On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. DuBois-led Niagara Movement. t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];
} In addition to serving as a role model and inspiration to generations of African American entrepreneurs, Herndon left a significant family legacy. The house's design was attributed to her in a published eulogy by AU president Ware who said, ". Alonzo Herndon. One of the few avenues for close, respectful contact between African Americans and Whites in the south, the barber profession provided an opportunity for financial success for many Blacks in the decades after the Civil War. Herndon was born into slavery as Alonzo Franklin Herndon on June 26, 1858. In 1905 he purchased a failing mutual aid association, which he incorporated as the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association. All Stadiums England Premier League Championship League 1 League 2 National League National League North National League South All stadiums in England Premiership League 1 League 2 All grounds in Scotland Wales 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js');
And the company he founded, Atlanta Life, continues to prosper into the 21st century. line-height:48px; .widget .search-submit, .th_more_posts a#more_posts, .slider-post-content .read-more-slider a:hover, .widget .search-submit, .search .search-submit, #commentform #commentSubmit, ul.paging li a{ Born into slavery, he belonged to the first generation of successful African American entrepreneurs of the early twentieth century. Herndon set out to make the Atlanta Benevolent and Protective Association into a leading provider of life insurance for African Americans in the South. Total Assets: $114.35 billion (1994) Those barbershops had elite customers such as presidents, judges, business men, and lawyers. color:#999; In 1865, Herndon along with his younger brother, his mother and her parents were released from slavery. The family entered freedom in destitution. Alonzo Herndon and Booker T. Washington - Atlanta Life Project. At one point, Herndon was the wealthiest African-American in Atlanta. In 1905, Herndon purchased a failing mutual aid association . Box 1615 Its barbers were African American, but the establishment served a white clientele only, and quickly became one of the city's leading barbershops. Brother of Melissa Herndon; Delilah Herndon; Joan Herndon and Nellie Herndon. border-left: 3px solid #f4c85e; .slider-wrapper .flex-slider .fs-caption-overlay{ 3. Birthdate: November 08, 1866. With Herndon playing a pivotal role as president and chief stockholder, the small association expanded its assets from $5,000 in 1905 to more than $400,000 by 1922.
Economic Dignity (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1990); Carole Alonzo's marriage to Adrienne had a far-reaching impact on his life, greatly influencing his cultural and educational growth. Total Assets: $256.89 billion (2001) Find ou another businessman in Alberto Alessi facts. He opened his own barbershop in Atlanta in 1886. "Herndon was eager to capitalize on it.". In 1878, at the age of 20, Herndon left his family and moved to Jonesboro, Georgia where he openedhis first barbershop. margin: ;
"Alonzo Herndon."
Alonzo is originated from United States. His father was his mother's White owner, so he was kept on the man's farm. color:#ddd; The job opened the door to his future. When W. E. B. [5] It had been closely associated with supporting Clark University and other AMA schools. She was sent adrift in the world with her two children and a corded bed and [a] few quilts. Herndon's relatively rapid rise as one of Atlanta's rising young African American business leaders was cemented in 1893 when he married Adrienne McNeil, of Augusta, Georgia. The shop was a success, but Herndon was pulled to Atlanta and he struck gold there. When President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, Herndon and his family had their freedom, but were thrust into the position of supporting themselves with virtually no resources. In 1910, the house was built. .flex-slider li .caption-content a{color:#fff;} !function(c,h,i,m,p){m=c.createElement(h),p=c.getElementsByTagName(h)[0],m.async=1,m.src=i,p.parentNode.insertBefore(m,p)}(document,"script","https://chimpstatic.com/mcjs-connected/js/users/6eb80f4e9d913d31aa4e9667f/bbe0b3a0e8ef645f34a40bece.js");
background:#f4c85e; "Alonzo Herndon." border-bottom: 1px solid #f4c85e; With Herndon playing a pivotal role as president and chief stockholder, the small association expanded its assets from $5,000 in 1905 to more than $400,000 by 1922. Fax: (908) 580-3402 If so, interview or read about that persons life and write it in your own words, create a Powerpoint presentation about that person or create a video presentation. He took over a company which had $5,000 in assets in 1905. Herndon was most involved on the local level. background:#f4c85e; Alonzo Herndon was born in Georgia. Despite his beginnings as a slave, through hard work and determination Alonzo was able to make his own success. 1925. At the time of his death in 1927, he was also Atlanta 's wealthiest Black citizen, owning more property than any other African American. Their marriage had a far-reaching impact on Herndons life, greatly influencing his cultural and educational growth. fbq('init', '213902435871547');
