I dont think he holds his subscribers in particularly high regard, however, that is pretty clear. What is going on right now? I think this is significant and thank you. Alex Berenson CPAC Florida 2021 CPAC Feb 6 Former New York Times columnist, Alex Berenson, speaks on free speech. Jan 23, 2022. . RFK Jr. and Alex then had a brief moment of discussion regarding how they have been attacked for their work. What Im saying is you add it all up, okay? Meanwhile, an independent journalist like Alex Berenson will continue to seek out publicly available data from foreign nations to hold U.S. officials accountable. So Israel actually was saying that young men who are at the highest risk for myocarditis appear to have about a one in 3,000 to one in 6,000 risk of clinically significant myocarditis. Theres a point that does not get understood here, okay? In summary, U.S. public health and political officials with the help of corporate media outlets are lying, manipulating, and deceiving the American public. However, RCTs at least eliminate the large placebo effect. ALEX: Let me tell you one thing. So, I mean, if you told people, Yeah, guess what? He is an investigative journalist, and you can go check out his Substack in case Twitter gives him issues for telling things that are true, it turns out. Alex Berenson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn't invent RNA vaccines. So thats six out of 12 million in Britain. The right appreciates these guys for reporting the truth. Senator Ted Cruz joins Clay and Buck with a message for Secretary Pete. Successfully sent. Read more. But there are some gems, so far, in the beginning.). Nothing is ever that simple unless you are a liberal elite. Any research to reverse the problem? His newest book, PANDEMIA, on the coronavirus and our response to it, was published on Nov. 30. I would respond there, but he's banned non-paying subscribers now. BTW it was the third hit on duckduckgo when searching for Alex Berenson substack. BUCK: How certain are we on the question of Delta variant versus vaccine failure as the cause of the surge right now? CLAY: This is the first time youve been suspended during the 18 months? We have punished our kids enough. They dont do anything. Because he is now using his platform on Twitter to slam and defame a woman who has suffered from serious neurological vaccine injuries, Alex Berenson has crossed a line, a line which has destroyed any shred of credibility he had as a . Im not saying that was what happened, but its something to keep in mind. CLAY: Three kids. BUCK: Yeah, tell us about this, cause people believe The thing we hear and Clay and I are looking at this stuff every day from the news cycle perspective. Miss Clay on Fox & Friends? I am well aware that the corporate media coverage on this topic is virtually all lies, although occasionally some truth peeks through. My son & his friend-both work @ Fort Indiantown Gap, PA and have had swelling, 1- last April after vaccinations & 1-December after booster. They don't even work better than the (useless) flu shot. So if you change what you want rather than what they want, then you are gone from sight. And even people that I know, Alex, who have been really supportive of a lot of work youve done have complained to me and wanted me to ask you, Hes too critical. But I want to know what you think now. So theres several things we should do. It is sad, for sure. But at what pace should you travel on that path? The right wings folks who embrace him also love the ex-New York Times credential. Do they kind of already know but they just dont want to talk about it? Berenson has been embraced by Substack, who I think has a unique opportunity for content creators (like myself) that feel like my days on social media are unfortunately, eventually numbered. Back and better than ever. And if the virus changes in that part, your bodys not gonna recognize it. ALEX: Thats right. For those listeners who may not be aware, what are you are seeing from that data? They have no idea who really dies from it. That is a reality. alexberenson.substack.com Copy link . The hierarchy of scientific evidence is clearly shown. We see continuing steps up in all cause death rates for 2021 and YTD 2022. BUCK: Its Clay, its me, and a few million of our best friends. Can I just ask you, though: The people who say on the vaccine that youre wrong. So clearly there should be a greater interest in that. The Question of Masks. Good for him. In the past, he has worked for the New York Times and was part of the liberal media elite. The problem is it doesnt last, and the last month in Israel the data is horrific. So, listen. Because Im not gonna tweet with a sword hanging over my head. CLAY: Want to support your work on some level. Natural immunity appears significantly superior to vaccine-generated immunity, and theres good biological reasons to think thats the case: Because your body reacts to the whole coronavirus. 20 Aug 2021. He wants to be on CNN, MSNBC and Good Morning America. After all, whats the point of trying to spread the truth you so fervently seek if it doesnt make for a more beautiful world in the end? Theres two problems with that. His recent posts and actions tend to support this theory. In other words, 72.32% of COVID-19 deaths in England during September were fully vaccinated. They were afraid the disease would be stigmatized. Alex Berenson is the one man who has methodically tracked down every source, number, and study about Coronavirus that can be found. So the two countries that were more aggressive than the U.S., significantly more, were Israel and the U.K. And the data is cleaner out of Israel for a couple of reasons. He didn't. There are 3,000 to 4,000 a day. CLAY: Explain. No 19-year-old dropped dead of venous sinus thrombosis after getting a flu shot. It doesnt It