The way you handled the project showed resilience, experience, knowledge, and critical thinking. Thanks for being awesome! Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Keep up the good work meaning and usage. Keep it up, you are doing well! Heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for your continued success. Such a supportive teammate and encourager. Keep up the good work is a phrase people use to compliment someone on their job and encourage them to continue their work. 2022 Todos os direitos reservados. I'm amazed by how you maintain your performance while taking on even more work. comes from when coal miners used a canary to detect dangerous gases. Beare of bad news is a statement that describes a person who delivers bad news. He started to walk faster and the children had to run to keep up. You are a firm favorite among our clients' thanks to the time and effort you put into making sure we consistently deliver the best quality work with minimal modifications. Your email address will not be published. For example, if you are in management, this is an excellent phrase to use when talking to the employees under your supervision. Youre doing an excellent job and that has not gone unnoticed. I genuinely love your work and I couldnt have done it better myself. November 16, 2022. Example For Others Keep Up the Good Work Awesome! 28. Utilizing a phrase like this, we are instilling our beliefs in a persons abilities, while trying to be uplifting and motivating. Here are some ways you can tell your employees they've done a good job and satisfied the basic requirements of their work: "Wonderful work." "This is perfect!" "I don't think this work requires any revisions, so good job." "Well done!" Today, people use it to say that someone or something is a warning sign of trouble. 22. She includes a few scenarios, including: "For a job well done: [say] 'Thank you. It will help you do a better job the next time. Oh, and keep up the good work. keep up the good work = nl. While this is an appropriate statement, its always good to have alternative choices. You received an A. Keep up the good work!. Examples of feedback in a remote work environment. Well done, you played incredibly well today! We are so fortunate to have an innovator like you on our team. Great job! Here are some examples of how we can properly use this phrase: Youre a quick learner is another great option we can use, that still conveys a similar message to our original statement. The one creative I always love to watch is you. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Keep it up. Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. Thank you for your tremendous help in our new project. Some people in our office dress well, some talk well, some carry themselves well, but you just get jobs done well. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. See Definitions and Examples Get Word of the Day daily email! You have proved that lack of experience in a job doesnt really matter when there is a strong urge for excellence and perfection. Im glad that a position opened up for you that is a great next step in your career. 2 . Youre a quick learner and should be proud of your progress thus far. Great work! 10. Misusing a figure of speech can make you appear disconnected or unknowledgeable. Were honored that we can learn from you. 50. Youre riding a bike all on your own. Overusing them can make you seem like you are trying too hard. You did an excellent job.. Additionally, expressing appreciation for good work helps to build a work environment that is positive, motivating, and engaging. Thanks for stepping up and getting this done for us. Response: I thought about this; thanks for your observation., Response: Thank you, I do appreciate your concern., Response: Thank you, Im glad you see it that way!, Response: I am glad to hear that, thanks.. He called on the IOC Member State s to keep up the good work. Its not the hours you put into your work that count, its work you put in the hours. look forward to. 27. tatoeba. Well, keep up the good work, sheriff. The term canary in a coal mine comes from when coal miners used a canary to detect dangerous gases. Unsubscribe at any time. I don't know what I would do without you. Of course, however, when the complement is a pronoun, it must go in between the verb and . HAPPINESS is working with great people like you. Thank you for bringing your best to work every single day. Please take a breather from working so hard. Keep the good work up. Our team members can always depend on your quality work and effort. To boost employee motivation, the manager told everyone that if they keep up the good work, they will get bonuses. Youre doing great is a great formal example of how to say keep up the good work professionally. This is not only to show our appreciating or liking, but also to give the worker an inkling of the fact that theyre on the right track. Never skip the chance to say good job for it helps establish a sense of confidence as well as a zeal to work harder. While there is nothing wrong with saying keep up the good work, this is a very overused statement. 6. Now that you know the meaning of this idiom, take a look at these sample sentences: Student: I completed the assignment on oxen that is due next Monday. is a statement that describes a person who delivers bad news. A lot of people failed at what you accomplished, simply because they were busy finding problems while you were busy finding solutions. We want them to keep up the good work, even during the dry season. Its important to keep this in mind, especially in a leadership position. Test Your Vocabulary Words Named After People. 