Based on how a user applies his innate technique, variations of the base technique can be derived. The standard offensive usage for this technique is to use them like whips, as they're razor-sharp and will leave lacerations. Silk can be used in a variety of ways such as binding, slicing with razor sharp string, create tripwires/traps, stitching up wounds, creating silk clothing armor. Loosely translates to the Day of Joy. If the user so wished, they could also "pull their punches" so to speak and thicken the threads to make them more blunt and less lethal. Manga Debut Hazenoki can detonate his self-detached body parts and use them as bombs to create large explosions. But a moment may be all they need to escape a stronger adversary. 4: To nullify or dissipate the effects of the users techniques one must either kill or incapacitate the user or simply overpower the seal with ones own curse energy. being the leader is not my style, i'd rather be a strategist. It takes 10 minutes to make armor for each section of the body. The curse is directly tied to the soul of the punished, and thus the weight only affects the damage causer. ( I.E. Aggro can be lost over time as long as no further damage is applied. I'm a support. This only applies to injuries sustained before Arata's technique is used. [82], The ability to conjure Shikigami (, Shikigami?) I assume i'll have an average amount of it. Means the Day of Disaster. Featured Article Tomika Kiritani ( , Kiritani Tomika?) Depending on the strength of the user, the user's body may also speed up a certain percentage to match their perception. [22], Extension Techniques ( () () () () , Kakuch Jutsushiki?) r/JujutsuKaisen is a subreddit dedicated to the ongoing manga and anime series "Jujutsu Kaisen" written and illustrated by Gege Akutami, and animated by MAPPA. Nanako's technique allows her to manipulate a photographed subject captured using her cellphone camera. If the user were to freeze someone below 8 ft tall itd take less than 1 sec to freeze but something the size of a building or truck will take some time to freeze. The scream can be a concussive shockwave (bellow) or a piercing attack (shriek). Shikigami conjuration is considered to be a type of cursed technique. Itadori Yuji's entrance into the world of jujutsu sorcerer was a sudden one: while trying to save his high school peers he ingested one of the most powerful cursed spirits that ever lived:. Life is tiring man. He runs a reverse cursed technique on his brain allowing him to run it Passively. More manipulative uses of soulful synthesia like memory manipulation or mind control speed up this process. 3)Disguise: The user can change into anyone for a short period of time as long as he has a clear image of the person.Can only use it once a day.He can infiltrate enemy base or change into someone precious to the enemy to dmg them psychologically 4)Domain Expansion: Dreamscape This is basically like the sharingan genjutsu in Naruto where it disturbs the enemies perception of reality that can cause them to die from shock, have brain dmg or get traumatised. Magnetic Curse Technique : The user has ability to attract and repel curse spirits and curse attacks.He can attract curse attacks when it is near he can repel towards the user itself making the technique both defensive and attacking purposes. The same goes with Mahitos soul multiplicity or Nobaras Resonance and Hairpin. Inversion Jujutsu: A mysterious gas made of cursed energy is dispersed when used. The grudge takes the form of a black ball and chain shackled to the damage causers body. As long as the footstep exists the user can teleport back to the footstep. Cursed Energy can only be used as an impactful force in an attack or to buff up your own body to protect from external attacks. I made a post a while back about cursed technique ideas, loved the feedback and ideas so I decided to make another one. Well, i personally am a confident and brave person. Ability wont trigger consecutively in the same direction (i.e. Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. When a color is found it shades in part of the domain in it and the owner of it can shape that area to form items such as arrows, knives, or shields. It's particularly useful in urban environments or wooded areas with tall trees, for obvious reasons. Which role do you think will fit you the most? If i say Hammer and Nails will you let me have straw doll technique? As a kid, if was often gossiped that Shien was a child of a monster or demon. Can point in any direction, even at the opponent (opponent must look behind themselves). When user gets damaged they inflict a proportional grudge on the causer of damage. Such a trap would resemble the stereotypical laser defense systems seen in heist movies. Shaman type-manipulator. or something of the sort and was wondering if you guys had any Cursed technique Ideas. Reversed technique: it allows the user to make the bodies of opponents intangible, and even use them to summon the shikigami. 36,991 takers Report Anime & Manga Just For Fun Jujutsu Kaisen Jjk Jjk Quiz Share which cursed technique do you possess? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. can act somewhat like a storage device, the bandages storing a vast majority of negative energy accumulated over a period of time within the limb. Next, they lose their sense of taste. A cursed technique bound to eyes that are completely dark blue with no white. Jujutsu Doing so is simple enough in theory but it requires extremely sophisticated cursed energy manipulation that most sorcerers can't pull off. You can only use this ability on items that only you own. And the effects would stack. That could be handy if you wanted to pull someone off of somewhere high up, like a balcony. Only, hitting a thread wouldn't set off an alarm. Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Technique Generator KuronoDono12 is a fanfiction author that has written 19 stories for Naruto, Star Wars, Robotech/Macross, Halo, Total Drama series, Gundam Seed, Through his Cursed Technique - Limitless, Satoru Gojo ( Jujutsu Kaisen) can freely manipulate spatial forces, allowing him to push, pull, erase, and This technique can be used either to disrupt the targets flow of cursed energy to weaken their techniques or outright nullify them altogether or to even place limits on the users own curse energy thus making them appear weaker. Even completely destroying their bodies wont kill them as long as they have cursed energy. So theoretically if there were a setting where a family's inherited technique was Asura Nullifying Fist, and they also taught their family members the Critical Chain art, the combination of techniques was something I named Trillion Blows, though I don't think that would be a maximum technique. Chapter 1 The other, Cleave, can be adjusted with cursed energy to cut down tougher opponents in one powerful slash. It can also be ordered by the user to eat whatever it has cocooned, which is particularly useful against cursed spirits as that will instantly exorcise them. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Jujutsushiki His technique does this by folding space. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Paralysis: The user needs an extensive knowledge of acupuncture to do the next few techniques. : "Maximum: Uzumaki" is the maximum technique of Suguru Geto's Cursed Spirit Manipulation.) So, they can taste, see, and hear even better after losing another sense. are a race of spiritual beings manifested from cursed energy as a result of the negative emotions that flow out of humans. The technique is outwardly simple but can get extremely complex. The effectiveness of this ability depends on several factors. The user can choose who the gas can and cannot affect. Aggro/Hate- Based on concept of aggro/hate/threat in gaming. ), Domain Expansion: Deepwater Abyss of Transformation. Sure hit attack: Unbeknownst to the target due to a binding vow a timer is placed upon them when they enter the domain. Example- Activate ability, wait 9 minutes, explain ability, trigger ability 1 minute after explanation. Can use it in themselves or others, but again, target must be human. By using Technique Collapse: Blue and Red the user can cause their target to implode or explode respectively. And when used to effect a wide area the hanko seal encloses the area of interest allowing the user to erect barriers to protect themselves or even restrain and subjugate multiple low level opponents in one move. By touch, the effects are much stronger, and more vitality can be taken. "The domain for the weak". My hands are more than enough, thanks. I have anxiety and i am rate limited when it comes to speech. Cursed Techniques ( () () () , Jujutsushiki? The story follows a collection of sorcerers who battle monsters called . Illusionary Curse Technique: 1)Clone: The user can make clones of himself or anyone that are very fragile that can fire a mid range projectile or beat up enemies imbued with cursed energy but the dmg is 20% of the normal dmg the user can deal the max amount of clones that can be summoned at a time is 5. [69][70], However, advanced barrier mechanics can be complex for even the most talented jujutsu practitioners. Also, if the another individual would enter the domain before it completely seals its target, then the domain is nullified. Different users have their own cursed technique, which in other world called as Innate Technique. I don't have strong opinion on him, but i'd say he's a well respected person so me too, respected him. Binding Interdiction: Relay: This seal allows the user to communicate telepathically with whomever theyve placed the seal on. It could be ripped out, but a chunk of whatever the thread is anchored to will probably come off with it. ), commonly shortened to simply Techniques ( () () , Jutsushiki? are intrinsic supernatural powers congenitally engraved into a sorcerer when they are born. amazing!!! Blessed Blade just sounds like the Sword of Extermination, Are there any restrictions on what they can absorb. Cursed Technique 1. Many strong sorcerers with innate techniques can't perform barrier techniques. Because I can grow gills and my animals can grow gills because of my reverse technique I'm unbeatable underwater. Their stamina will be fully recovered depending on however many throwables they made. Race to extinction: By playing by the rules of their own technique the user can activate soulful synthesia on multiple targets without needing a response. The longer you're in the domain, the more of your senses you lose. Try to balance the ability out with it not being too OP, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Their range is limited within a 100-meter radius of the user, and the number that can be created is limited to the number of fingers the user has. : "Collapse" is an extension technique of Kento Nanami's Ratio Technique. So the user can grab the ball as if it were weightless and throw it at the person its shackled to as a form of damage. Binding Interdiction: Eradicate: This seal is used to kill the target by incinerating them once activated. The user is able to channel these accumulatied negative energies into their body to strengthen themselves physically. Cursed Favours :the user of technique has the ability that allows him to tempararaly borrow the cursed technique of other people the user must fulfill two conditions for each ability he wants to borrow : 1.First he must know the name of the cursed technique or have seen it in action The stronger the target the greater the time on the timer. Cursed Techniques are advanced applications of Cursed Energy. Also he/she must have all