We have an attorney but cant reach her . I am going through the same thing and iy sucks. As a country we need to work to change how child custody works.. 3 The wife will give you the child(ren). My best advice to all of you is. The work you do for your family is part of the only work that matters, and you should enjoy every minute of it while you can because when its over, its over. Look up the schools around the last known address and acquire there year books or access to them online. So, I have two questions: 1. My kids dad wont let me see or talk to my kids for four months and I have tried everything but no one is helping me to get my kids back. Now Im asking court for full custody,might get it,but Id have to get help from law enforcement agency to enforce it.and its different state. Fathers are just as bad about alienating their kids from their other parent. It is being removed from me and she is being poisoned against me. They want really bad and miss me and my husband as well as their step sister who is only 2 now. At which point Ill get a restraining order against her if she contacts me. Your childs father is doing what he knows is going to piss you off but at the same time isnt breaking the law. My bf has been denied his court ordered (scheduled) visitation by the mom. In a supervised exchange, a neutral third party is present to shepherd the handoff. Even if you can make "unilateral" decisions, you must be fair to your My Girlfriends Criminal ExBoth my girlfriend and I have custody agreements with our respective exs, but the difference being that her ex is a drug dealer, and my ex is a white-collar manager. Thanks. And tonight he called me from a Tennessee number. Its just awful and my heart hurts every minute. Its not difficult to understand by women or men for that matter as there are fathers going through it too. If a former spouse cant see what they are missing in not caring for their children, it shouldnt be a focal point for criticism because its a tragedy for everyone. I live 80 miles or more away, the mother says she will not allow the child to leave the night before. These psychopaths feed and play on emotions and last minute changes in an effort to create chaos and confusion. we had joint custody and I had visitation rights, but I could not find her to enforce my visitation rights. He says I wont get her back since I violated a court order and there no chance I will get her back! Christina Sapiano. As she has moved him school (without telling my boyfriend) and his first day back is the day we get back home. The motion was dissmissed for one of two reasons. I had to go to 2 different police stations and finally an officer agreed to write an incident report. It is just very frustrating and exhausting trying to work, take care of home and kid(s) and then to have to deal with the nonsense of coparent splaying games instead of acting like adults for the childs sake. Legally reviewed by Nicole Prebeck, Esq. But they have not set any contact up, which states in the court order. But every time I confront him about any of it he denies all of it. The rest of the world might take your side, they might reassure you when you fish for attention on social media, that you are doing the best you can. Much like Keiths story, I have a 3 year old son in which I have not seen since he was about 6 months old. Since my exs fiance had filed an affidavit stating that I burned my son and hit and hurt him. Yes you would be paying support no doubt. I got court papers few days later from buffalo family court so I decided to go back to buffalo because I was to scared they was going to take my baby from me. She refuses to communicate also. Thats the way the courts want it. I have complained many times to the local authority, and to the M.P. Because of this I can not exercise my court ordered parenting time. And all suggestions are welcome I have hire two lawyers over the past four years and they all say the same thing find her and it can be I forced. After officers made entry, police said a 43-year-old man shot at police, who returned fire and called in a SWAT unit. When this happens, the child's environment may become hostile, unpleasant, and even physically and emotionally damaging (for example, with pushing, hitting, or name-calling in front of the kids). How can he have rights when he has not been involved for all these years. Hi, You know,I couldnt even do something like this to my worst enemy. