multnomah county criminal recordsmultnomah county criminal records
P.O. Currently these records are filed with the State Registrar, Vital Statistics Section of the Health Division. Service. Burnside Bridge [Technical Drawings-blueprints], 1924 (37 drawings); County Road Map of Multnomah County Oregon, ca.1917 (1 map); General Highway Map of Multnomah County, Oregon, 1953 (1 volume); 1965 (1 volume). In 2019, the department reported 9,932 violent crimes, 47,448 property crimes, and 2,545 violent crimes. 1-87, 1855-1929 (13 reels of microfilm); [Miscellaneous Index Direct], 1909-1972 (4 reels of microfilm); [Miscellaneous Index Indirect], 1921-1972 (3 reels of microfilm). Aerial Photos [Rural-paper and mylar], 1986 (ca.300 photographs); Aerial Photos [Urban], 1981 (ca.75 photographs); Aerials [Color Photographs], 1999 (8 photographs); Aerials [Photographs], 1966, 1972, 1974 (ca.100 photographs); 1977 (ca.100 photographs); Air Photos [Urban], 1956 (ca.100 photographs); Significant Wetlands [Aerial Photomaps], 1986 (ca.30 photomaps). Population: 672,161. Mss. Series documents actions filed with the county related to mineral interest claims. Text inside the brackets includes either exact title information from the inside of the volume, box, etc. ); [Road Construction Specifications and Contracts], 1914-1929 (3 cu.ft.). ); Community Health Council [Records-includes minutes], 1980-2000 (7 cu.ft. These numbers represent an overall reduction in Portland Citys crime figures over two years. [Topographic Maps-United States Geological Survey], 1970-1986 (21 maps). 167-168, 1905-1906 (2 volumes); Citizenship Docket [Hearing of Application for Citizenship-at back of volume], 1907-1908 (1 volume); Hearing of Petitions for Naturalizations Docket, 1908-1912 (1 volume); Index to Citizenship Journals, 1854-1906 (1 volume); Index to Citizen [title varies], 1854-1906 (2 volumes); [Journal County Court Law-includes some citizenship and insanity cases], vol. Deed Records [Multnomah County area of Washington County-transcribed], vol. 1, 1917-1951 (1 volume); Wards of State Institutions [with index], vol. [Claim Notes Field Notes of the Survey of the Donation Land Claims-with index], ca.1854-ca.1858 (1 reel of microfilm); Microfilmed Surveys [Filed Plats], no. ); Legal County Roads [Card Index-indexes maps and field notes], ca.1866-ca.1972 (.50 cu.ft. East County Courthouse Multnomah County Index for Roads, 1951-1976 (1 volume). Military Roll, 1889-1893, 1898-1899 (4 volumes). Researchers will be able to inspect any divorce decree if unsealed. [Circuit Court Case Exhibits], 1954-1966 (11 reels of microfilm); [Circuit Court Case Files-includes civil and domestic relations cases-also includes criminal cases beginning in 1976], no. ); Resolutions, Proclamations, Orders [record copy], 2011-present (.75 cu.ft.). 31 . Terms and Conditions. Series documents all administrative actions of the board of county commissioners and the county court. ); Mss. Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. PUBLIC NOTICE: To serve a copy of a notice of appeal on the trial court administrator and the transcript coordinator for this court, under Oregon Rules of Appellate Procedure 1.35(2)(e), use the following email address: When using the Online Request Formto submit your order, you will receive an email confirmation that your order is received, along with your reference number for that order. Series records brief entries about the proceedings of court cases. Constantly updated. Circuit Court Indexes [also indexes probate cases beginning in 1984], 1976-1997 (2 binders of microfiche). County Circuit courts record and maintain case information, provide accessible justice services to the public as well as attorneys including trial forms, fees, instructions and docket of cases. 41651-43497, n.d. (3 inches of microfilm jackets). 1714 [Justice Docket-South Portland Precinct], 1884-1902 (5 volumes); Mss. Multnomah County Courts. 33000-107988, 1930-1968 (1099 reels of microfilm). 1714 Record [Justice Docket-Albina Precinct], 1885-1893 (4 volumes). 1 Records [Report on a Study of the Public School System of Portland], 1942 (5 volumes). Requesters may make requests by completing a Death Certificate Request Form, attaching a money order payable to Vital Records, and mailing the completed package to: Portland death records older than six months from death are available at the Oregon Center for Health Statistics. Election poll books and voter registration records have been inventoried through 1930. 1-1301, ca.1861-2010 (38 reels of microfilm); Partition Plats, 1990-2010 (15 reels of microfilm); Plat Index [Subdivision], ca.1861-2004 (2 volumes); Plats [Subdivision-incomplete set-with assessment-related notations], ca.1861-2000 (ca. Register of Physicians, Midwives, and Undertakers, 1915-1919 (1 volume); Medical Licenses, 1893-1941 (2 reels of microfilm). Information includes defendant name, statement of attachment, property description, statement of return when attachment is satisfied, return of execution, dates attachment is issued and returned, court order, and sheriff's signature. This is 72.07% lower than the national average of 739.02 per 100,000 people. Portland birth records older than six months from birth are available at the Oregon Center for Health Statistics. Attachments are ordered by the circuit court and authorize the sheriff to seize or transfer property to satisfy debts such as loans, mortgages, or tax liens. 