12. We just wanted to make sure you know how much you are valued and appreciated. When we say someone makes something appear to be easy, we are highlighting their skill level. He/she may compliment you on your achievements and will want you to maintain this high standard. Bien, continua con el buen trabajo, Dani. In this context we can see `keep up means to prevent someone going to bed at the usual time. Jane, keep up the good work!. Look it up now! Some examples of how to use this phrase are: Thats coming along nicely is a phenomenal statement to use when we wish to compliment someones progress on a project, job, etc. We are fortunate to be able to witness and work amongst an industry expert such as you. is a sign that you do appreciate their sweats and wish they maintained that standard. 17. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition. Indira Gandhi. You will find more success than you had ever thought. Well done. Thank You Letter to Employee for Great Work- Appreciation Letter for Employee for Good Work. Keep up the good work -- and keep us laughing. 39. 6. Time to rejoice, Time to celebrate, for you have won in the long run with your dedication and hard work. Keep up the good work is a phrase that is used to encourage someone to continue doing something in a satisfactory or successful manner. need your continued. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. Keep up the good work! Your out-of-the-box ideas are always welcomed at the company meetings. The level of investment in your presentation was so great, Keep up the good work. Within you is the power to rise above any situation or struggle, and transform into the brightest, strongest version of you ever. Congratulations on your huge and marvelous success. I can see a massive turn-up. A job that is well done is like a benchmark. 14. I Knew You Had It In You You've Made Progress Your Work Is Out of Sight What an Imagination! I knew you could do it. I consider you a real superhero because you have helped all these people without any personal interest. Good work is recognisable by anyone, including a peer, a senior or a junior. You are a fantastic team member! Be proud of the fact that you have the power to rise above any situation and deliver the best results no matter the circumstances. Some of the commonly used subject lines for appreciation emails are: "Well done 'Name". Appreciate their hard work and dedication. The resultant force will add more value to our integrity and motivate them to appreciate our value each time we work for them. You did an excellent job. Keep up the good work., As a boss, you can say to your worker, I love this! The European Union's Brexit negotiator says the British government must keep up the momentum in negotiations on leaving the bloc. Amazing work! These variations will give you some extra ways to write it: Any encouraging variations above will help you look like a great boss. Its important to keep the boss happy! Just an opportunity to say wow and ThankYou for all your great work. However, using them correctly is critical. Keep it up; Keep up the good work. At times it's a situation of testing out which feels right for the right person and moment, but fundamentally you must always give positive feedback when it is due, and make sure it's always related to aspects . Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. I can only say, keep up the good work. Your work speaks volumes of the kind of man you are efficient, organized and result-oriented. Congratulations for Looking and Doing. 49. Good job! You continue to exceed every expectation that we set. Youve really proved your mettle as being the most reliable team player. It's always reassuring when someone tells you to keep up the good work. I am sure, you will prove yourself and will surely achieve success. "Your work ethic speaks for itself.". keep up the good work. All you needed was some practice and now youve got the hang of it! For example, you might say "keep up the good work" to a colleague who is doing a great job on a project, or to a friend who is training for a marathon . Normally people don't say that about themselves, but rather your following words: We will keep doing our best work as always. Ive never seen someone do as well as you with these things. You could use it in a, Nancy, you have been doing a great job, keep up the good work.. In this section, youll learn how to reply to your boss, trainer, schoolteacher, parent, etc., appropriately and in a lovely style; whenever they tell you to keep up the good work. Its great to have someone as special as you to work with! By saying this, we are acknowledging both the effort that someone is putting into a job and the overall quality of the work. To encourage you to continue working in this . Thank you for using your remarkable talents and skills to fuel our mutual efforts. 2. I look forward to working on more projects with you! Without your efforts and sincerity, it would have been impossible for us to complete the project within the deadline. There is a hint of admiration in this statement, as we often say this to someone who possesses abilities that we do not. Some examples from the web: Keep up the good work, and you'll probably wind up just like her. This article is written by Barasha Medhi who is a part of the marketing team at Vantage Circle. Therefore I say to you, 12 work idioms and expressions 27 work collocations 8 work phrasal verbs, ____________________________________________________________, More for you:112 Phrases for Saying Thank You in Any SituationQuestions and Answers to Prepare You for a Job Interview in EnglishFormal and Informal Email Phrases Starting with Greetings19 Email Templates for Business Communication, I'm Founder of Keep it up. I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. I always knew you that you have what it takes to be a real winner. Pursuing excellence is not a one time job. Love having you on the team. Much of the time, when we are working on a daunting task, its very much appreciated when someone lets us know that were doing our work correctly. Keep it up works well if you want a more conversational and informal option. You say "I appreciate that feedback. 