fingers wrapped around the target to FULLY freeze it. )Bearer of all, Atman -Aita performs specific arm and hand movements giving off the aura of a lotus flower, with this he is able to heal any wound no matter how fatal. Flash steps- User can create a shoe imprint (footstep) of cursed energy. CE - 'Cursed Energy': Like MP 'Mana Points' in a video game, it acts as the resource for techniques and the foundation for all abilities in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. SorcerersCursed Spirits These require little to no concentration, as they have no will of their own, but they can still be moved like the thing the resemble. Reverse Cursed Technique: Close He is only able to close his portals if there is nothing inside of them but by flowing positive energy into his portals he is able to close them on objects, severing them. I'm a big fan of movies so i'll either watch them on the tv or go to the cinema. Episode 1. Ranta's technique can immobilize anyone that he sets his eyes on. Anime @pwpperfart. The weight increases when more damage is inflicted to user and decreases when the user inflicts damage back (until 0, there is no negative weight or penalty incurred to user after weight becomes zero). Thus trapping them in a domain or pocket dimension wherere theyre forced to see the events of their life unfold over and over again. You would use good karma and bad karma for different things. Those born with one can train theirs to be stronger even if it is considered to be weak once they first learn to use it. Bodily sacrifice: The first half of the technique allows someone to make their body intangible. Todo Aoi has one of the most interesting innate cursed techniques in season 1. Can build up more aura by landing more attacks. While there are as many varieties as there are users, they all share the same basic premise of creating a closed space that the target cannot escape from, and which dramatically enhances the effectiveness of the user's other techniques. Also severing the shimenawa would mean certain death for both parties. Passive Ability: Reflection Technique Inspired by Satoru Gojo, The user automatically creates portals reflecting any attack aimed at him with malicious intent back at the opponent or away from the user. This technique could also be used like a grappling hook to simply scale tall skyscrapers, cliff faces, and the like if the user lacks the momentum to simply swing to the top. Which one is the closest assumption about your amount of Cursed Energy? Domain Expansion: Pain Relief Procedure Takes the form of a giant room resembling a traditional Chinese doctor's office (6 feet tall sticks of burning incense, giant scrolls with Chinese script written on it, etc.) Cursed energy can be used as a blunt force, or to reinforce the body, but these applications are not considered cursed techniques. 1: How skilled the user is in controlling their respective curses energy. A delusion about having 'great power' stored under some bandages on their arm/eye/etc. RELATED: 10 Jujutsu Sorcerers Whose Cursed Technique Doesn't Match Their Character Such as increased cutting power for a sword, increased penetration power for a spear, et cetera. deep down, i have a heart of gold, I am a tech expert. It is, however, unwise to pour all of one's power into this technique. Yuta Okkotsu can only utilize numerous techniques because Rika serves as his external aid. It would just leave you with a cut, the severity of which would depend on how hard you hit it. The sorcerer explains their ability before commencing the fight then rolls their pair of dice. Their energy can also be sensed, although it typically isn't strong enough to draw unwarranted attention. Only works on humans. The user becomes unable to use their negative cursed techniques, but their physical stats are greatly enhanced. The weight of the ball is dependent on how much damage was originally inflicted on the user. If the pledge is accomplished the attack gains a boost in power. Binding Interdiction: Pacify: This is a seal which places constraints on the targets cursed energy. Tangled Web of the Weaver - This will anything within its effective range, and the Domain takes the form of a giant spider's web. It can be used to create a standard tripwire, or for something more elaborate. Sleep Paralysis: When in the trance of Sweet Dreams and the target is about to die they instead wake up and are in a sleep paralysis state (or sluggish state depending on the strength of the target) where they cant move but see demonic shadowy figures that cause the targets cursed energy to fluctuate and they become incapable/less capable of using cursed energy effectively. Let me know if its too op. pwpper. Here's a few I had, let me know what you think and feel free to post any ideas you have! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. By using the body part made intangible and the users cursed energy as an offering and medium to summon the shikigami and only summoning a portion of said shikigami (namely it's teeth) the user can easily create multiple quasi-first class missile-like projectiles to fight with (think s ndt from bleach), At any time the user can expend a large amount of cursed energy to summon a large projection of the head of the hyena to bite the target (think aki and kon from chainsawman). Binding Interdiction: Mute: After making contact with the target this seal effectively binds the targets speech thus rendering them mute. To this point in Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo Satoru is the only sorcerer who has used positive energy to power his cursed technique. A cursed technique ideas, loved the feedback and ideas so i decided to make another one half... To match their perception others, but their physical stats are greatly.... 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