1714 [Justice Docket-Northeast Portland Precinct], 1882-1886 (4 volumes); Mss. According to the law, citizens have the right to request public records like arrest, court, or public records - unless otherwise exempt by law. At that time all justice courts in Multnomah County except the Gresham District and ex-officio justice courts (municipal courts) were abolished and their jurisdiction was transferred to the district courts. Multnomah County holds 4 jails with a total of 557,270 inmates. [Documents-includes interfiled log brand records], 1903-1954 (.20 cu.ft.). Information includes patient and family names, date committed, reason, physical description, and a brief family history. Marriage License Index & Bks. Oregon Vital Statistics Powers Indexes [indexes Powers field books], 1895-1935 (1 binder); Records of Permanent Surveys [with index], vol. 1275 Record of Criminals [includes photographs-with index], 1929-1941 (3 volumes). Civil Commitment Alpha Index [Cards-Mental], ca.1917-1985 (23 cu.ft. Foreclosure records have been inventoried through 1920. In most counties, the board of county commissioners has assumed the administrative duties and responsibilities of the county court. If you are requesting an audio copy from a restricted (confidential) case type, your request may be denied or you may be required to complete additional paperwork, show identification, and pick up the copies in person. 1-5, 1852-1901 (5 volumes). 1275 Washington County Records Pertaining to Multnomah County [includes mortgages], 1849-1861 (1 volume). Guide to First Mortgage Index, 1849-1894 (1 volume); Indirect Index to Mortgages, 1858-1880 (1 volume); Mortgage Index Direct, 1858-1880 (1 volume). Board Meeting Packets [Commissioners], 2003-2009 (45 cu.ft. 1-2, 1977 (2 volumes); East of Sandy River Rural Area Plan [Comprehensive], 1997 (1 volume); Multnomah County Comprehensive Framework Plan, 1980-1998 (1 volume); Sauvie Island/Multnomah Channel Rural Area Plan, 1997 (1 volume). Information includes township, range, and section numbers, names of donation land claim holders and claim numbers, claim dates, acreage, and descriptions of surveys. PMG file photo The Multnomah County Medical Examiner is investigation a second possible recent hypothermia death associated with the winter storm. 85.04.90940-11.04.90605, 1985-2011 (2430 cu.ft. Portland, OR 97232 Faxed subpoenas will not be accepted. ); Probate Index, ca.1855-1939 (1 reel of microfilm); Index to Probate Cases, 1855-1983 (10 volumes); [Index to Probate Cases], 1856-1977 (4 reels of microfilm); [Probate Case Files], no. 4-5, 7, 1895-1900, 1905-1907 (3 volumes); Municipal Court Register [with index], vol. 1-1086, vol. However, the county courts in Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Malheur, Sherman, and Wheeler Counties continue to hear probate cases. 17-46, 55-77], 1895 (5 volumes); 1895 (3 reels of microfilm); [Multnomah County State Census], 1895 (3 reels of microfilm). Phone: (503) 988-3689. The series may be referred to as the County Court Administrative Journal, Commissioner's Minutes, County Court Docket, or Board of Commissioners Meeting Records. Records include annual statements on the condition of common (public) schools in the county, school district boundary records, school district accounts, and book purchases. [Closed Probate Case Files-includes small estates cases], no. Gresham Police Department 1333 Northwest Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030 503-618-2313 Directions. To obtain ones criminal history record, individuals must complete the proper criminal history request form, attach fingerprints and a $33 fee, and mail the request to the CJIS. The most reported offense, with 24,587 reports, was larceny-theft. Information may also include nationality, physical description, birthplace, health, and religion of household members and agricultural production statistics. MULTNOMAH COUNTY is located in Oregon with an average daily population of 0. According to the .css-9c6ohv{font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;font-family:"Arial",serif;color:#1b395e;text-transform:none;font-style:normal;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-9c6ohv:hover{color:#d30000;}Oregon Public Records Law, Portland public records include all unrestricted information created, obtained, or used by Portland agents. Marriage records have been inventoried through 1960. Deed Record [Multnomah County area of Washington County-transcribed], vol. Permanent Files [Women's Separate Property Records], 1895-1913 (.05 cu.ft.). Records include tax lot number; the location of the land in reference to township, range, and section; and a description and record of changes to the property, acreage, and land owner. Search Multnomah County, Oregon arrest warrants by name, including mugshots, DOB, warrant number and charges. ); U.S. Field Notes of Lands in Multnomah County [with index], 1851-1873 (1 volume); WPA Misc. Records include registers and certificates. A lock icon ( ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. 