'Much Appreciated': Meaning, Synonyms, Examples, 'As Per Your Request': Meaning, Synonyms, Examples, 'Good Luck With Your Future Endeavors': Meaning and Ways to Reply. Keep up definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. 17. work schedule Also, you can bookmark this page and return to it whenever you need to! 43. Thanks for helping me out when I was struggling to reach my targets. Keep up the good work! Not a single effort of yours will go in vain. When someone has gotten the hang of it, it means that they have learned or progressed the skills that are needed to do something. The lack of in-person interaction and nonverbal communication can create additional concerns when delivering any type of . Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right 6 Good Synonyms for a Quick Learner on Your Resume. Not everyone is a creative thinkerbut you are. Excellent work! If you have been working hard at the office, winning new clients, giving good presentations, sharing excellent innovative ideas that make a difference to your company, your boss will be very pleased. You are a pleasure to work with. Your great work has resulted in tangible, beneficial results to us. Actually, it can be as simple as taking a nice card and writing down a thoughtful message in it. If you are reading this, no doubt you are interested in the English language and its often strange phrases and expressions. To be honest, I dont know how you manage to do such a good job every single time. Your hard work and dedication has really helped us out during a difficult time in our company. Machen Sie weiter so. Great job! You did a good job of catching the mistakes and keeping us from wasting time and money by taking the wrong path. Your brilliant problem-solving skills helped us to reach our targets much more quickly. They say that the Devil works hard. In conclusion, using different phrases and expressions can help to keep things fresh and interesting, and prevent us from falling into a rut of using the same tired expressions over and over again. It also motivates employees to keep up the good work. Congratulations on your job well done. "Keep up the good work," he said. 5k+ Downloads One simple but effective way to do this is by using words of praise and support, such as the phrase keep up the good work. However, sometimes it can be useful to have a range of different options available, so that we can tailor our communication to the specific person and situation, and keep things fresh and interesting. keep on going. "I was blown away by your contributions this week.". It is a saying frequently used by employers, teachers, parents, and friends to tell someone to maintain the quality of work they have been producing. Your dedication contributes to our success. Generous gestures of appreciation help people improve their confidence, stay motivated, and become more resourceful. You have proven yourself to be a very skilled individual who has the capacity to do great things with their life. Many thanks for all your hard work, we are so thankful for all that you do! Even the smallest of jobs well done will take you one step closer towards the success that you have always dreamed about. They may feel theyre doing you a big favor, that you do not enjoy the right to order them. You put in extra effort and you're being praised for it. You manage to go above and beyond for every piece of job that you do. You dont stop when you are tired. I am so very proud of you. We highly recommend using youre doing great and keep up the good work in formal emails and contexts. You are so creativeI always love getting your perspective on things. 3 Express appreciation and/or confidence in your reader and offer any appropriate assistance. Vocabulary. We would say this after someone has already completed their task and we are merely looking over the results. People like you are hard to find. This phrase is a great way of doing just that. Keep up the good work. The phrase was used in Austens famous book. 38. you are telling them that you are not in control, but you are a willing participant. Thanks for the help and keep up the good work. Thats coming along nicely; keep up the good work! For one, you can say, nice one dear; you made it look easy., Another certifiably familiar expression is well done. Congratulations on a job well done, and I am very pleased to have you as my employee. Thank you for the fantastic job you have been doing for our company lately. However you are having fun and so you call out; Come on! Well done, coworker! 4. You have surprised us all. Subject - Encouragement to Keep up The Good Work. Today is a perfect day to tell you that no one could do a better job than the job you do! Comment below. is the most popular phrase on the web. If Oscars were given for a job well done, Id nominate you! . A lot of people wait for opportunities to come and knock on their door. I am always left astounded at the level of dedication and hard work you put in every situation. Amazing Synonym: List of 50 Awesome Words to Used Instead of Amazing. 