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. I am a police officer and a divorced dad. Good luck, Find out those reasons that it was dismissed and fix it. I was awarded a restraining order when he appeared and became physical and removed our daughter (outside of his placement) and did not return her until police became involved. Thank u! for my children. Do you know what youre doing? I myself am going trough the same thing. I sent a letter with copy of the court order stating my intention to exercise my rights. Credit For Marital Home Mortgage Payments. If you want to know how I got through my divorce check out Divorced Dad Kids are Forever, Wives are Not. if so, WHY?! if a court fails to enforce a court judgement there are other motions you can file. Rips my innocent daughter from my arms and when I reach for her he uses her body as a weapon against me. Its a way to discourage good fathers from getting custody of the kids. And also a confession from one of the men who jumped us saying he did it . The boys rarely stay overnight with their dad because he doesnt have a place of his own and has been staying on one of his friends couches. I also hired a private investigator. You have to do the same thing. That image is burning in my mind. She is also coaching our children into being scared to go with me. But last year she took 4 months off being a mom. Has even sat across from pickup location till hes at the last of the 20 minute window. How many hours do you spend each week helping with homework, and are you paid to do it? Bring a neutral third party with you. well we have joint custody now and on the 22 of may we will court again for full. Not my firstand to me defending myself Im not convicted yet for the recent one and hope and pray I get off. My daughter wants to stay with me always but she had the wherewithal to say mommy stop coming toward us. Her eyes red filled with panic, sadness, and schere terror. I am the mother though. In Brazil it is illegal. Do you call the Dad and let him know that youre going to the doctors and they need his dad does it to six and study show that children without Dads are five times more likely to become on successful and high-risk pregnancies. She never told me, but notified the boys school so when I went to pick them up from school, the school would not release them to me. I have two kids an 8 year old and A5 year old on April 26th 2016 me their father and their paternal grandfather went into an agreement stating that their father and I would have certain visitation in their Eternal grandfather would have custodial custody what the grandfather is refusing me my visitation rights or even a phone call Im in the custody order it states that I am to have their school records their medical records Im to be notified when they need emergency care he is not complying with the arrangement it was filed in Virginia the judge in Virginia seen it and signed off on it neither of us live in Virginia their paternal grandfather has ever lived in Virginia their father no longer lives in Virginia and I no longer live in Virginia if the custody Arrangement papers was not filed in a North Carolina Court are they still legal. 8/16/2014My ex has been giving me and my wife problems ever since we got married 4 years ago till this day we are still going through the same thing Im on child support I pay her 1,200 a month I have my visitation rights and on my court order states anyone can get my kids for me she hates my wife for no reason so when my wife try to pick up my kids for my weekend wouldnt let my wife get them b/c I wasnt there but I couldnt make it I had to work the cops werent no help so my wife had to leave without my kids what can I do? Additional Public Prosecutor Amit Sahni, representing the state, sought direction the Gaur couple to pay Rs 10,64,055.He said the matter requires larger consideration as prayers for custody parole on behalf of undertrial prisoners are considered by district courts beyond the normal prescribed period of six hours, as per Delhi Prison Rules, 2018. Most child custody arrangements include a custody andparenting time/timesharing schedulethat outlines the time, place, and manner for child exchanges, but sometimes even this isn't enough. THE FATHER TO MY YOUNGEST SON TOLD THE JUDGE IN OSHKOSH WI WHY SHOULD I PAY SUPPORT THE CHILD GETS ASSISTANCE I HAVE BEEN DRUG THROUGH THE MUD FILES MOTIONS THEY WONT EVE N LOOK AT. It hurts too much. Yeah, but what happens if the mother changes her name and your sons name in a sealed name change, and disappears. The ex insisted the sheriff arrest me for assault on my son, but when they refused she decided from that point on she was going to go back to our original court ordered custody and visitation agreement. Its sad and pathetic. I have the opposite problem, I am the mother and the custodial parent however, my sons father and grandmother have taken my son and will not let me see or talk to him. Wanted to take a break from being mommy and she got him over one night out of those four months and only wants him on holidays. My two boys were removed from me in 2011. Record every thing texts emails phone calls never step out of line do what is in the best interest of your child,l sincerely, Police stations are public places, and it is the responsibility of officers to protect and to serve. But that isnt the way the system works. In one occasion we got into arguement and moved out of his house told him I was leaving to Florida to be by my family side. And Im paying child support, got her a car . Your email address will not be published. Heres is what happens if the first two things occur. At an enforcement hearing, you can ask the court to: 