185-186, 1962-1984 (2 volumes); vol. U.S. district courts were administered by the federal government during the territorial period and subsequently replaced by the circuit courts upon statehood in 1859. Information includes registration number; child's name, sex, legitimacy, birth date, and birthplace; name, residence, color, age, birthplace, and occupation of father and mother; number of other children born to mother; signature of physician or midwife; filing date; and registrar's signature. Series documents liens placed on real property by the county to satisfy debts. [Coroner's Death Register], 1930-1964 (5 volumes); Coroner's Death Reports [with index], vol. An official website of the State of Oregon . A complete homestead entry file includes such documents as the homestead application, homestead proof, and final certificate authorizing the claimant to obtain a land patent. Mss. Board Meeting Packets [Commissioners-includes briefing documents and copies of minutes-title varies], ca.1986-2003 (104 cu.ft. More than 1250 reports were filed for larceny-theft, and over 150 complaints were filed for burglary. The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office allows friends and family to visit inmates held at the following facilities: Multnomah County Detention Center Jail 19th Ave, Suite 350 [Miscellaneous Books-includes some Certificates of Sale for Delinquent Assessments], vol. Series lists those eligible for military service and records the discharge dates of those who served in the military. Requesters may pay for certified copies by cash, check, or card. Records include complaints, judgments, decrees, summonses, warrants, affidavits, writs, and an index. Portions of these records may be restricted. Planning, outreach and education, strategic, and technology projects. 1-10, 1856-1901 (10 volumes). Gresham Police Department Press Releases
Multnomah County daily crime log We track daily arrest statistics in order to understand how crime is manifested in Multnomah County. Your public records search may include: Background records, Criminal Records, Arrest/Warrant Records, Court Records, Property Records, Relative Search, Asset Search, Business Search, VIN & License Plate Search, DUI/DWI records and Driving Violations, Marriage & Divorce Records, Birth Records, Death Records, Unclaimed Money and more A-H, 1884-present (20 inches of aperture cards); [Map Index to Surveys, Bearing Trees, Subdivisions, Partitions, and Field Books], 1852-present (ca.900 maps). Vital Records Records at the Multnomah County Courthouse, Room 131, Circuit Court File Room: [Circuit Court Case Exhibits], 1954-1966 (11 reels of microfilm); [Circuit Court Case Files-includes civil and domestic relations cases-also includes criminal cases beginning in 1976], no. 1-2326, 1929-1964 (614 reels of microfilm); Mortgage Index [Direct], 1945-1972 (17 reels of microfilm); Mortgage Index [Indirect], 1945-1972 (17 reels of microfilm); Mortgage Records [boxed], vol. Building, transportation, maintenance, and sewer projects. [Road Engineering Drawings], ca.1900-ca.1997 (ca.750 drawings). 1-25781, 1855-1925 (297 reels of microfilm); no. 1-22, 1906-1920 (22 volumes). Record of Delinquent Tax Sales, 1888-1895 (1 reel of microfilm). Requests for certified copies of death records must contain: The Multnomah County Health Department charges $25 per copy. Search Multnomah County Sex Offender Supervision Program high-risk sex offenders notification page by name, date or charge. The Online Inmate Data section of the MCSO website is a searchable database of people in jail in Multnomah County. The Multnomah County Sherifff, Michael Reesef, is the head law enforcement officer in the county. Information includes description of corners; existing markers; descriptions of new markers and any changes made to the locations; property owners; township, range, and section numbers; donation land claim information; date the new markers were set; and surveyor's signatures. Series documents the discussions and activities of the county planning commission as recorded in the minutes and agendas. Visits cost $5 and last for twenty minutes each. Case files include exhibits, transcripts, indexes, and legal documents such as indictments, subpoenas, fee bills, articles of agreement, bonds, summons, executions, petitions, and injunctions. [Road Maps], ca.1884-ca.1940 (ca.400 maps). 1275 [County Court Docket-includes law and probate cases], 1859-1871 (1 volume); Mss. The Portland Police Department covers roughly 83 square miles (133.58 km2). Police Reports are not maintained by the court. Assessment, tax, and delinquent tax records arelabeled as rolls, lists, or summaries. Series may also include an index arranged either alphabetically by name of owner or by farm name. 8401.95150-9501.98377, 1984-1995 (195 cu.ft. Mss. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. Unit 11, C46000-C60905, 1965-ca.1975 (15 feet of microfiche); [Circuit Court Criminal Flat File-Case Files], no. 1-3, 1857-1933 (1 reel of microfilm). Donation land claims were unique in that acreage granted to married couples was divided evenly. Series records the proceedings of the county court for civil and some criminal cases.
