My dear brethren, it is inspiring to look out over this vast congregation of the Lords battalion of priesthood bearers. Is there mercy for me? He will love and support and help you. This obedience includes actions we might not initially consider part of repentance, such as attending meetings, paying tithing, giving service, and forgiving others. In fact, after disobeying God, they hid from God (Genesis 3:8). For example adultery, a married person having sexual intercourse with someone other than their spouse, is among the most serious sexual sins. He will understand your difficult situation and help you through it. It does seem like a confusing situation. Godly sorrow does NOT come from feeling guilt that you caused Christ to suffer additional pain. When we keep this commitment, we will never experience the pain of that sin again. Because of this, a divorce happened and my mother remarried to a more faithful spouse. I know this is how it needs to be, but its hard when so many people are asking me about my papers. Im 18 and its currently January, I hope to put my mission papers in April. So be sure to talk to your bishop as soon as possible. If the Holy Spirit is prompting you to talk to the bishop about it, then you definitely should. I know it will be hard but with the Saviors help, you can overcome these things, and receive all the promised blessings from your Heavenly Father. Regardless of what happens with the mission, you will be more blessed and happy if you stay clean and pure before the Lord, so either way, thats what you are going to want to do. even if it means all you can do is lay down and cry yourself to sleep. Your bishop will need to know all that happened, but I wouldnt classify his questions as an effort to know every single detail. And while it was happening Ive never prayed so hard in my life. Good luck and God bless. Im just not sure Ill be able to go. It is a magnificent creation, essential to our gradual ascent toward our ultimate divine potential. Jacob, Im glad you have the desire to serve a mission. Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least point (Alma 42:2930). May God bless and be with you. But I have yet to do so. Do I ask my bishop now, or do I wait to see if my bishop feels it is necessary to approach me about it? A vital part of repentance is to forgive those who have sinned against us. Good luck and God bless. Preparing for a mission and want to go in 5 months. Thats my advice. The first principles and ordinances of the gospel are four items long. I know God lives and is mindful of you and loves you. What a mighty force for good you are! Here is what God requires for full and complete repentance, astaught in the scriptures and by living prophets: While I have given a list of six specific steps here to help young people begin the process of repentance, please remember that to repent is not something that you can superficially do by checking off some boxes in a checklist. I really dont have anyone to talk to anymore about this problem because the only person I trusted not to run their mouth about it was my bishop and he just got called to another position as 1st counselor in the stake presidency. So I would start by continuing to do the things that have brought you this far on your spiritual journey, continue attending church and Seminary and listen with an open heart and mind. We need to get up off the couch, put down the remote, and wake up from our spiritual slumber. You can start by telling him the generalities of what happened, and he will ask for additional details as he considers them relevant. No other interest in life should take priority over building an eternal relationship with her. Please be completely open and honest with him and tell him of all these transgressions so you can begin the process of repenting and putting these things behind you. My question though is this, how long is it after you begin the repentance process until you can take the sacrament again? Instead of accepting full responsibility, Adam put the blame to Eve while Eve put the blame on the serpent (Genesis 12:13). But if i do, am i also going to tell this to my parents? It seems there has been little mercy shown my friend. It is time to put on the full armor of God so we can engage in the most important work on earth. Yes. We can be forgiven only on His terms. I have hid this lifestyle from my parents and family, including when I broke the law of chastity almost a year ago. He will support and love you and help you. Please be open and honest with him and Im sure he will help you get ready and leave on a mission as soon as possible. Link to comment. The hardest thing Ive done in my life is to prepare to serve a mission. On the other hand, the foundation of pride is the desire to cover up our own weaknesses and focus on changing our spouses behavior. Whether our mistakes are intentional or inadvertent, we all end up doing things that hurt our spouse. John described sin as all unrighteousness (1John 5:17) and the transgression of the law (1John 3:4). My question is how long do i have to wait before i can take the sacrament? 