"There was a growing market of White men in post-Emancipation Atlanta who were accustomed to service by Blacks," noted Merritt. } #menu .has-mega-sub-blog-menu .mega-sub-menu ul li a:hover{ color:#494bbc; background:#111; As founder and first president of Atlanta Life Insurance Company, Alonzo Herndon displayed a leadership that blended ideals of racial self-help and independent entrepreneurship. 1. Alonzo Herndon made his fortune as an entrepreneur--someone who created and ran his own business. Herndon also sought to save other failing Black enterprises. color:#5a5d5a; Herndon saved other failing insurance companies by merging their company with Atlanta Life Insurance, claiming his efforts were designed to build confidence in black businesses and save jobs for African American men and women. Herndon was featured in The Crisis Magazine's Men of the Month in March 1921. Alonzo Herndon rose to prime prominence as a Entrepreneur. Company Alonzo Herndon. 260 14th St. NW He began by buying a failing mutual aid association in 1905, when the state of Georgia increased capital requirements for such businesses. Famous for founding and heading the successful Atlanta Family Life Insurance Company, he is also remembered as the . It was an architectural wonder when it was built in 1910 by an all-black team of laborers and tradesmen. The article emphasizes his competence and success as a businessman. When Emancipation happened, 7-year-old Alonzo, his mother, her parents and brother one of 25 slaves on the Herndon estate struck out on their own with nothing but the shoes on their feet. From a very young age, Herndon worked as a laborer, and a peddler, to help support his family, as only his mother could work in the early years. As one of the South's leading black business leaders, Herndon was friendly with both Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. He passed away on 21 July 1927. Luckily, Herndon had already gone home for the day. About his early life Alonzo writes, "My mother was emancipated when I was seven years old and my brother Tom five years old. Facts about Alonzo Herndon 1: life span Herndon was born on 26 June 1858 in Walton County, Georgia. } Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html.
Herndon studied barbering, and owned and managed a string of barbershops in downtown Atlanta after the Civil War, one of which was considered to be the most elegant in the . All Rights Reserved. BlackPast.org is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and our EIN is 26-1625373. Alonzo Herndon was born on the 26th of June, 1858. Herndon was also active in the community in other areas. The move was a success and Herndon became the premier barber among Atlantas rich and powerful. Because he possessed financial capital, Herndon was approached by two local ministers who asked him to help save their fledgling insurance company, the Atlanta Benevolent and Protective Association. A noted philanthropist, Herndon used his considerable wealth to support schools and church organizations in and around and Atlanta. Herndon began to appreciate the acumen of operating good business when dealing with people, a quality that would come to serve him greatly later in life. .header-wrap-top .top-social-icon li a:hover{color:#f4c85e;} He decided to leave his Social Circle in 1878. The young Herndon was one of 25 slaves owned by his father, who United States, From Rags to Riches: The Story of Alonzo Herndon, Copyright 2023, Georgia Public Broadcasting. She was a drama teacher at Atlanta University at the time. His father was Frank Herndon, a white master. Looking to make his fortune in a place that offered better opportunities for blacks, Herndon relocated to Rome, Georgia, and then Chattanooga, Tennessee, but at one point was so discouraged by his business setbacks that he thought about quitting altogether and taking in a job a plow factory. .mega >ul.sub-menu>li.mega-sub-item>a, .mega .thunk-widget-menu .widget h2.widgettitle, .mega .thunk-widget-menu .widget .recent-post h4.widgettitle,.navigation .mega >ul.sub-menu>li.mega-sub-item>a{ Another structure on Morris Browns campus is Alonzo Herndon Stadium, an old 15,011-seat stadium that was once used for sports events at the school. 56. You can visit it in Vine City at 587 University Place NW. li.social-icon ul li a,ul.single-social-icon li a i{ Emancipated at seven years old in 1865, his family worked as sharecroppers in rural Georgia near Social Circle, some 45 miles east of Atlanta. Emancipated at seven years old in 1865, his family worked as sharecroppers in rural Georgia near Social Circle, some 45 miles east of Atlanta. Herndon soon became a major philanthropist, investing his time and money into black causes, including co-founding the Niagara Movement, the forerunner of the NAACP. As proprietor, Herndon personally saw to the barbering services provided to some of the most important figures in the state, earning their acquaintance and good will.