looks like if you get it and you recover from it . In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with a higher percentage ofthe population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Alex Berenson came on the Joe Rogan Experience as it is now established fact across the medical community that these vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. But for all of us. Banning Alex Berenson From Twitter Is a Mistake "The pandemic's wrongest man" can likely profit from martyrdom. My how the mighty have fallen. I mean, you can find tweets from me saying we need to its called a serology study. He wants desperately to be allowed back into the liberal elite he has been cast out of. Alex Berenson's substack is an utter gem. This thing is not bad enough to destroy our society. That is until they are shown proof and evidence to change or cement their ideals. Alex, we both really appreciate your work on this. That was the (pre-vaccine) Covid death risk for people under 50 - not 30, 50, and including people with severe comorbidities. As a true and just nation we should help those who have fallen, but, not hinder others in the name of equity. At any rate, here was my take on the whole thing: https://wholistic.substack.com/p/who-needs-enemies-when-you-have-friends. Berenson's claim to fame came as a fierce contrarian journalist (from the surprisingly sympathetic Ben Smith profile linked in this piece.) Dec 19, 2021. Other Books. N95s may be largely useful; Im not willing to be as definitive about that. There were no mass graves. In the US, that narrative is the vaccine and boosters are the only thing. DESANTIS: Maybe I'll come on your show if I have an announcement to make. Our nation is not like that. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Even if Alex was correct on both of these points (Im not saying he is), I think the bone of contention actually lies elsewhere. We went at warp speed. 12,000 Doctors And Scientist Sign Declaration Claiming Crimes Against Humanity: More than 12,000 Doctors and Scientists have signed the Rome Declaration accusing public policymakers of crimes against humanity for preventing physicians from treating their COVID-19 patients, as a result of barriers put up by pharmacies, hospitals, and public health agencies, rendering the vast majority of healthcare providers helpless to protect their patients in the face of disease. It didnt happen. But one side continues to try to take away your rights daily, telling you it is the moral and just and equitable thing to do. I have been reading extensive comments on Berenson's recent posts and I see some real cognitive dissonance from many of those commenting. Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson Murder rates are up 50 percent in the United States since 2015. In Israel 95% of people over 80 are vaccinated, 90-plus percent of people over 60 are vaccinated, and 85% of people over 30 are vaccinated. The number of infections in Israel has increased more than tenfold in the last month. They are by definition leaky vaccines. BUCK: Alex, were gonna come back here in a second cause I want to talk to you about T-cell immunity. Second of all, Israels relatively small, and theyve been collecting data on a daily basis and releasing it since before the vaccine started. There was much talk amongst Alexs followers of how he was wrong in his statements regarding Dr. Malone's relationship with mRNA development and his claims about the effectiveness of Ivermectin. You can sign up for free, you know, almost 100,000 people have now signed up mostly just in the last couple of weeks. It might be very interesting and revealing about his motives. My kids go back to school tomorrow, Alex. His case vs Twitter has reached discovery. You hear, its good at least six to eight months is what theyve been saying. Both have been embraced by those same deplorables because they are among the few liberals who are willing to actually call out the left when it is deserved. Thanks so much for being here, Alex. If the covid vaccine did that, sign me up, okay? Alex came across as a complete ass. That is a catastrophic failure for decarceration and cashless bail and cannabis legalization and all the other soft-on-crime policies, and the left needs to own it. And why he continues to do the work he does even though he has lost friends and has been kicked out of many elite circles. In any case, Berenson now became a pariah, while the right has been used to being that for decades. That makes sense. And they do it in a pretty transparent way. In fact, Ive been, frankly, shocked how many people are willing to pay. I was going to publish an article on where I get my news these days, especially on Covid information. He was therefore cast out of the establishment club for daring to go against the government and media narrative. This ends when we say it ends. The assumption is that Dr. Malone and Alex Berenson are on the same team and any attacks on other members of the team hurt the wider effort. Id love to tell you I just delivered a new novel and itll be out. Aren't you glad we shut, Five crucial scientific and public policy measures we can take to keep the insanity of the last three years from ever happening again, Ive been getting a lot of notes like this lately I know, its been a while. Yes, just like the communists would. We deserve it after the last two years. I mean they are smarter, they have more money, much smarter than the public health authorities. I know, I'm as shocked as you are. BUCK: Full disclosure: I pay for your Substack, so Im sitting here as one of them; so there you go. Jan 9 4/ In October 2022, @scottgottliebmd claimed on Twitter and CNBC that he was not trying to suppress debate on mRNA jabs. But I hope this hero can remember his roots, rediscover humility, and listen to those of us