Damon's younger brother, was surprised that Damon had done this but was shocked that Alaric woke up alive. He would often loan his vampire slaying weapons to his friends and allies when they were in need of them. He tells her that the worst is when you have regret. Later that night, Alaric, Jo and the twins met in the twins' bedroom. Alaric mentions that she was compelled to forget the night before and will be back at Duke, to which Jo says the name is a little obnoxious but cute. Shaken by this, Alaric confined Landon to the werewolf transition space for 24 hours under the theory that Landon had vervain in his system. She remembers it was the first time she noticed how sexy he was. She quits. Whenever they aren't in mortal danger, he refuses to help them or even give them the time of day. Alaric eventually gets into contact with Hope and meets her in the tunnels beneath the school, where he is able to disarm the blood fountain that is blocking magic. When Damon tells him that he should've kept an eye on her, Alaric asks him sarcastically if he would compel her to stay put and Elena interrupts them, telling them they need a plan to save her. Ben refuses to until he sees who lays dead behind them. Alaric went on to say that the Lockwood family kept records about the bone and that other families of werewolves protected the rest of the Hollow's remains. In Somebody That I Used to Know, Alaric is surprised to see Stefan arrive at his house. MG specifically wonders how it will help them fight the gods, but Hope explains that, on its own, it can't. At the front gates of the school, as he is about to leave, he is confronted by Rafael, who asks what is to be Landon's fate. The trio tracked Landon into the woods and stumbled across a mysterious mute woman with singed clothing; they presume she's a survivor from the bus incident. She is named Stefanie after her paternal uncle, Stefan Salvatore. What they have here at the school is a home, a family. She warns him to not try to talk her out of it. Alaric beat the psychic with his bare hands in rage. At the medical center, Alaric is getting checked by Jo with a pen light and his face slightly scratched up from the vervain grenade. She made a painting for him. A day after Alaric calls Elena and asks her if she's seen Jo, to which she says she hasn't since the day before and Alaric says it was Kai since she knew he would come after her and he did. Alaric offers him a seat next to him and explains that the bite from this Protoclown would poison the villagers. That's the trap. Lizzie figures out that whoever triggers the explosion, they're not likely to get clear in time, even at vamp speed. Following a massive loss of students and teachers, the student body is now down to thirty, which is barely enough to meet the quota . He can recoup coins, but his very soul, as questionable as that is, is not something he's willing to risk. He is still an original vampire and has now taken up a job of teaching at Whitmore College. Alaric is aware of Malivore's plans to try and split them up and fight on multiple fronts. Ben thinks that is either optimistic or delusional. Alaric, for a short period, dies. Alaric later became a father when his children, Lizzie and Josie, were saved by the Gemini Coven and carried by Caroline Forbes. Ken calls out to Hope, questioning if this is the best she's got to offer him. In Never Let Me Go, Alaric taught his class full of students about fables of monsters, hoping he could get the teens to stop sneaking into Mystic Falls for amateur monster hunts. Given his recent conversations with his own daughter, he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't believe that. The relationship between Alaric's twin daughters, Lizzie and Josie, started when he realized Jo Laughlin was pregnant with them. One daughter is an undead hybrid, the other has left, while Hope has turned into a villain like her father. Original vampire and has now taken up a job of teaching at College. Doing, the pain will only get worse saved by the Gemini Coven and carried by Forbes! By the Gemini Coven and carried by caroline Forbes call him back when he wakes up hospital called the is. He questions who built the tunnels, and Alaric delivers his vows to Jo decides! One thing that Limbo has taught them with elena saying their goodbyes as they assume they will soon die Klaus... 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