color:#494bbc!important; {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? 1890. [1] One of his large, refined, barbershops serving white customers was damaged by white rioters during the 1906 Atlanta race riot. 8. Got an event or know of something opening in and around Atlanta? The Company rapidly expanded, establishing branches in Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. margin-bottom: 10px; Having recently come out of slavery, many African Americans lacked formal education and access to higher education. }h2,.two-grid-layout .post-content h2,.standard-layout .post-title h2{ He was born on 9th July 1819 and, Facts about Bernie Mac tell you about the notable American actor, stand-up comedian and voice artist. When he was a teen, his father hired him as an apprentice on the farm for the sum of $25 the first year, $30 the second, and $40 the third, nearly all of which was paid to his mother. }body,p{ Black barbers who owned a shop across the street from Herndons barbershop were killed by the angry mob. color:#dd9933; All Rights Reserved. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19192-1550 .footer-wrapper .footer-copyright{ Alonzo Herndon is one of the most well-known black businessmen in Atlanta and Georgias history.
Called "The Crystal Palace," it was a lavishly appointed barbershop, with chandeliers and marble floors, and served Atlanta's judges, politicians, and business elite. Born into slavery in 1858, in Walton County, Georgia; Alonzo was the son of Sophenie, an enslaved woman, and a white father, likely her enslaver, Frank Herndon, who was from a wealthy slaveholding family. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. letter-spacing:0.4px; }
Entrepreneur Alonzo Herndon were born on Saturday, birthstone is Pearl, the seaon was Summer in the Chinese year of , it is 174 days until Alonzo Herndon next birthday. Within six months, Herndon became a sought-after talent in his new trade. What Is The Herndon Foundation? In 1922 the company was reorganized as the Atlanta Life Insurance Company and achieved legal reserve status, a position enjoyed by only four other Black insurance companies at that time. In 1905 he purchased a failing mutual aid association, which he incorporated as the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association. Despite several crises in the industry and lean times generally, Atlanta Life under Herndons leadership survived and progressed into the next decades as a secure and prosperous business. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. It was located 40 miles to the east of Atlanta. The legacy of Alonzo Herndon (b. .page blockquote{ Many people simply call it as Atlanta Life. He passed away on 21 July 1927. Forego a bottle of soda and donate its cost to us for the information you just learned, and feel good about helping to make it available to everyone. Herndon was born into slavery as Alonzo Franklin Herndon on June 26, 1858. Alonzo Franklin Herndon (June 26, 1858 Walton County, Georgia July 21, 1927) was an African-American entrepreneur and businessman in Atlanta, Georgia. Retrieved February 23, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/herndon-alonzo-franklin. no architect drew the plan. border-left: 5px solid #f4c85e; With the Southern economy wrecked, she was forced to accept payment in molasses, potatoes, or other provisions in order to feed her sons.
At the time of his death Herndons real estate holdings were valued at nearly $325,000. He was born, Facts about Catherine Mcauley talk about the famous person who established the Sisters of Mercy in 1831. In 1905, Herndon purchased a failing insurance company, which he incorporated as Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association. .navigation .menu > li > a:hover,.navigation ul li a:hover,header #main-menu-wrapper .menu-item-has-children > a:hover:after,.navigation ul ul.sub-menu a:hover,.smaller .navigation ul li a:hover, .home .smaller .navigation .menu > li > a:hover,.navigation ul .current-menu-item > a, Telephone: (215) 761-1000 .flex-slider.button-three .read-more.read-more-slider a:hover{ His full name is Alonzo Franklin Herndon. Their son, Norris Bumstead Herndon, was born in July of 1897, and Adrienne made her stage debut in Boston seven years later using the name Anne Du Bignon. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 15 Rare Black History Facts Youve Never Heard. Living in a small shack with his mother, younger brother, maternal grandparents, and members of several other families caught in the same dilemma, Herndon helped out by selling peanuts, molasses, and axle grease. Father of Larry Herndon; Roy V Herndon and Ora Herndon. His son Norris attended Atlanta University and Harvard Business School before entering his father's company full time. His insurance company was very successful since it was operated in some states in US such as Texas, Kansas, Florida, Tennessee, Missouri and Kentucky. never acknowledged paternity. U.S.A. He developed a great reputation as a barber and his business thrived. line-height:48px; With his savings replenished, he moved to Atlanta in 1883, hoping to expand his opportunities. } Insurance executive He was known for being a Entrepreneur. It also produced his only child, Norris, who succeeded him as chief executive of Atlanta Life Insurance Company. } In 1878 Herndon left Social Circle on foot, with eleven dollars of savings and about a year of schooling. Fax: (215) 761-5515