who see the truth that he seems to be missing. I said this on Twitter. Tens of thousands of paid subscribers AlexBerenson Unreported Truths By Alex Berenson In his critique, Mr. Berenson - a former NYTimes journalist without any . YouTube Bans All Content Stating Vaccines Are Ineffective Or Dangerous: YouTube has expanded its medical misinformation policies with new guidelines targeting content that falsely alleges that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects, claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of the disease, or contains misinformation on the substances contained in vaccines will be removed. Read More. View article I think Alex Berenson is coming from a different place. Independent, citizen-funded journalism. There is no equity if you loose all your own freedoms. But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. The vaccines dont last! Former New York Times writer Alex Berenson, a vaccine and coronavirus contrarian, has more than 10,000 paying subscribers on Substack. The good news: death rates have now fallen far below normal. What you are describing is clearly shown at levels 2 or lower. But were talking to Alex Berenson. ALEX: Thank you, Buck. They were talking about boosters back in January. It wasnt the topic of discussion, and it made it look as though Alex had been waiting for this moment and seized it. Similar patterns to Public Health Englands data can be found in other countries around the world. Tucker Carlson snubs Alex Berenson after his bushwhack of Dr. Malone. (Full disclosure: I havent listened to the entire RFK Jr. interview yet. They dont work. And they suspended me for a week for a tweet that did nothing but report the results of Pfizers pivotal clinical trial about the vaccine. Please check your inbox. They have let the public health authorities do the hard work for them the whole time. Its as you close to full vaccination as you can reasonably hope for. What I want everyone to see, he said. Both of these are liberal journalists who have also followed the truth and dare to criticize things the left does that are reprehensible. Harvard Researcher: Increases In COVID Are Unrelated To Levels of Vaccination: A new study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology found increases in COVID are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States. CLAY: Cause theres a positive side here which is natural immunity, like Buck and I have, cause we both got covid seems to provide the best possible immunity going forward. CLAY: It looked like the vaccines were working flawlessly and it was gonna vanish. Many of these comments mention that attacking Dr. Malone was hurting the team. The Team being those fighting the government misinformation on vaccines, as well as mandates and masks, opposition to vaccines for children, the effectiveness of Ivermectin, and all the other authoritarian aspects of Covid and the silencing of any critics of the narrative. The real revelations here are the extent of cases and deaths occurring in the fully vaccinated in England during the month of September. I mean, get to the criticisms first because right now, as you know, there are people who just know theyre supposed to oppose you. Right now, we are being told that if every single person in the entire United States got the covid vaccine, that covid would be over, that people who are unvaccinated are the only reason why covid still exists. It looks like someone named Brooke is accusing anyone of being upset about his behavior as being some sort of "paid troll," but she has a "founding subscriber" icon and it makes me wonder if SHE has been paid to be there. They clearly they think that what Im doing has some value. ALEX: (laughing) in how he used his airtime, blindsiding everyone - Dr. Malone, the host, the producers, and the audience - that set everyone off. Theyve been lied to for 18 months, they were told the vaccines were gonna save them and, you know, get us all back to the hot back summer. U.K. didnt do that. This act was perhaps the best thing that could happen to discredit those opposed to the Covid narrative. There is no justice from people who want to rule over you like a king or queen. We are a republic built for freedom of men and women. Alex Berenson is a former New York Times reporter and the author of 13 novels, three non-fiction books, and the Unreported Truths booklets. BUCK: Another thing that we are told, and its one of these Its like the hamster hitting the pedal to get the little pellet, you know what I mean? Why is no one in the mainstream media acknowledging the United Kingdoms publicly available data showing for the 40 and older age groups, 79.94% of COVID-19 cases in England during September were fully vaccinated? Darby Shaw. By all accounts, he is losing substantial numbers of subscribers. People look at the numbers, they look at the data, and come to very different conclusions. Which is . Because if he gets kicked off of Twitter. One year ago, the White House assault on free speech reached new heights. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. But given their cheering on of Berenson's rudeness, you start to wonder if this whole group of people is for real and/or has been purposefully misled. Frankly, shocked how many people are willing to be on CNN, MSNBC and good Morning America does get. Fact, Ive been, frankly, shocked how many people are willing to be as definitive about that problem! For Secretary Pete it was gon na come back here in a second cause I to. For your substack, so far, in the beginning. ) that simple you... Am well aware that the corporate media coverage on this topic is virtually all lies, although some! Journalists who have fallen, but he 's banned non-paying subscribers now New novel and itll out... 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