Since 1964 mortgages have been recorded in the Book of Records (Clerk and Recorder Official Filings). The following information may be helpful: Individuals may also find criminal case records by querying the Online Record Search Portal, provided by the Oregon Judicial Branch. The county of Multnomah had 4,134 arrests during the past three years. Railroad Drawings [includes right of way information-rolled], ca.1920-ca.1950 (ca.300 maps). 1714 [Justice Docket-East Portland Precinct], 1882-1908 (17 volumes); Mss. Series provides visual documentation of changes made to county lands through development and by natural and man-made disasters. Record of Registration of Farm Names, 1911-1965 (1 reel of microfilm). Multnomah County joined the Oregon Judicial Information Network (OJIN) in 1988. ); CCFC Meeting Records [Commission on Children, Families & Communities-includes related records], 1994-2008 (12 cu.ft. Series documents criminal and civil cases brought before justice of the peace courts. A3-A223, 10-4698, 1876-1980 (35 reels of microfilm); [Roads and Vacations Records-includes actions related to the county vacating roads to cities], 1924-1952 (24 reels of microfilm). Welcome to the Multnomah County Circuit Court, Fourth Judicial District. 1239-4822, vol. 1-141, 1895-1913 (34 reels of microfilm); [Civil Docket-South Portland District], 1890-1895 (2 reels of microfilm); [Court Docket-Albina District], 1893-1897 (1 reel of microfilm); [Criminal Docket-Justice and District Court], vol. Multnomah County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) MCSO provides public access to inmate data and release information on its website. Portions of these records may be restricted. Because the provision of relief became primarily a state and federal function in the 1930s, records are inventoried through 1939. Marriage Index, 1924-1960 (2.50 inches of microfilm jackets). Titles listed in this inventory are exactly as they appear on the outside of a volume, box, drawer, or other container. Find Multnomah County, Oregon Jail Records, including inmates, bookings, and release lists by date and name. Records include voting abstracts and the record of election. Marriage Affidavit and Certificate Books, 1923-1967 (82 volumes); Marriage License Index, 1903-1960 (8 reels of microfilm); Marriage License Index and Record, 1855-1903 (3 reels of microfilm); Marriage Licenses, 1903-1947 (49 reels of microfilm). Records for other counties Portland, OR 97213 Research Multnomah County deed records online. 1 Records [Board of Directors Minutes], 1932-1942 (11 volumes); Mss. View detailed county map. II, 2000 (1 binder); Multnomah County Code of Ordinances, ca.1998-2011 (1 binder); [Multnomah County Ordinances-record copy], no. FEMA Flood Maps [Flood Insurance Rate Maps], 1982 (.25 cu.ft.). ); no. Portions of these records may be restricted. [Ordinance-includes interim], 1953-1955 (1 binder). [Surveyor's Journals-Roads], vol. Assumed business names have been inventoried through 1964. For information on more recent court records, contact the trial court administrator. Public School System of Portland ], 1884-1902 ( 5 volumes ) ; Wards of Institutions..., Sherman, and religion of household members and agricultural production Statistics 1275 [ County court for civil some. Or by farm name 150 complaints were filed for burglary circuit courts upon statehood in 1859 an overall reduction Portland! 2011-Present (.75 cu.ft. ) Sex Offender Supervision Program high-risk Sex offenders notification page by name owner... More recent court records, including inmates, bookings, and religion of household members agricultural. ( ca.300 maps ) they appear on the outside of a volume, box drawer., 1889-1893, 1898-1899 ( 4 volumes ) ; Resolutions, Proclamations, Orders record. 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