31 In Leviticus we read: If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the Lord, and lie unto his neighbour . Answer. After stumbling upon pornographic material online, I unfortunately touched myself while viewing the material. Having said that, personally, I dont think confessing a pornography problem from several years ago would be required. I really want to go, Ive also been afraid of accepting the oath and covenant of the priesthood, because if someone breaks the oath and covenant there is absolutely no forgiveness in this life, or in the next. Delaying repentance slows spiritual momentum and progress. He also does things to me which is really not my intention but again it became so hard for me to speak for myself. Please help me move forward and do the right thing. What is repentance? What is the best thing for me to do? So my questions are: Is this a serious sin? Remember the words of King Benjamin from the Book of Mormon: I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. He has the power to heal us and to help us triumph over sin. He chose to rebel, he knew exactly what he was doing, he knows exactly what he is doing now. -Mosiah 3:19 For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.. I started attending church and paying my tithe a couple weeks ago(minus sacrament meeting). Having gained that ground he then must live the commandments of the Lord to retain his vantage point. Many of these couples divorce. And may God bless and be with you. I want to submit my papers about a month from now and leave in May, and I am a little worried that I wont be able to stay on that same timeline if I talk to the bishop about this. Of course, youll want to talk to your bishop about it since he represents that Lord in making that determination. I even considered her as a best friend before. I literally have been marking each day on my calendar that I have gone in sobriety and I am desperately trying to overcome this one addiction. So great had been my iniquities, that the very thought of coming into the presence of my God did rack my soul with inexpressible horror. Repent! We never had sex, but we did do some other things against the law of chastity. What can we do so we can marry in the temple. Why does it still come back to me? President Joseph Fielding Smith said of this: I have suffered pain, you have suffered pain, and sometimes it has been quite severe; but I cannot comprehend pain that would cause the blood, like sweat, to come out upon the body. Recently, a good friend came to himself on his mission and confessed indiscretions to his mission president. I wanna be honest with you, that I cannot remember some of the things that happened including, when was it and how that was happened. I am currently 16 years old. During the process of the Atonement, the Savior suffered all of the pain, sorrow, and grief that we will experience in this life. Good luck and God bless. We should repent for the same reason. And I bless you that as you make these efforts, you will experience miracles in your life. We didnt have sex but close, and after I ended things for that reason, my mindset changed and for some reason I thought it was ok to break the law of chastity. Never forget Christs atonement for you, and focus on it is wonderful, good great and you should. The mission department should have nothing to do with it. It is something I need to discuss with a bishop, I know that. It never involved masturbation, if that makes a difference. He was your brother in heaven and he knows you very very well. I am afraid that I will meet the same fate as my father and be desensitized to the evils of the world, and I dont know what will happen to my father in the afterlife if he is too stubborn to repent and come back even though he remarried to a non-LDS person. If you are unsure about it, talk to your bishop. You should know that you are talking to one of the most logically thinking people you can find. But when mercy could have been extended by a loving mission president, policy kicked in, and that mercy was withdrawn. Ive even fasted for forgiveness, and I dont usually fast for medical reasons. After all, even keeping the sins and weakness on your mind allows Satan to have some hook in you. Jessica, To me, the best thing to do is the safe thing to do because I always think it is better to be safe than sorryand that would be to talk to your bishop about it. Some less serious sins involve no one but ourselves and the Lord. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. (Mosiah 2:41) Good luck and God bless. I repented of these things, fasted and prayed with all the energy of my heart. I encourage you to do as our prophet has counseled and stay on the covenant path as you strive to follow Jesus Christ each day of your life. Repentance is the key to avoiding misery inflicted by traps of the adversary. Hi, I have been a member of the church for 6 years but before that I broke the Law of Chastity. I stand in awe of the miracle of the human body. Just wondering how long it is before I can take it again. In closing, I would like to briefly discuss the blessings of repentance. Whether you follow Satan or not, he will hate you! I havent talked with my bishop yet, but Ive stopped taking the sacrament. The Lord has declared that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven (Alma 11:37). No one can ever be forgiven of any transgression until there is repentance, and one has not repented until he has bared his soul and admitted his intentions and weaknesses without excuses or rationalizations. There is no mention in the new handbook just released. I hope this helps. She wrote: [My daughters and I] feel we are in fierce competition for our husbands and sons undivided attention, with 24/7 sports updates, video games, stock market updates, [and] endless analyzing and watching of games of every [conceivable] sport. From what you have said, I would guess that a mission is still a possibility. For serious sins, such as sexual intercourse outside of marriage or other serious violations of the law of chastity, I strongly encourage you to confess both to the Lord and to his representative in the Church, your bishop. May the Lord guide you and direct you through the promptings of His Holy Spirit as you go through the repentance process. I have been a part of the church my whole life and love it. Sorrow for Sin. It is powerful, spiritual medicine.3. I plan to talk to him either this week or next week though. In order for a marriage to be successful, there also needs to be forgiveness. We are engaged in the work of Almighty God. We knew it was bad and we tried to stop many times. Also is it even possible for me to go? If you have, then you are good to go. Thanks! Usually, any waiting period imposed by your bishop or stake president will be from the time the last sin was committed. You may try reading a book called Will Power is Not Enough. It was written by an LDS author and talks about tapping into the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to overcome addictive behavior. I can also promise you that being clean and worthy to married in the temple is within your grasp thanks to the healing power of our Savior Jesus Christ. Alma counseled his son Corianton, who had been unfaithful in his missionary calling and had committed serious sins: Let your sins trouble you, with that trouble which shall bring you down unto repentance. He is eligible to return to the mission field in 1 year. Seek to bring her joy. Sometimes it is necessary to apologize more than once, especially if the offense is particularly hurtful. At times, we should fast for special blessings. Good luck, and God bless you. How long does it take to convert to LDS? Would I have to confess all my sins since I was a kid to the Bishop in order to join the LDS? You will need Heavens help, and I know that help is available to the humble followers of our Savior Jesus Christ. My sin is pretty grievous with the law of chastity. Hi, so about a year and a half ago i broke the law of chastity (but not sexual intercourse) with this guy who is currenlty serving a mission. These issues include breaking the law of chastity, so My question is: how long would I have to wait after talking to my bishop before I am worthy to enter the temple again.? The spirit of the Lord will not be able to be with that person in full measure like he will once they are clean and pure. We confess our shame and guilt, and then plead for help. As a bishop, I saw miracles. Second, know that the battle against Satan is real, and when you go into battle each day, you should prepare yourself just like when the Nephites. about two years ago, I began indulging in inappropriate activities because I had completely lost faith in the church and had no remorse. Again, its impossible for me to say. The repentance process may seem long and difficult, but with the help of the Lord and your family and friends, I know that you can do it. Jesus Christ calls His disciples to repent. God is always there and will always be there for you!! Obviously I would think about it and pray about it a lot more before making that decision. It is unlikely that you will be excommunicated, but what you have done is serious and all the steps of repentance that you will need to take will be determined by the Lord through the bishop he has called to preside over your ward. There are, though, many factors the Lord, and the bishop, will consider when determining the length and specifics of the repentance process. I feel like Im losing my mind. Its as if Satan is really working on me hard to keep my spiritually imprisoned so that I can not hold my head up in confidence when speaking to the Lord. Thanks. Make your focus on daily repentance so integral to your life that you can exercise the priesthood with greater power than ever before. With your former bishop now in the stake presidency, you can still talk to him to get encouragement, guidance, and support. I have a couple of thoughts in response to your situation. He knows about my precious sins, but just not that I slipped again. But me and her have broke the law of chasity 3 times. Good luck, and God bless. As you follow the teachings of Jesus and the guidance of your priesthood leaders, you will be washed clean of your sins through the atoning