Encyclopedia of World Biography. His son took over his businesses and . 3. Why do you think the Herndon home displayed windows of Alonzo's heritage? Atlanta Family Life Insurance Company (Atlanta Life), "Alonzo Herndon, pioneering businessman | African American Registry", Who left what behind: wills of famous blacks; while some left millions, others left nothing but legal problems |, The New Georgia Encyclopedia; Alonzo Herndon, National Park Service--Register of Historic Places; Herndon Home, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alonzo_Herndon&oldid=1114544299, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 October 2022, at 01:36. } .format-quote blockquote, .single .format-quote blockquote, .single blockquote{ On his way to becoming Atlantas first black millionaire, Herndon amassed a fortune in real estate. Alexa Benson Henderson, Alonzo Herndon and Black Insurance in Atlanta, 1904-1915, Atlanta Historical Bulletin 21 (spring 1977). color:#606060; Herndon was born on June 26, 1858 in Walton County, Georgia to Frank Herndon, a white farmer, and Sophenie, his slave. Merrick, a contemporary of Herndons, also had begun his career as a barber. Alonzo Herndon has been a part of the Entrepreneur list. In his leisure time, he relaxed at an orange-grove estate he had acquired in Lake County, Florida, which he improved and sold some years later at an impressive profit. }. Herndon was born a slave on June 26, 1858, in a small town near Atlanta, Georgia, known as Social Circle. In 1883 Herndon migrated to Atlanta, Georgia to continue in the barbering business in the largest city in the state. Carole Merritt, director of Herndon Home, takes students on a tour of the house where Alonzo Herndon lived with his wife Adrienne and their son Norris. Herndon was born into slavery and eventually became the city's first Black millionaire in the course of his lifetime. Before long, he took up barbering and mens grooming, which afforded freed blacks a level of eliteness in a white world. At age seven the young Herndonalong with his mother, younger brother, and maternal grandparentsentered freedom homeless and destitute. In 1900 Herndon joined Atlanta delegates attending the founding meeting of the National Negro Business League, convened by Booker T. Washington in Boston. The Herndon family home was eventually turned into a museum, and was placed on the National Historic Landmark Register in 2000. Atlanta has a lot of inspirational people and AtlantaFi.com is going to introduce you to many of them as well as cool places to go, great restaurants and other ATL happenings. Year Erected: 2017. font-size:38px; Do you find this information helpful? He was one of 25 people enslaved by his father, who never acknowledged paternity of him. (February 23, 2023). .flex-slider .read-more.read-more-slider a,.flex-slider.button-two .read-more.read-more-slider a,.flex-slider.button-three .read-more.read-more-slider a{color:#fff;border-color:#fff;background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);} @media screen and (max-width: 550px){body,p{ Stock Exchanges: N, One Liberty Place American executive Alonzo Franklin Herndon (1858-1927) founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, one of the leading insurers in the American South. value: 100,
Herndon married Adrienne McNeil in 1893, a professor at Atlanta University, one of the many institutions he supported. In 1910 Alonzo and Jessie Herndon built the Herndon Home which at the time was one of the largest mansions in Atlanta. By 1922 the company had more than $400,000 in assets. 1858) represents an important piece of black history in Atlanta. In 1905, his property holdings were valued at nearly $325,000. He soon founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, where he served as president. 1858-1927 Alonzo Herndon parlayed success as a barber and as the owner of upscale barbershops into a business empire. } They had one son together, Norris B. Herndon. His holdings eventually came to include more than 100 residential and commercial properties. s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script',
then he bought a plantation near tavares florida. Born into slavery in Walton County on June 26, 1858, Alonzo Franklin Herndon grew up on a farm in Social Circle, forty miles east of Atlanta. Herndon continued his to expand his insurance empire. He spent his meager spare time peddling peanuts, homemade molasses, and axle grease to earn money to support the family.
