Some of the topics that are covered in training include fire behavior, fire science, building construction, fire suppression, rescue operations, and hazardous materials. You like work that includes practical, hands-on problems and solutions. And you need to be precertified as a police officer to get hired too. Preventing the fire from spreading Record facts to prepare reports that document incidents and activities. Firefighters work out of the fire station for a straight 24-hour period followed by 48 hours off. How to Become a Firefighter Member of the NFPA, Symbolism of the Firefighter Emblem (Maltese & Florian Cross), Firefighter Physical Test Easy Preparation Guide. Firefighters usually work 24 or 48-hour shifts (though not always) based at a fire station. The website Indeed lists the median salary of a police officer is $53,267 per year. Though not everyone is happy when they arrive, they usually are and they are overall more well-liked. Welcome to the amazingly simple footer! If you want to become a firefighter, or are already a firefighter but are ready for promotion, you are in exactly the right place! Answer Dislike if you tell yourself Ugh Sounds boring or Im not sure You have to be in good shape, both mentally and physically, you have to be prepared to spend hours doing nothing at all and then burst into action at a moment's notice. n-48-off system. There are many reasons why someone may want to become a firefighter, but some of the most common reasons include the desire to help people in dire circumstances and to feel like part of a team. To learn how to best prepare and study for your firefighter exam click here. There are. concentration: "CFC5BA8E", This site was created to help anyone with an interest in the fire service and it is where I share everything I know and have learned about being a firefighter. Sometimes they require risk taking and often deal with business. In order to become a firefighter, candidates must meet certain physical, educational, and psychological requirements. Based on these numbers, being a police officer is definitely more dangerous, though neither are the safest profession. Copyright 2023 | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. They take down the facts to determine if any infractions occurred. There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Okay and Like. No Take-Home Work 5. Who makes more money, firefighters, or police officers? Fighting the fire This means that they are on the front line of fighting fires and are responsible for control of the fire as soon as possible. Now count how many points you have. The less obvious risks are the exposure-related dangers. With a precleared path, firemen can quickly connect hoses to fire hydrants and raise ladders for rescues and, medical technicians (EMTs) which means they can treat people for injuries at the scene of accidents and fires. Okay= 1 point. You like helping or providing service to others. "https://www" : "http://widget") + ""; that you can create and share on your social network. Most people arent usually happy to see them. 2. Another way to advance one's career is to become a certified fire instructor and/or inspector. Here is a video that goes over salaries for different police positions: In general, there is much more competition to become a firefighter than to become a police officer. During their shiftat the fire station, firefighters are expected to clean and maintain the rescue equipment as well as the fire trucks and emergency vehicles. I never heard of someone shooting a firefighter because of their job. Your # 1 priority is keeping your family safe. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Familiarity with the traffic laws and the departments method of operation are both important parts of policing. Firefighter Basics - Quiz 1 Firefighter Basics - Quiz 2 Fire Behavior Quiz 1 Fire Behavior Quiz 4 Water Supply Quiz Fire Hose & Appliances Quiz Ropes & Knots Quiz test your knowledge with firefighter quiz questions, But if you do have what it takes to be an officer of the law, spent a lot of time with the FD, protect property, there are all sort of things that you have to be able to handle and do as a police officer that a lot of people wouldn't want to do in a million years, priorities, and feels strongly that society's laws should be enforced . All firefighters face some risk while on duty, but some risks are greater than others. Promotions to higher ranks such as lieutenant, captain, and eventually chief are typically based on a combination of time served and merit. CampusExplorerQ.push(function() { On average, police officers generally make about $10,000 more per year than firefighters. Others are opting for a compressed schedule of four days a week for 10 hours each day. Are you a firefighter? These materials can include chemicals, asbestos, and other toxins that can cause serious health problems. We can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution. Please note: This blog post is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. A firefighter who is also an EMT or Paramedic will typically make more than a firefighter who is not certified as an EMT or Paramedic. When responding to an emergency, firefighters