4. Though it gives joy to their heart when you tell people to keep up the good work, still, it can incite discomforts in the receiver. For instance, it is good practice to reply to a bosss commendations at the end of a task. One common use of this phrase is of a superior complimenting and encouraging an inferior in the workplace. ; Then please keep up the good work. Your work is a joy to witness. Great job! Excellent work! Regardless of why we say this or to whom, the receiving person is sure to be appreciative. Congratulations, and best of luck, buddy. This is a responsible task, but we have no doubt that employee like you will meet the challenge. Translation of "keep up the good work" in German. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work. not over yet. However, is that the best way to show them you value them? never been a better time to. A reliable employee is the best gift a leader can ask for. Congratulations for a job well done. Way to go. Would you mind showing me your tricks? Our mission is to help you choose the right phrase or word for your emails and texts. Prosocial behavior: Praise your child for sharing, taking turns, using kind words, and getting along well with others. However, we can also use this phrase sarcastically, when someone has done the opposite. You Made The Difference Good For You A+ Work Take a Bow It is a great business alternative showing you are fond of someones work. A lot of people in this office are busy Planning, Plotting, Discussing and Strategizing. Work + noun. We are incredibly proud to have you on our team thanks to your strong work ethic. 75 Famous Words of Encouragement and Quotes for Li 31 Really Good Quotes about Relationships, 35 Famous Quotes about Change and Letting go, 15 Best Philosophical Quotes on Happiness. So lets start with How To Reply To Keep Up The Good Work. You keep up the good work, you're gonna go places in this company. We are highlighting how quickly someone picked up a new skill. Keep learning. Related: Samples of Appreciation Letters To Employees. One way to appreciate peoples felicitations is to return a genial reply with cheerfulness. Keep up the good work. Unless you are trying to write like Earnest Hemingway, you need to use idioms that your audience knows and understands. Motivational quotes for an employee. No matter how big a crowd may be, a person like you always stands out! Here Are 15 Samples of Appreciation Letters to Employees That You Can Refer To: Before we begin our sample messages, watch this video to learn about the proper format for an employee appreciation letter. Congratulations. You could use it in a formal business email or thank you email. Positive feedback is an excellent way to show appreciation for good work, recognize, and build motivation in your workforce. Simply saying well done, good job, I like it, and you look good can promote confidence both in you and the receiver. Many employees will take keep up the good work as a compliment. When we say you made that look easy, we mean that someone has done something so naturally, it appeared to be effortless for them. And don't worry if you don't have any writing skills, so as to speak. Thank you. Dont change a thing, youre doing an excellent job! People will tend to use this phrase. Some examples from the web: keep up the good job; Tell your son to keep up the good work. Getting some sort of appreciation for good work is an inherent human need. Oooh wow, Milena. 36. 'A While' or 'Awhile': Which is Correct Spelling? This example will show you how to use youre doing great in an email: Dear Alby,Youre doing great, and I think its only fair youre rewarded for your efforts.Kind regards,Matt. Take a look at the perfectly worded appreciation messages for good work that would make any employee feel happy and valued. I know you could do it.. When we say we are very proud of someone, we are generally impressed by something that they have done or just who they are as a person. This idiom is in the work category. When we say this, its meant as positive reinforcement. Response: "Thank you, it makes me glad.". By saying this, we are acknowledging both the effort that someone is putting into a job and the overall quality of the work. Download Now. Vantage Circle. wildan1 said: Not really. 7. We can use this statement in a professional setting or for casual use. Thanks for a great job. chevron_right. Youre a great team member, hardworking, loyal, and youre a quick learner! Never before have I seen an employee so dedicated, hard-working, and yet still tenacious at the same time. Well, then . Compliments are an expression of regard, respect, affection, gratefulness, or admiration. In the end you are measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish. Good job. Generally, constant positive reminders like youre doing great go a long way toward boosting team and individual morale. However, Keep it up certainly has its place in informal writing and speaking. var cid='2689564136';var pid='ca-pub-4326365477506519';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-myenglishteacher_eu-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;'block';'px';'100%';'px';'px';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});Here are some: Lets break down this phrase into 2 parts. Can be as simple as taking a nice card and writing down a thoughtful in... Its important to keep up the good work simply because they were finding. 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