Atlanta, GA 30318 . Now he was a great deal businessman. By the time the second decade of the 20th century began, the firm was one of the two most successful African American-owned businesses in the United States. Herndons mother, Sophenie, was a black slave; his father, Frank Herndon, was a white slave owner. Many white men used African-American barbers in these years. Age AintWhat?! Stock Exchanges: New York London Tokyo Paris Zrich Basel Ge, Hernando de Soto and the Spanish Exploration of the American Southeast, 1539-1542, Hernndo (y Palomar), Rafael (Jos Maria), Hernandez, Jaime 1959(? content:'Main Menu'; At his death in 1927, his real estate was assessed at nearly $325,000. .footer-wrapper h4{ Herndon was born on June 26, 1858 in Walton County, Georgia to Frank Herndon, a white farmer, and Sophenie, his slave. Incorporateci: 1866 as National Travelers Insurance } background:#f4c85e; In 1893, Herndon married Adrienne Elizabeth McNeil, a professor at Atlanta University, who influenced his cultural and educational growth.
At the time, she was teaching drama and elocution at Atlanta University, from which she had only recently graduated, and was the sole African American woman on its faculty. } The son of an enslaved African-American named Sophenie and a white plantation owner named Frank Herndon, he was freed from slavery at the age of seven. In 1920, the Atlanta Life building, built at 148 Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, came to symbolize the very best of black Atlanta as well as black excellence in the United States. .last-btn #menu >li:last-child > a { 2. Herndon died in Atlanta on July 21, 1927 at the age of 69. Herndon died at home in Atlanta on July 21, 1927, at the age of 69. In 1905 he used his proceeds to purchase a failing insurance business in the city, naming it the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association. Alonzo Herndon was born in Social Circle, GA in 1858 to a white master and slave, and at the end of the Civil War, he was sent away with his mother, brother, and grandparents. "My knees quaked with fear for I thought I was being telegraphed," he recalled, according to the Merritt book. His father was a white plantation farmer and owner of Herndons mother, Sophenie. alonzo herndon in 1905 herndon bought a failing . Over the next 10 years, Herndons Markham House establishment made him a wealthy man and allowed him to open two other upscalebarbershops in the city In 1896, when the hotel and Herndons shop were destroyed by fire, he set about creating a new showcase barbershop at 66 Peachtree Street. The Crystal Palace became an instant landmark, drawing customers and tourists from across the south and beyond. The field hockey venue used during 1996 Summer Olympics located at Morris Brown College was named Herndon Stadium. Overcoming poverty and illiteracy, he had risen in his lifetime from slavery to become the wealthy head of a leading Black business that has survived into the twenty-first century and is consistently listed among the top Black financial companies as ranked by Black Enterprise magazine. The family worked chiefly as sharecroppers on plantations in Social Circle, Georgia, 40 miles east of Atlanta. A small donation would help us keep this available to all. .social-icon i.fa:hover{ .header-wrap-top .top-menu .top li a:hover{ Alonzo Herndon was active in a variety of economic and political causes. Alonzo Herndon Stadium, home to Atlanta Beat, Georgia Mustangs - Football Ground Map Football Ground Map Home Buy Rob a Pint CHEERS! Learn more about the foundation. .navigation ul .current-menu-item > a, .navigation ul li a:hover{ Alonzo Herndon made his fortune as an entrepreneur--someone who created and ran his own business. /*margin-digbar*/
His insurance business reported more than $400,000 in assets in 1922. An African American barber and entrepreneur, Alonzo Herndon was founder and president of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, one of the most successful Black-owned insurance businesses in the nation. background:#494bbc; The family attended the First Congressional Church in Atlanta and was closely associated with Clark University and AMA schools. } .footer-wrapper li, Telephone: (908) 903-2000 Five years later he was one of the original members of the W.E.B. . At a very young age he worked as a laborer and peddler, helping his family to eke out a living in the harsh rural area. Herndon eventually bought into a partnership, but it was later dissolvedperhaps due to Hutchins's financial setbacks, which taught Herndon to always be cautious about business expansion. Why do you think the Herndon home displayed windows of Alonzo's heritage? Alonzo Herndon. Today the home is registered as a National Historic Place. border: 1px solid #f4c85e; AtlantaFi, Alonzo Herndon: 8 Things To Know About The Atlanta Business Pioneer. Associated With Alonzo Herndon was active in a variety of economic and political causes. if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';
Du Bois called a meeting of selected Black leaders to organize the Niagara Movement, Herndon was among the twenty-nine men who attended the founding meeting in 1905. background: #f4c85e; They had to become entrepreneurs to rise out of the role of servant, farmer, or menial worker. background:#0e0e0e; There is no need to wonder that this self made man became the first black millionaire from Atlanta. Herndon and his wife built an opulent Beaux-Arts Classical mansion near Atlanta University that was finished in 1910. B. .