are exposed to a variety of risks that can lead to serious injuries or even death. These days, definitely firefighter! Okay= 1 point. I'll administer it while someone calls for help. The beautiful convertible I just bought by working hard. Some firefighters also may train to respond to chemical spills or accidents and risk exposure to harmful or caustic substances. As a paramedic in New York City, someone with little experience could start off with a salary of $43,600 to $46,600. They often arrive at the scene and strategically place their vehicles to ensure firefighters have access to the fire hydrants they need tobattle the blaze. Should I Become a Police Patrol Officer (One Minute Quiz) Career Quiz and Most Suitable Personality Police Patrol Officers Police Patrol Officers patrol assigned area to enforce laws and ordinances, regulate traffic, control crowds, prevent crime, and arrest violators. The physical agility test is designed to ensure that the applicant is physically fit enough to perform the duties of a firefighter. Cops have to quickly assess the situation and then act accordingly. Stan T.April 28, 2020Career, QuizLeave a Comment. Firefighters are exposed to smoke, exhaust, chemicals, and other toxins from various sources. firefighters with a lot of experience and/or specialized skills can expect to make $70,000-$100,000+ per year. Talk to him, and put the wallet back, even if he won't. Someone walks by from your neighborhood that you haven't met, what do you do? You're in a store and you can see tempers rising between two customers who want the same thing. If you have a fear of heights or are uncomfortable with being high up off the ground, a career as a firefighter might not be right for you.3. You get to work together with other firefighters in order to save lives. Deciding on a career path is a big decision and it shouldnt be taken lightly. What do you do? For instance, to be a firefighter or police officer you need to take a psychological evaluation that covers the core values, priorities, underlying attitudes and behaviors upon which real-world performance lies. What is GotoQuiz? For example, in San Francisco, California, the average salary for firefighters is $86,000 per year and some firefighters make up to $208,000 or more! Required fields are marked *. Even if the fire is not their initial responsibility, firefighters often help other departments with their response. You like starting up and carrying out projects. Answer Like if you tell yourself Yes, Im interested. You see a good friend of yours reach into an unguarded purse and take the wallet. Differences between Police and Firefighters, a community college course in fire science. 3. Read this article to find out: Since 2010, roughly 1600 police officers in the United States have died from. I like them, but I look for exits in case I want to leave. You are interested in laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, agency rules, and the democratic political process. People who always strive to do their best make great firefighters. Firefighters work out of the fire station for a straight 24-hour period followed by 48 hours off. 1. However, if there is someone shooting, the police are who you want. These events can trigger flashbacks, nightmares, and feelings of guilt or shame. Police officers are on hand to determine what may have c. aused the accident. Free civil service guide. I have some gambling debts I need to pay off. Here are some links to studies and articles relating to firefighter life expectancy and cancer risks: Being a cop always comes with certain risks. How Much Is Fire Academy? Here is what a typical days work for a Police Patrol Officer looks like: Find out more about what Police Patrol Officers do at work. and firefighters are a special kind of career that requires a specific type of person to be successful. Though there have been great improvements in reducing these exposures over the years (with SCBAs, fire rehab, diesel exhaust cleaning/collection), it is still a very real risk. While firefighters dont regularly deal with blood and gore, it is something that they may come across from time to time. If there is a big fire or a serious medical emergency, the firefighter is better trained and equipped to handle it. Curious to know if cops and firefighters get along? One must be able to eat, sleep, and work whenever those opportunities arise. ions garner trust and solve problems better. There is someone walking around the neighborhood disoriented. How many calls a fire station receives during any given shift varies greatly by location and often fluctuates throughout the year. In addition, they should possess the skills to help others manage their emotions, especially in highly charged confrontational situations. Are you a team player?Firefighting is a team sport. Firefighters in the United States start at around $25-30k per year with average salaries in the range of $45,000 per year. Yes, firefighters typically have high job satisfaction ratings. should i be a cop or firefighter quiz. The job of a firefighter is to provide emergency response to fires. You are expected to maintain your composure while handling whatever situation you encounter. Learn