2) award you make-up days for the lost parenting time; and. Its Civil!!! Additional Public Prosecutor Amit Sahni, representing the state, sought direction the Gaur couple to pay Rs 10,64,055 towards the expenses or salaries of guards deployed with them during their . Also she is now performing solo sex webcam shows from her home, although she claims not to do it when he is there. The UCCJEA clearly intends that law enforcement officers should be involved in custody cases only under the most extreme circumstances. Now what were you saying about a vacation and your damn break? May 27, 2014 1:08 pm Comments are closed. My sons father is in and out of my sons life, never knows what days are his and now that my son is in high school and has even less time to go with his father he filed police reports every time my son told him he had practice or school-related activities to do. On Friday February 17, 2023 at approximately 10:21 AM officers with the Fort Wayne Police Department. So, I am at a loss what to do. He has also been ordered to provide health insurance for our children but he has been unable to do so. She suffers from bipolar/depression so its been hard dealing with her I need some help I try talking to lawyers but hasnt got anywhere please someone help me with correct facts on what I should do? We already had a contempt hearing on this and his motion was denied but he keeps coming with the cops. According to police, detectives arranged for a suspect to meet up with who he thought was a 14-year-old child for the purpose of a sexual encounter on Monday, Feb. 27. Words from experienceI can tell you first hand that this is correct. Youre working so hard, when you feel like it. As its a private matter, I cannot afford to pay for a contact centre. Each change was an act of service and love and things only got better from there. But there are men who do give up. And so has my appeal. I would love to see someone arresting your child for making a contact with you. Dear God my child will be an adult thinking I dont love her enough to co tact her before this is over. Furthermore, I have just learned from my 14 yr old daughter and 15 yr old son, that every night they are with their father, he leaves them overnight in his apartment and goes and spends the night with his girlfriend at her apartment on the other side of town. all Good parents need to recognize that the problem is bad Judges and bad Attorneys. If you want to spend thousands of dollars fighting your ex and then at the end find out that your children really do no want to be with you or go to you, i recommend: STOP!!! I never know where my daughter is, whos taking care of her or whos gonna pick her up or drop her off. Mom places son in a mentor (father-like) program on Saturday afternoons, dad must take son to meet a man that then takes him to walk the mall and have lunch for 1 1/2 to 2 hours out of the 8 he is given for his visit. Will this work if Im not the biological father but been there since he was born and I signed his birth certificate? I bet I would get more individual rights living in Russia then here in the US. These two parking spaces are also ideal for parents needing a neutral area for child custody exchange between parents. Document everything about the incident, times, witnesses the officers on the scene etc. And I said, no your not, we have a child visitation order. Im trying to research what I can do. Where are you when someone has to snap on the 5th reminder in a night to please turn off the lights, or when someone has to tell your child to wear the same jeans again to save on laundry costs? His brother is his manager where they work funny right. You unfortunately have to make every attempt to get your child to his other parent according to the schedule on the court ordered or mediation agreement for visitation days and times if the time is documented. Its his grandmother that wants to keep him from me and his dad goes along because thats what his mom wants and shes a hatful woman. Couldnt you have filed for emergency custody? But the mothers wont allow it. I also thought this decision would take our son out of the tug of war. Hello! Who claimed to have seen me and laid the papers on the front porch and left. My sons father is in and out of my sons life, never knows what days are his and now that my son is in high school and has even less time to go with his father he filed police reports every time my son told him he had practice or school-related activities to do. She has to work to pay for things for her children, so yes. It is very unfortunate he isnt answering his phone or returning your calls but there is no law stating he has to answer or call back but there are laws in place for not following the visitation schedules it will be considered kidnapping if you dont take the child or have someone else take the child or offer for the child to be picked up from your house ir when you arrive at work. Search, Browse Law If it was her making a support claim, and your named as dad on the certificate, guess what? Hello I have a 11 month old daughter whos father is not in her life. He never bought her home and wont allow me to speak to her. Too bad they dont know how many months of support youre behind in, or how your children have become nothing more than an outstanding debt. Told his daughter he can get her a medical Marijauna card for any illness she may have but till he can afford it she can smoke his and her uncles. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Please enter a legal issue and/or a location, Begin typing to search, use arrow i tired to be civil still since hes been absent and letting him know that he came back outta no where and is ordering me basically threatening me but if i told him to days ahead i have work and can not take my son at that time but later can i go to jail for that and will that be taken as me violating the court order even tho i tried to call two days ahead and he has not responded nor bothers to answer my texts explain why. He has weekend visits with his daughter that is court ordered well over the weekend while he had his daughter the daughters mother messaged him and said im dropping her things off at your house you need to keep her im moving out of state. Also, a majority of my extended family including my mother and both my sisters with their families, still live in and around my hometown. Can I call the police and have them escort me to her house so I can get my kids? We have proof she lied on stand . I need someone to talk to and help asap # 929 230 2041. This is a huge help to the officers when they respond. However, reality- kids are with dad until mom decides not to let them go (after we just so happen to spend money buying tickets to an event for the kids), kids are not allowed to call dad AT ALL and dads number is blocked from contacting kids (kids stated to dad mommy said we cant call). I called the police and was told sucks to be you I got my son back, but ever since, I tell every woman I know, married or not that has a child, to get a custody agreement in place. hello dacc thank you for the info yes it will be helpful im just going trough this hell pleasekeep in touch maybe i could pick ur brain sometime abouyt issues i have noone to really talk aboout or too. I am remarried and have a 5 year old son with my husband. Whoever has the proper paperwork on them usually will prevail. There have been multiple examples of child custody exchanges ending badly, often in tragedy. If something were to ever happen to that child who you let go of with that thought in the a k of your mind would you be able to live with yourself?? and then your ex only lets you have your son for few hours. The officer was responding to the area of Catherine and Savey streets around 12:18 a.m. for a report of shots fired and was immediately met by gunfire, according to a report from Allegheny County police. This section provides information on moving detainees between: the scene of an incident/arrest and a police custody suite. He wont tell me where he lives or give me an address. The parenting time provided in the custody order is the "default" plan that is in place when parents cannot agree on the exchange schedule. He was a mental abuser, and won custody of my daughters because I couldnt get the nerve or money to stand up to him 11 years ago. My neighbor is on disability and is not financially able to hire an attorney. Why cant they have a mother who doesnt try her best to hide the anxiety in the house that comes from never knowing when your next payment might be? A man in Bellingham, Washington, was charged with numerous assault charges when, after an argument with his child's mother, hetried to pull her from the carand sprayed her friend (a passenger in the car) with pepper spray. We have a court date for my objection on August 15 2017. Now what will you tell me? Supervised by the local authority or third party or contact centre for 4 hours once a week . Go back to court immediately asking the court to terminate mother's visitation rights and ordering her to return the child, forthwith. Do you have a child or children or a niece or nephew or any child period that you would die for? I HAVE 4 DISABLED KIDS. But, she got served by him and we lice in Michigan and hes scared shes gonna take him and not being him back. Maybe in a few weeks or months, if you make a little extra cash, you could decide to be so overly generous and send a couple hundred dollars. After all, one or both parents could risk the lossor reduction of their custody rights where violence or other problems arise during custody exchanges. Woemen are getting away with it because the necessary action is not being aquired. And if so should she be paying child support and should I hire a lawyer to try and get full or more custody? i still let her see her daughter. By FindLaw Staff | But she is the first one to throw all the horseshit in my face you just slung on here. We have a Court Ordered Parenting plan. To Rayna: Do not let your clinically narcissistic ex pull you into a power play. Why cant your children grow up with a mother who lives a comfortable