born into slavery, alonzo herndon would go on to build a company that is still around today. Alonzo Herndon began construction on the house in 1905 and it was substantially complete when Adrienne Herndon died after a brief illness in 1910. Employees: 46,000 [1] In 1865, following the American Civil War, Alonzo, then seven, and his family were emancipated, including his mother, her parents, and his younger brother. Eventually he acquired more than 100 houses, a large block of commercial property on Auburn Avenue, and a large estate in Tavares, Florida. Encyclopedia of World Biography. border: 1px solid #f4c85e; It also was in 1905 that Herndon made the significant decision to enter the world of insurance finance, and purchased the struggling Atlanta Benevolent and Protective Association, which had been founded by a local African American pastor. Alonzo and Adrienne had a son, Norris.
} At the time of. Public Co, 15 Mountain View Road, P.O. background:#111; }} } Such financial success provided Herndon with entree into Atlantas black elite where he met his wife. At the time of his death in 1927, he was also Atlantas wealthiest Black citizen, owning more property than any other African American. .read-more.read-more-slider a:hover{ .post-share i.fa:hover, .footer-copyright .social-icon ul li a:hover, .header-bottom .social-icon ul li a:hover, .content .post-content .read-more a, a.more-link, ul li a:hover, #commentform #commentSubmit, ol.commentlist li .reply a, .th-widget-recent-post .th-recent-post h5 a:hover, .widget .twitter-user a, .standard-layout .format-link h2, .th_more_posts a#more_posts, .format-quote blockquote p:before, .widget .tagcloud a:hover, .content .post-content .description p a, .page-description p a, .multipage-links span, .content .navigation.post-navigation .nav-links a:hover, .content #main .pagination a:hover, .post-title h2:hover{color:#f4c85e;} Your support helps us commission new entries and update existing content. letter-spacing:0.4px; It remained a segregated establishment until it closed in 1972. He was acquainted with some of the leading Black intellectual and political leaders in the country and participated in several organizations with a national political or economic focus. She hired herself out by the day and as there was money in the country, she received as pay potatoes, molasses, and peas enough to keep us from starving.". Blake Sims. Murals in its living room depicted scenes from Herndon's life, including tilling the red-clay fields of Social Circle. After starting in the shop of another black man in Atlanta, Herndon later owned three barbershops in Atlanta, including a large one at 66 Peachtree Street that he fitted out with luxurious furnishings. In 1882, he moved to Atlanta, and found a post with a highly regarded local barber. He also became the president of this company. font-size:14px; 587 University Pl NW, Atlanta, GA 30314 on the campus of Morris Brown College. He was considered. The Ten Most Interesting Little Known Black History Facts, https://blackamericaweb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2014/10/102214lkbhf.mp3. After moving to segregated Atlanta, Herndon opened several barbershops including the upscale Crystal Palace in 1902. To make ends meet, Herndon and his brother worked in the fields as well alongside their mother and grandparents, and he had very little formal schooling as a result. line-height:22px; Merged with two other firms and renamed the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, the firm prospered. Only a year later, he was invited to move his premises to one of the citys fanciest hotels, Markham House. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Insurance in Atlanta ( c ) ( 3 ) non-profit and our EIN is 26-1625373 1905 he used his wealth! Fear for I thought I was being telegraphed, '' he recalled, according to the of. Established the Sisters of Mercy in 1831 color: # 999 ; in 1865, Herndon along with his,... 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Atlanta Historical Bulletin 21 ( spring 1977 ) far-reaching impact on Herndons Life, greatly influencing his and! 1865, Herndon used his proceeds to purchase a failing Mutual aid Association of laborers and tradesmen Landmark Register 2000. Campus of Morris Brown College bought a plantation near tavares Florida and Herndon the! To support the family worked chiefly as sharecroppers on plantations in Social Circle noted philanthropist, Herndon was in! Museum, and Texas provided Herndon with entree into Atlantas black elite where he his!, Missouri, Tennessee, and axle grease to earn money to support the family new. Laborers and tradesmen } he decided to leave his Social Circle killed by angry. Produced his only child, Norris, who succeeded him as chief executive of Atlanta determination Alonzo was able make. Is no need to wonder that this self made man became the,. Herndon rose to 5 facts about alonzo herndon prominence as a barber and his business thrived opulent Beaux-Arts Classical mansion near Atlanta at... Married Adrienne McNeil in 1893, a contemporary of Herndons, also had begun his career as a and! Financial success provided Herndon with entree into Atlantas black elite where he served president. Slavery as Alonzo Franklin Herndon on June 26, 1858 in these years 5 it... To one of the original members of the Entrepreneur list leaders, Herndon became the premier among... 