More: How affectionate are you quiz? When choosing a career path, many individuals consider working as a firefighter or a police officer. People Love You (High Job Approval) 6. lightbox: true You are also required to live at the fire station during your shift. Police departments benefit the most from officers working 10-hour shifts due to the reduction in overtime hours. but on a normal day-to-day basis I can see a . Fire fighters are at a high risk for injury and death from a variety of environmental hazards, including high noise levels, changing thermal conditions, and hazardous breathing atmospheres. You have to be able to support your family and know what kind of lifestyle you can expect based on the job path you choose. These positions often come with higher pay and responsibilities, and can be a stepping stone to other leadership roles within the department. The training process typically takes place over a period of several months to a year, and includes both classroom and hands-on training. Not only do they need the strength and endurance to battle fires, but they also need to be able to carry heavy equipment up and down stairs.2. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. They know the importance of both competency and reliability because lives are what can be lost if the team fails. They like working with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. Note: This information is coming from the perspective of a career firefighter (me), however, I work alongside police officers daily, so I have a basic idea of what their job is like. A few fire stations choose to use a different schedule where firefighters work 10-to-12-hour shifts 3 to 4 days straight. From towers and high-rises to schools and office buildings, firefighters are responsible for keeping people safe and sound.If youre thinking about a career in public service, and specifically as a firefighter, you might be wondering if its the right path for you. Could You Be a Firefighter? While it shouldnt be the primary decision maker for your career choice, salary always comes into play. The first step in the training process is typically a written exam that tests the applicant's knowledge of fire science and other related topics. Experience is the biggest factor in determining salary for firefighters. The key is to find the path that best suits their skills and interests. They are known for their self-sacrifice, putting the lives of others before their own. Police officers are on hand to determine what may have caused the accident. Firefighters in the United States start at around $25-30k per year with average sa. ", "Tough times don't last, tough people do. You will be helping to save lives and property, and you will be doing it alongside a great team of firefighters. Firefighter vs Police officer Which is the best career? They also have to deal with the knowledge that their job puts them at risk of injury or death. If you have trouble working with others or prefer to work independently, a career as a firefighter might not be the best fit.6. A study of 2500 police officers from 1950-1990 found that police officers had a significantly shorter life expectancy than the general population. Being able to lead a team and delegate assignments based on strengths is key. . As a firefighter, do you ever wish you were a police officer? The live fire training typically takes place at a training facility that is equipped with fire simulators. Since 2010, roughly 1600 police officers in the United States have died fromfelonious acts and work-related incidents. How do you handle talking about that? The average salary for a firefighter is $45,600, but salaries can range from $25,000 to over $100,000 depending on experience, position, and location. A few police departments may use a longer 12-hour shift 3 days a week with adjustments made to make up the other four hours. It went by too fast, I didn't see a thing. They are tasked with battling fires, responding to distress calls, and aiding during disasters. The goal of a cop is to protect the safety of the communitys residents and property. Someone just grabbed his chest and collapsed on the ground, what do you do? Image: copyright Dan Reynolds Photography/Moment/gettyimages. Effective leadership leads to fluidity in the department and getting the job done. Smoke is a complex mixture of particles and chemicals that can irritate the lungs and cause difficulty breathing. The website Indeed lists the median salary of a police officer is $53,267 per year. I want to figure out how to stop the cycle. How do I know if I'm struggling with mental health issues as a firefighter? Life-saving skills like CPR and community outreach programs are other aspects of being the bestpolice officer you can be. Obviously, he needs the money; let him live his life. You like working with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. You like leading people and making many decisions. Are you a cop? Every firefighter needs to be able to follow orders perfectly in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Police officers respond to disturbances (violence, threats), car accidents, drug-related incidents, intoxicated people, and other law violations. In 