power of our Savior Jesus Christ. If that were the case, there would be no need for the ordinance. As servants of the Lord, we cannot be asleep while this battle rages. When you talk to your bishop, be sure to tell him of your desire to serve a mission and he will do what he can to help you prepare to be a great missionary. The more serious the sin the more time that the Lord, through his Church leaders, will require for the repentance process. President JamesE. Faust (19202007) said: Our Redeemer took upon Himself all the sins, pains, infirmities, and sicknesses of all who have ever lived and will ever live. The first thing youve got to do is to halt the inappropriate behavior. Hey, so I got exposed to pornography around the age of 9 or 10 and was on and off up until now. If you broke the law of chastity before, and talked to your bishop. Your bishop will also be able to give you good advice on this subject. He will be loving and supportive and help you reach your righteous goals. Elder JoeJ. Christensen, an emeritus member of the Quorum of the Seventy, said, To develop a solid marriage, we must be able to admit we are sorry for mistakes we make. I have never act in misconduct on the field before. To repent, we must admit to ourselves that we have sinned. Hi so when I was 12 I was sucked into the addiction of pornography for 5 months, I knew it was bad but I didnt understand how bad. And let me assure you that you can still be married in the temple someday. What about breaking the Law of Chastity as an Non-Member who is preparing for Baptism? The process of repentance may seem long at times, but I think you will look back at it as time well spent. May we be willing to take responsibility for our own sins and weaknesses that create stress and pain in our marriages. This means not engaging in premarital sex or any kind of sexual activity (which includes petting with or without clothes on). I bless you to become those men. Generally, it is a year until you are available, but that is something your bishop and stake president will decide. He hates you and wants to destroy you, just the same as he did and does God and Christ. Although confession is an essential element of repentance, it is not enough. I have broken the law of chastity, I confessed to my bishop and I am currently on probation. Another way we can also do better and be better is how we honor the women in our lives, beginning with our wives and daughters, our mothers and sisters.15, Months ago, I received a heartbreaking letter from a dear sister. If i tell this are they gonna cancell my recommend again? With love and encouragement.- Jimmy Smith. If you did not do that, perhaps that is why your former transgressions continue to bother you. If we have sinned against another person, we should confess to the person we have injured. I bless you with the courage to repent daily and learn how to exercise full priesthood power. Mormon observed anguish in his own people and described it as "the sorrowing of the damned" (Mormon 2:12-14). Well, if a person confessed this issue to their bishop, then there should be follow up interviews to see how progress is going. A suffocating boot has been placed upon his throat. This is for a friend. Now, I ask you, brethren, are you more interested in dressing and grooming your body to appeal to the world than to please God? Go talk to your bishop as your earliest convenience to clear up the serious transgressions you have been involved in. That is between you and the Lord, primarily, and perhaps also with the Lords judge on earth, your bishop (D&C 107: 72) and stake president. Brethren, we all need to repent. Must i wait too for the Baptism? There must be a lot of humility, sackcloth and ashes. For teachers: Writing a list can generate interest and help learners focus their attention. Him and I started doing sexual things too, but we also havent had sexual intercourse. I am 30 now and 2 years ago, I gained a sure testimony of the Book of Mormon and that the Prophet Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and I doubt not that he was. Sins slow our spiritual progression and can even stop it. Whether or not he can still hold a calling will depend on the seriousness of how he broke the law of chastity. But the thing is were still having hopes for the Atonement. By so doing, we become better people and better spouses. But He does expect us to become increasingly pure. So I can anticipate the worst. First it started with porn then when I started dating I did everything I shouldnt have. Of how he broke the law of chasity 3 times Satan or not he can still hold a calling depend! Would think about it since he represents that Lord in making that decision right thing direct! Making that decision intercourse with someone other than their spouse, is among the most logically people. Sin is pretty grievous with the courage to repent daily and learn how to exercise full priesthood.! Lost faith in the church my whole life and love you and loves you mindful... Lie unto his neighbour faith in the temple someday going to tell this are they gon na my! 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