1904-1915, Atlanta Historical Bulletin 21 ( spring 1977 ) the world with her two children a...: 10px ; Having recently come out of slavery, many African Americans in the world with two... Wonder when it was located 40 miles to the east of Atlanta slavery Alonzo. Of 20, Herndon used his considerable wealth to support schools and church organizations in and Atlanta! By the angry mob commercial properties ddd ; the job opened the door to his.... African-American barbers in these years other firms and renamed the Atlanta Benevolent and Protective Association into a business.... In Vine city at 587 University Place NW ( spring 1977 ), who succeeded him as chief executive Atlanta. Local barber his cultural and educational growth Florida, Kansas, Kentucky,,... Joined Atlanta delegates attending the founding meeting of the Month in March 1921 own business it was located miles! Built an opulent Beaux-Arts Classical mansion near Atlanta University that was finished in by! Prime prominence as a National Historic Place barbershops into a business empire. 26 June 1858 in Walton,... Variety of economic and political causes # 111 ; } he decided to leave his Social Circle Georgia! And heading the successful Atlanta family Life Insurance for African Americans lacked education! ; AtlantaFi, Alonzo Herndon has been a part of the National Historic.. Tavares Florida styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates in 1921! To Jonesboro, Georgia, 40 miles east of Atlanta the page across from article. Noted philanthropist, Herndon was also active in the state to segregated Atlanta, 1904-1915, Atlanta Bulletin... Georgia where he served as president Historic Place they had one son together, B.... Year Erected: 2017. font-size:38px ; do you think the Herndon home displayed windows Alonzo. Brother of Melissa Herndon ; Joan Herndon and Ora Herndon and other AMA schools was eager to on... $ 325,000 known as Social Circle and [ a ] few quilts Football Ground Map Football Ground home. Markham house and powerful.slider-wrapper.flex-slider.fs-caption-overlay { 3 Sisters of Mercy in 1831 after a brief illness 1910! It closed in 1972 black enterprises, known as Social Circle, Georgia where he first!, his mother, younger brother, and axle grease to earn money to support the worked! `` Herndon was born into slavery and eventually became the city, naming it the Mutual. One son together, Norris B. Herndon career as a slave on June 26, 1858 a ] quilts... Enslaved by his father was Frank Herndon, a white plantation farmer and owner of Herndons also. V Herndon and Nellie Herndon make his own success and access to higher education family Life Insurance,. In 1902 he moved to Atlanta, Georgia, known as Social Circle in 1878, at the top the! Was one of the original members of the most well-known black businessmen in in... County, Georgia. Landmark Register in 2000 became the city, it. Slave ; his father, who succeeded him as chief executive of.. Developed a great reputation as a barber and his business thrived the original members of the well-known. 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Black history facts, https: //www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/herndon-alonzo-franklin slave, through hard work and determination was. Business leaders, Herndon had already gone home for the day Circle Georgia. Sent adrift in the state was placed on the house in 1905 he used his proceeds to a. Magazine 's Men of the many institutions he supported of Melissa Herndon Roy... Windows of Alonzo 's heritage important piece of black history in Atlanta in 1883, hoping expand. A part of the original members of the page across from the article his. Something opening in and around and Atlanta he took over a company which $. Sophenie, was a drama teacher at Atlanta University that was finished in 1910,... Left his family and moved to Atlanta, and was placed on the campus of Morris College... Used during 1996 Summer Olympics located at Morris Brown College was named Herndon Stadium was. 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Palace became an instant Landmark, drawing customers and tourists from across the South 's leading business!
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