2013, there were roughly 627,000 police officers in the united states and 135 officers died in the line of duty. Thus, while the job may not be everyones cup of tea, there are plenty of individuals who find satisfaction in working as a firefighter. They like leading people and making many decisions. Remember to rate this quiz on the next page! It is important that you are aware of the dangers that come along with the job so that you can be informed. What are some of the downsides of being a police officer or fire fighter? At the scene of an automobile accident, firefighters are the ones called upon to check the occupants of the vehicles for injuries. We will talk about the types of tasks you will be responsible for. No single firefighter can battle a blaze on their own. Firefighters typically wear protective clothing to insulate them from the heat, but this clothing can only provide so much protection. Media attention aside, policing is inherently more dangerous. Which of these traits do you think a firefighter should have? Identify, pursue, and arrest suspects and perpetrators of criminal acts. Sure, when all hell breaks loose, firefighters are expected to perform at a super-human level (you try wearing all that gear that shots up your body temperature, inside a building thats like a billion degrees, crawling around, chopping and swinging and cutting at stuff, dragging out bodies, etc.). When literally tens of millions of calls being placed to fire departments across the country every year, being a firefighter is far and away one of the most stressful jobs a person can have. What kinds of things do post on social media? Someone just grabbed a guy's wallet and ran right by you. Everyone needs to work together in order to be successful. When it comes to public service, one of the most important and dangerous professions is that of a firefighter. | HowStuffWorks. itude and be familiar with both hand tools and power tools. Numbers show that being a cop has become less dangerous over the years. Do you like to get involved in arguments? So, lets compare the statistics. Most firefighters have at least a high school diploma, although some jurisdictions may require firefighters to have completed some college coursework or have an Associate's degree in Fire Science or a related field. 14 . Yes, being a firefighter is a good career path. felonious acts and work-related incidents. But not everyone can make the cut. As a member of a team, you will learn how to work together as a unit and build trust among your co-workers. Skillful communication tactics that get people to take action are in high demand at police departments. Take this quiz and we'll tell you which your personality is most like. ts the tiny details that end up making or breaking a criminal case. What do you do? People who are suitable for this job tends to like work activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. You Get to Exercise on the job 8. Police can also make much more than the average. Do you have what it takes to be a firefigher? If you notice any glitches or visual bugs while browsing GoToQuiz, please report them! They work on a crew of 3-5 people and respond on their apparatus (engine or truck). If you tend to crumble under stress or get overwhelmed easily, a career as a firefighter might not be the best fit. We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you. Most importantly, would you feel sexier dressed as a cop or a fireman? There are instances where firefighters have some police-like authority, but it is critical to determine those exact parameters. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction. However, if there is someone shooting, the police are who you want. A firefighter with 10-20 years of experience can expect to make $50,000-$80,000 per year. "https://www" : "http://widget") + ""; ity towards their fellow man and empathy for their condition. Search burning buildings to locate fire victims. If you have trouble following instructions or working within a hierarchy, a career as a firefighter might not be right for you.5. In this career quiz, there are 10 questions that will give you a pretty good perspective on whether the career of a Police Patrol Officer is right for you. Both these jobs help you serve your country with honor. Police Patrol Officers patrol assigned area to enforce laws and ordinances, regulate traffic, control crowds, prevent crime, and arrest violators. Are you a cop? Second, firefighter jobs offer some great security. It's not that bad. At the scene of an automobile accident, firefighters are the ones called upon to check the occupants of the vehicles for injuries. Being a firefighter also requires physical strength and agility as well as an acute sense of situational awareness. Required fields are marked *. Choosing the b. est fit takes knowing the skills needed and the personality traits befitting each job. Heat and flames are also a major hazard for firefighters. Heart disease is the most common cause of death for firefighters. Municipal Firefighters quiz, should i become a Municipal Firefighter, is Municipal Firefighters suitable for me, do i want to be a Municipal Firefighter, Municipal Firefighters personality test, /*