life? And now she is doing it again. If you have a court approved parenting plan then you are legally obligated to follow it. Always be first to file. My ex husband has struggled to pay child support and is currently in arrears over $9000. The police blindly follow the reports as if they are true and are extremely hostile. On her 9th birthday, I allowed my daughter father to spend time with her. Even when I couldnt afford the support I couldnt see him due to his father! This shit is exhausting, and they are half your DNA. The dates was confirmed by his sons mother verbally. Someday I know my kids will be gone and why arent the police held to uphold the court orders? THE DAD WAS NEVER AROUND. No contact between mom and dad. The ex girlfriend will not help make her go. The email address cannot be subscribed. She still sues me every other year by making fabricated allegations, and violates the parenting agreement whenever it suits her. Im moving to Mississippi. Not because youre legally obligated but because you are such a good guy lavishing your children with all you can spare, and youre doing all you can, and she should be grateful you even want to help, right? He denied her while I was pregnant. If I had it to do all over again the courts and lawyers wouldnt have been involved and I wouldnt have gotten in trouble. My Husband and his ex girlfriend do not get along, they have a 10 year old daughter together. I have been taking off the School pick up lists from my six year and 3 year old. Where are you when your child breaks a favorite toy and someone has to tell them with a broken heart that they wont have the money to replace it? Wont let me see my kids,even talk to them on the phone.i didnt see them 7 months now,didnt talk to them in last 3months .have no idea if they ok. They are above the local police. Everyone should learn and read court process rules and start figuring it out correctly. By the end of the 7-hour sting, 12 different men talked to or texted the detectives. I need help I have no idea where to turn at this point she is like a ghost. Is this considered the mother abandoning her child? Never mind the fact that youre underworking to be able to say you cant provide what you should. It states Location and Time with a 20 minute window (by the time we got to final parenting plan I knew what I was dealing with). My neighbor who is a divorce dad has a daughter that was taken out of the state a number of months ago. What should I do? The special guardian put a section 91 order against me for 3 years, not to put any application into court. I thought the courts made that determination! Whatever you wanna call it, it will help in your case for later. my daughter mother veronica k. Bennett lost custody of trinity amor whittington in court back in 08/2015. There were many incciedents between us such as argueing and him putting his hands on me and still remain by his side for the sake of our kids. Please dont let it go 5 or more years like I did. Listen to them, take their advice and follow it! I have seen this time and time again. And that family is very violent . If you think that the parenting plan is no longer in the best interest of the child; then you are free to file a motion with the court to have it changed. It is that simple. But intentionally returns kids at the very last of the window. Amy. Where are you? So I decided to go back to live with him again witch was a bad idea because it just made things worse , Another incident occurred between me and him causing him to push me down the stairs while Im 4 moths pregnant with twins told me to get out of his so I grab me and my daughter stuff and letf . When hes away from his father, hes happy to see me. So for the past two years we have shared custody one week on and one week off. Im a supervisor and get called when the officers on the scene need some guidance or most of the time im the referee. This is for you . child abuse or parental kidnapping). And just like every other bill you put off until its shut off, youll continue this route because nobody else knows right? These custody papers that are presented to police are typically copies of copies. File for a modification and document everything. His father lives in Illinios. Giana Messore licensed in AR only Little Rock, AR. Should she be paying child support, got her a car stating my intention exercise., youll continue this route because nobody else knows right we have joint custody and I had to! Her eyes red filled with panic, sadness, and are extremely hostile getting with! Vacation and your sons name in a sealed name change, and your sons name in a exchange. Will this work if Im not the biological father but been there since he was and... Gon na pick her up or drop her off and just like every other year by making fabricated allegations and. Are presented to police are typically copies of copies toward us are Forever, Wives are not without telling boyfriend. Two things occur never bought her home, although she claims not to put any into... 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